Issue - decisions

Monthly Budget Monitoring Report

25/06/2013 - Budget Monitoring Forecast 2013/14 (Period Ending May 2013]

1.       That the forecast revenue budget underspend for 2013/14, as set out inAnnex 1, page 2 of the submitted report be noted.


2.       That the forecast ongoing efficiencies and service reductions achieved by year end, as set out in Annex 1, page 12 of the submitted report be noted.


3.       That the forecast capital budget position for 2013/14, as set out in Annex 1, page 13 of the submitted report be noted.


4.       That management actions to mitigate overspends, as set out throughout Annex 1 of the submitted report be noted.


5.       That the in year virement of £757,661 from the Central HR Training Budget to most services that have service specific training budget allocations for 2013/14  as set out in Annex 1, page 3 of the submitted report be approved.


6.       That the re-profiling of -£2.5m capital budget carry forwards to 2013/14 as set out in Annex 1, page 13 of the submitted report be confirmed.


7.       That the use of Fire Capital Grant to fund vehicle and equipment replacement as set out in Annex 1, page 13 of the submitted report be approved.


Reason for Decisions


To comply with the agreed strategy of providing a monthly budget monitoring report to cabinet for approval and action as necessary.


[The decisions on this item may be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee]