1. The Statutory Notice stating the Governing Body’s intention to extend the upper age limit of Grayswood Church of England Infant School be determined, such that the school becomes a one form entry (1FE) primary school with a published admission number (PAN) of 30 and a total of 210 primary places.
2. The proposal to be moderated such that the expansion is brought forward by one year and be implemented on 1 September 2014, rather than 1 September 2015 be approved.
3. The upper age limit of Grayswood Church of England Infant School increase from Year 2 (age 6+) to Year 3 (age 7+) on 1 September 2014 be agreed.
4. The age range to extend by a further year each subsequent year from 1 September 2015 until the upper age limit is Year 6 (age 10+) be agreed.
5. The Governing Body of Grayswood Church of England Infant School implement the proposal, with funding for the building provided by Surrey County Council be agreed.