Issue - decisions

Annual Procurement Forward Plan for Committee in Common – approval to procure Surrey led procurement projects

17/01/2020 - Annual Procurement Forward Plan for Committee in Common – approval to procure Surrey led procurement projects

The Surrey County Council Commissioning Sub-Committee:

1. Gave approval to procure for the projects listed in Annex 1 – “Annual Procurement Forward Plan for 2020/21” in accordance with Surrey County Council’s Procurement and Contract Standing Orders.


2. Agreed that where the first ranked tender for any projects listed in Annex 1 is within the +/-5% budgetary tolerance level, the relevant Executive Director, Director or Head of Service (as appropriate) is authorised to award such contracts. For contracts over £1million the SCC Commissioning Sub-Committee delegates authorisation to approve the award of contract to the relevant SCC Cabinet Portfolio holder, in alignment with the Procurement and Contract Standing Orders.


3. Agreed the procurement activity that will be returned to Committee in Common for review of the commissioning and procurement strategy prior to going out to market, and which is highlighted in grey in Annex 1.