It was AGREED that the arrangements for risk assessment be agreed and adopted as part of the revised Highway Safety Inspection Policy and that the approved policy now be implemented.
1. That the adoption of Surrey Priority Network(SPN) (2013) as Surrey’s road classification for maintenance be approved and the authority be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment to approve future local adjustments to the SPN, as set out in Annex 1 of the submitted report.
2. That the revised Highway Safety Inspection Policy, as set out in Annex 1 of the submitted report, be approved, subject to the development of robust processes and systems to ensure that risks are assessed and authority to agree those processes and systems be delegated to the Strategic Director of Environment and Infrastructure and the Strategic Director of Change and Efficiency, in consultation with the Leader and Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment.
3. That the Town Centre Management agreement with Woking Borough Council be approved, and the authority be delegated to the Assistant Director Highways to finalise the agreement with Woking Borough Council according to the terms set out in Annex 1 of the submitted report.
Reasons for Decisions
These proposed changes will provide the following benefits:
· Increase the frequency of highway inspections, ensuring defects are identified sooner.
· Improve the planning of defect repairs, leading to an improved standard of repair and less repeat visits.
· Improve the overall condition of the network by carrying out larger scale repairs.
· As a consequence, improve the management of risk across the highway network.
· Enable Woking Borough Council to invest in their town centre by complementing County Council services and providing a higher level of service than the County Council would be able to provide.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Environment and Transport Select Committee]