Issue - decisions

Woodhatch Masterplan

24/02/2021 - Woodhatch Masterplan



  1. That £2.025m of capital funding from existing pipeline allocations to complete the Woodhatch masterplan feasibility study and develop the scheme up to submission of the planning application be approved.


  1. That £500,000 of capital funding from existing pipeline allocations for preconstruction services from a preferred contractor to provide cost, buildability, logistics and programming advice for the development as a whole and to inform the feasibility study be approved.


  1. That £300,000 from the Feasibility Fund be approved to progress feasibility work for key worker housing and explore opportunities for further services provision.


  1. That requests to release further pipeline capital funding to enable critical early works orders are approved and proposed through the monthly budget monitoring reports to Cabinet. Further approval(s) will be required for subsequent stages of the design and main contract works. This will require additional capital programme funds and will be brought to Cabinet for approval.


  1. That approval be given to procure the appropriate supply chain partners to enable delivery of all services and works associated with the above recommendations, in accordance with the Council’s Procurement and Contract Standing Orders.


  1. With regard to procurement of supply chain partners, it be agreed that, within the +/-5% budgetary tolerance level, the Executive Director Resources and Director of Land & Property are authorised to award such contracts in consultation with the Leader.


Reason for Decision:


By approving this recommendation Surrey County Council will:

·         Reduce its future maintenance liability and replace the existing Reigate Priory School site, which is no longer fit for purpose, with a brand new 600-place junior school.

·         Make an essential contribution towards the Council’s strategic objective to expand affordable Extra Care Housing provision by 2030.

·         Support the 2020-2025 Reigate and Banstead Housing Delivery Strategy to secure the delivery of homes that can be afforded by local people and which provide a wider choice of tenure, type and size of housing.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Resources and Performance Select Committee]