Issue - decisions

Medium Term Financial Plan 2013 - 2018

27/03/2013 - Medium Term Financial Plan 2013 - 2018



1.    That the detailed service revenue and capital budgets for the years 2013-18, including amendments resulting from government funding changes announced after the 2013/14 budget be approved (Annex 1of the submitted report).

2.    That the publication of the detailed service revenue and capital budgets as set out in the 2013-18 Medium Term Financial Plan be approved.

3.    That the lower capital government grant to support the schools basic need programme be noted and the additional use of £2m internal or external borrowing in 2013/14 and 2014/15 be approved.

4.    That the fees and charges approved under delegated powers be endorsed and other fee and charge proposals, as set out in Annex 2 of the submitted report, be approved.

5.    That the Public Health Equalities Impact Assessment be brought back to the next Cabinet meeting on 23 April 2013.

Reasons for Decisions


The 2013 – 18 MTFP is a five year budget that is aligned to the corporate and directorate strategies. It reflects assumptions about the current local and national financial, economic and political environment. Regular reporting through the year will enable progress to be effectively tracked and managed.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by The Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee]