Issue - decisions

Council's Approach to Innovation - update report


1.         The good progress made so far to strengthen the Council’s innovation capacity and capability, including the achievements and learning from the first six months of the Council’s approach - called “Shift” - to accelerate and systematise innovation be acknowledged.


2.         It be agreed to continue developing and implementing the “Shift” approach to innovation over the medium term planning period.


3.         Following the review by the Investment Panel on 24 June 2013, the use of up to £0.3m from the Invest to Save Fund in 2013/14 and up to a maximum of £0.6m per year until 2016/17 to fund the “Shift” programme be approved.


4.         The Strategic Director for Business Services, in consultation with the Leader and Cabinet Member for Business Services, continue to develop and implement the “Shift” approach using Invest to Save Funding as required to support this, reviewing progress and plans six monthly.


Reason for decisions

To further refine and strengthen the Council’s approach to innovation over the medium term so it can exploit new opportunities, navigate significant challenges and achieve improved outcomes and value for money for Surrey’s residents.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee]