Issue - decisions

Economy And Growth Update Report: Delivering A Programme For Growth

27/10/2021 - Economy And Growth Update Report: Delivering A Programme For Growth



1.    That Cabinet note the update on the work undertaken to address the challenges and opportunities set out within Surrey County Council’s Economic Strategy Statement to 2030: Surrey’s Economic Future.

2.    That Cabinet acknowledges the role and contribution of the One Surrey Growth Board to the development of the economic growth future work programme set out

3.    That Cabinet agrees the forward programme of work to deliver Surrey’s Economic Future, as detailed in Annex 1.

4.    Cabinet notes that a further update will be presented to Cabinet in Spring 2022.

Reasons for Decisions:


The work programme to deliver on Surrey’s Future Economy Strategy is at an early stage of development and needs to remain agile to take advantage of current opportunities as well as responding to the challenges which are limiting the productivity and growth of the Surrey economy. Updates are presented to Cabinet to ensure the work programme remains aligned to the Council’s priorities and responsive to the needs of residents and businesses.

Since the last update to Cabinet in April 2021, the programme of work has been significantly refined and expanded to incorporate detailed and deliverable projects. A further five projects have been identified for feasibility work to deliver on the objectives of the Strategy. Approval is sought from Cabinet to agree the updated work programme to reflect the addition of the five new projects detailed in section 21 of this report.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee]