Issue - decisions

Extra Care Housing - Capital Delivery

24/02/2021 - Extra Care Housing - Capital Delivery



  1. That Capital funding of £3m (Excl. VAT) for associated activities across eight sites to develop the 415 units of Extra Care Housing to the point of achieving planning approval while enabling market delivery engagement to be determined in preparation for full capital Cabinet approval at the next stage be approved.


  1. That the sites listed in the Part 2 report, to be used for Extra Care Housing accommodation be approved in principle. Business cases will be presented to Cabinet to confirm final approval for the development of these sites for Extra Care Housing.


  1. That approval be given to procure the appropriate supply chain partners to enable delivery of all services and works associated with the above recommendations, in accordance with the Council’s Procurement and Contract Standing Orders.


  1. With regard to procurement of supply chain partners, it be agreed that, within the +/-5% budgetary tolerance level, the Executive Director Resources and Director of Land & Property are authorised to award such contracts in consultation with the Leader.



Reason for Decision:


In addition to the eight sites identified, the development of Extra Care Housing set out in this paper along with the five previously approved sites will realise the Council’s strategic objective to expand affordable Extra Care Housing provision by 2030.

Capital funding of £3m is requested to undertake all preliminary design and associated surveys and investigations to demonstrate the viability of the new growth Extra Care Housing sites, seek pre-Application planning advice and undertake detailed cost planning, procure contractors and secure planning approval.  Contractors will be engaged in early works to design out risk and ensure buildability and deliverability and once appointed to complete the detailed designs. 

Following feasibility work further cabinet approval will be sought for the delivery of these sites and capital investment needed as set out the business cases for each site. 

[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Resources andPerformance Select Committee]