Issue - decisions

Revision To Procurement And Contract Standing Orders

28/09/2022 - Revision To Procurement And Contract Standing Orders



1.    That Cabinet gives approval to amend summary table 2.7a in the 2021 PCSO’s to update the current thresholds to ensure compliance with the World Trade Organisation (WTO) GPA (General Procurement Agreement).

2.    That Cabinet agrees to change the requirement for further approvals of contract awards over the regulated threshold to only being required when the budget is exceeded by +5%, removing further approval if the recommended contract price is below the allocated budget.

3.    That Cabinet agrees to utilise the flexibilities for sourcing the best route to market for below threshold Public Contracts Regulations (PCR) 2015 Light Touch Regime procurements (applicable to Health, Educational, Cultural and Social Care related service procurements).

4.    That Cabinet delegates authority to the Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Director of Resources for future changes to the regulatory thresholds specified in table 2.7a to be made in accordance with the WTO GPA thresholds without submitting to Cabinet / Council.

5.    That Cabinet agrees to the removal of the requirement to register and maintain contracts over £5k and to increase this to £25k. This specifically relates to the uploading of contracts onto the procurement contracts database. Procurement is responsible for sourcing contracts over the value of £25K and therefore all contracts below this level are registered and maintained by the service. This amendment does not change any of the controls or the method/process of how we compliantly source the good/services.

Reasons for Decisions:


·         Care related services falling below the Light Touch Regime threshold have greater flexibility in procurement delivery methods whilst still ensuring value for money is secured.

·         Providing delegated authority to amend table 2.7a in line with regulatory thresholds will negate the need for Cabinet / Council approval whenever they are updated.

·         The revisions will ensure that the Procurement and Contract Standing Orders (PCSO’s) are current and in line with the latest government legislation and internal practice to enable procurement efficiency and compliance.


(The decisions on this item can be called-in by the Resources and Performance Select Committee)