Issue - decisions

Revised Minerals And Waste Development Scheme

21/07/2021 - Revised Minerals And Waste Development Scheme



1.    That Cabinet approves the proposed revised Minerals and Waste Development Scheme dated July 2021, which sets out an updated timetable in relation to the production of the Surrey Minerals and Waste Local Plan, as set out at Annex 1.

Reason for Decisions:


It is a statutory requirement to produce the MWDS and to keep it up to date. An update to the MWDS has been proposed by officers, which seeks to extend the production timeline for the new SMWLP. The extension of time will allow the first public consultation stage for the new SMWLP (Issues and Options) to commence in October 2021 (previously June 2021). This will allow consultation to commence after the summer, in the expectation that many residents may be taking the opportunity over the summer period to go on holiday. The delay will therefore enable the best possible reach of the consultation to residents.

[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]