Issue - decisions

Children's Health, Wellbeing and Safeguarding Plan

27/03/2013 - Children's Health, Wellbeing and Safeguarding Plan 2013 / 2014

1.       That the approach to supporting Children, Young People and Families’ Health and Wellbeing, as set out in the plan submitted with the report, be approved.


2.       That the publication of the Children’s Health, Wellbeing and Safeguarding plan be agreed. (Annex 1 of the submitted report)


3.       That the Strategic Director for Children, Schools and Families, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children and Families, can sign off any subsequent amendments to the Plan, provided there are no substantive changes.


Reasons for Decisions


To note the plan for positively supporting the health and wellbeing of children, young people and families in Surrey and to agree to delivery.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Children and Families Select Committee]