Issue - decisions

Public Value Review - Community Partnership

28/11/2012 - Public Value Review - Community Partnership

1.               The Community Partnership Public Value Review and its recommendations (as summarised in paragraph 6 and detailed in this report) be noted.

2.               That the Cabinet Member for Community Services and the 2012 Games discuss the conclusions of the PVR report with the Local Committee Chairmen and agree how the recommendations will be taken forward.

3.               That some of the recommendations will need full Council agreement be noted.

Reason for Decisions


The aim of the Community Partnership PVR was to review the role of SCC’s Local Committees and the Community Partnership Team “to improve outcomes for residents by strengthening local democracy and placing much greater emphasis on partnership working.” (David Hodge, Leader of SCC).  


The recommendations in this report are designed to:


·        support Members in their role as community leaders and champions

·        improve decision making and speed-up processes

·        promote greater accountability and local scrutiny

·        increase the involvement of residents, local communities, businesses and partners.


The recommendations recognise that each local area is different and attempt to create flexibility within a framework, allowing each Local Committee to operate in a way which best suits the local need.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities Select Committee]