· That the next steps for each of the public service transformation strands, as outlined within the report and Annex 1 submitted, be agreed and the final partnership endorsed business cases for each of the individual projects be brought back to Cabinet as they are ready.
· That the broad approach and methodology taken for the cost benefit analyses and the business cases based on this methodology be agreed.
· That it be noted that £10m of efficiencies relating to Surrey County Council services’ element of the public service transformation programme is included in the council’s Medium Term Financial Plan(2014-19) from 2015/16 onwards and that progress towards delivery of these efficiencies will be monitored using the same mechanism agreed for all MTFP(2014-19) efficiencies.
· That the Health and Wellbeing Board and the Cabinet Member for Public Health and Health and Wellbeing Board as co-chairman, be authorised to sign-off the ‘draft’ Surrey Better Care Fund plan for submission to NHS England.
· That Surrey County Council commit an ‘invest to save’ funding of £300,000 for additional resources as outlined in paragraph 29 of the report submitted, covering the period to March 2016.
· That the Chief Executive be asked to work with partners to bring forward proposals for effective and appropriate governance arrangements.
Reasons for decisions
Partners in Surrey believe that working together more effectively will enable services to be transformed so as to give better value to Surrey residents.
The council is working closely with partners to develop its plans for public service transformation in Surrey, which forms a key part of its overall strategy to improve services and outcomes as well as delivery of its medium term financial strategy. Significant progress has been made towards the ambitions of the County Council and its partners, providing a strong basis for further development of both the business cases and implementation plans.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview & Scrutiny Committee]