Issue - decisions

Next Phase of Transformation

28/01/2020 - Transformation Programme 2020: Next Phase



1.    That the council’s refreshed transformation programme be agreed.


2.    That the investment required to deliver improved outcomes and financial benefits through transformation will be considered as part of the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) report to Cabinet (28/01/20) and Council (04/02/20) be noted. 


Reason for decision:


The transformation programme, stretching across all aspects of the council’s work, will help to ensure we are enabling better lives and a better place, improving the quality of residents’ lives and reducing the inequality in life expectancy that exists across the county. It will enable the council to respond proactively and effectively to the complex and rapidly changing context we are working in. The programme will also make a significant contribution to achieving the financial sustainability required so that the council can deliver priorities for residents within available resources.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Resources and Performance Select Committee]