Issue - decisions

Disbursement of Infection Control Grant Funding

16/11/2020 - Disbursement of Infection Control Grant Funding

It was agreed that SCC would utilise the £15.8m of Infection Control Fund round 2 that is due to be received as follows:


Ø  The £9.8m of funding ringfenced for care homes will be allocated to all care homes that comply with the grant conditions on a per registered bed basis.  If any care homes fail to comply with the grant conditions, their share of the funding will be added to the funding for community care providers.

Ø  The £2.8m of funding ringfenced for community care providers will be allocated to all community care providers that comply with the grant conditions.  Funding will be allocated to home care providers based on the number of FTE care workers they employ to support Surrey residents and to supported living providers based on SCC’s annual expenditure on care packages commissioned with each provider as at the 31st March 2020 (before the main impact of the COVID-19 pandemic).

Ø  The £3.2m of discretionary funding will be allocated as follows:

o    £0.7m will be paid to day care providers.  Providers will receive 83% of the ICF round 1 funding allocations they received in line with reduction in Surrey’s total ICF round 2 funding compared to round 1.

o    Funding will be paid to supported housing and organisations that provide broader ASC services in the community and who demonstrate a need for funding to support infection control.  It is estimated around £0.15m of funding will be used for this purpose.

o    A small proportion of funding will be used to cover the cost of PPE purchased by SCC and distributed to ASC services in October 2020.  It is estimated that this will be a little over £0.1m.  ASC providers should be accessing free PPE through the government’s national portal, and so from 2nd November if ASC providers place orders from SCC for PPE that SCC has purchased, SCC will charge providers for this PPE.

o    The balance of discretionary funding (likely to be around £1.9m - £2.2m) will be added to the community care ringfence and paid to community care providers.