ePetition details

Introduce a 7.5 ton weight limit on Redhill Road, Cobham

We the undersigned petition Surrey County Council to Introduce a 7.5 ton weight limit on Redhill Road, Cobham

Residents are constantly disturbed and inconvenienced by HGV drivers sleeping in cabs both during the day and overnight. The waste they leave behind in unacceptable and a weight limit will force them to seek alternative designated HGV parks such as Cobham Services and not use residential streets. Planning Inspectors recently dismissed an appeal, and the company currently using a site on this road as an HGV park have been forced to find an alternative site. We want our leafy country road back for our enjoyment not as a lorry park. The weight limit will achieve this.

Started by: Mr Peter Harman

This ePetition ran from 01/05/2021 to 06/07/2021 and has now finished.

29 people signed this ePetition.

Council response

This petition has met the relevant criteria to be considered by the Local Committee (Elmbridge). This will be presented to the Local Committee on Wednesday 14 July at 4pm which will be held at Elmbridge Civic Centre, High Street, Esher. The Committee will consider the petition and the officer response at the meeting. The officer response and the agenda for the meeting will be available via this link https://mycouncil.surreycc.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=156&MId=8066&Ver=4 Depending on the Covid restrictions at the time the number of public able to attend the meeting may be limited. We will endeavour to webcast the meeting, via our website, but this may not be possible. If you wish to attend please contact nicola.morris@surreycc.gov.uk in the week before the meeting.

The petition was considered at the meeting on 14 July, the Committee agreed to add a parking restriction to prohibit the parking of HGVs in Redhill Road overnight to the current parking review. An appropriate weight limit and times are to be agreed. Further details can be found in the minutes https://mycouncil.surreycc.gov.uk/documents/g8066/Printed%20minutes%20Wednesday%2014-Jul-2021%2016.00%20Elmbridge%20Local%20Committee.pdf?T=1

The progress of the parking review, including the opportunity for public comments and objections can be found via this link https://www.surreycc.gov.uk/roads-and-transport/parking/local-news-and-updates/elmbridge/elmbridge-parking-review-2021-22

Nicola Morris, Partnership Committee Officer