Issue - decisions



The Local Committee (Surrey Heath) agreed that:


(i)    new / upgraded bus stop clearways throughout Surrey Heath (as shown in the Annexes to this report) are approved in consultation with local members.


(ii)   following the approval of the clearways, SCC officers write to adjacent residents and businesses to advise that the bus stop clearways have been approved by the Local Committee, and will therefore be able to be enforced.          


(iii)   any objections from adjacent residents and businesses can be addressed by delegated authority by the Local Highways Manager, or other appropriate role within the Scheme of delegation, and the Chair of the Local Committee.



Surrey Heath Local Committee agreed to the bus stop clearways at bus stops throughout Surrey Heath, to operate for 24 hours a day, Monday to Sunday. This is to ensure that all buses servicing these bus stops are able to provide passengers with step-free access at all times and ensure that there is good visibility for the bus driver to see waiting passengers as well as aiding journey time reliability. This aims to support residents to use public transport across the borough and to make the public transport offer more attractive by making it more reliable.