Issue - decisions

Alternative Curriculum Pathways and Reintegration Support

31/03/2021 - Alternative Curriculum Pathways and Reintegration Support



  1. That the vision and principles of the Alternative Provision strategy are endorsed,

  2. That the developments in the previously agreed capital works to upgrade the county’s Pupil Referral Units are noted,


  1. That delegated authority to agree individual projects and resources is given to the Cabinet Member for All Age Learning and Cabinet Member for Resources and Corporate Support, subject to a detailed business case for each scheme passing through Property Panel and Capital Programme Panel is approved,


  1. That an amount of £0.5m is transferred from the current pipeline budget to begin the development of more detailed plans for individual sites.


Reason for decision:


The proposed strategy will provide a shared ambition for children, vision, and a set of principles to develop a consistent high-quality countywide AP offer. The implementation of these proposals will provide an integrated system of alternative provision focussed on supporting children and young people at an earlier stage and enabling them to remain more often in their local school provision with their friends and siblings. The systemic approach will drive improvements in outcomes for children and young people accessing alternative provision, returning them more quickly and successfully to full time education. The investment proposals will ensure that all facilities meet the minimum standards required and go further to provide environments that ensure children feel valued, support children with a broad curriculum and ensure that their emotional health and wellbeing is a priority. 

[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Children, Families, Lifelong Learning & Culture Select Committee]