1. That the capital expenditure relating to internal adaptation works and the creation of a single Multi Use Games Area at NESCOT (subject to receipt of competitive quotations) as detailed in the schedule of works, set out in the part 2 annex to the submitted report be approved in principle.
2. That the works are not commenced until NESCOT has entered into an Agreement for Works with SCC and NESCOT and Phab have entered into a formal Licence, the terms of which meet with SCC’s approval, and which guarantees Phab’s use and enjoyment of the new facilities for a minimum period of 20 years.
3. That approval of the final costs, when quotations have been procured, be delegated to the Chief Property Officer (Property Services), in consultation with SCC Procurement.
4. That SCC will meet NESCOT’s reasonable legal fees incurred in drawing up and agreeing with SCC an Agreement for Works, as well as Phab’s and NESCOT’s reasonable legal costs incurred in agreeing a formal long term licence to safeguard Phab’s future use of the completed facilities. The fees are not expected to exceed £10,000.
5. Officers be asked to support Phab in their efforts to secure additional external funding, in order to fund a larger outdoor games area at NESCOT.
6. Officers be asked to continue to work with Disability Challengers to support their move to NESCOT but recognising that any resources not deployed at the Edge would need to be reconsidered in the Council’s wider financial planning.