ePetition details

Mixnams Lane KT16

We the undersigned petition Surrey County Council to Apply The Highways Act X1 1980 to the owners of Mixnams Lane KT16 to make permanent repairs to the road bringing the road to highways standard and include adequate drainage to cope with the regular flooding which causes the road to break up annually to a dangerous state of repair, Causing much damage to vehicles to vehicles due to pot holes under water.

Mixnams Lane is the only route on and off the Island and access to 500+ Ratepaying homes it also supports a bus service which has at least 36 bus movements per day + delivery vehicles, care workers and many other essential services. This road has suffered these problems for many years and it gets worse each autumn / winter. The above highways act gives SCC the power to enforce repairs, we call on the council to carry out its duty of care to its residents.

Started by: Alan Baldwin (Penton Park Residents Association)

This ePetition ran from 20/05/2024 to 10/09/2024 and has now finished.

204 people signed this ePetition.