Issue - decisions


26/03/2021 - HIGHWAYS UPDATE

The Woking Joint Committee agreed to:

i)              Note the progress with schemes and revenue funded works for the 2020/21 financial year.

ii)             Note the budgetary position.

iii)           Note that a further Highways Update will be brought to the next meeting of this Committee.

iv)           Agree the proposed capital works programme for 2020/21, shown in Table * and as agreed at the informal meeting of the Woking Joint Committee on 10 March 2021.


v)            Agree that authority is delegated to the Area Highways Manager to allocate the £100,000 capital maintenance budget to support the implementation of the capital maintenance programme for 2021/22.


vi)           Authorise the Area Highways Manager to undertake all necessary actions to deliver the capital works programme, consulting with the Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Divisional Members where necessary.


Reasons for decisions


The decisions are made to enable progression of all highway related schemes and works.