Issue details

Town Centre Revitalisation Fund


a)    Elmbridge Borough Council: Extension to Elmbridge Civic Improvement Fund (ECIF)                                                                                                                  


Approval of this bid will enable an already established and proven local grant scheme to continue to support local businesses in Elmbridge, increasing benefit to the local economy, enhancing the attractiveness of shopping centres and attracting people to use local businesses.  The ECIF extension project will be specifically targeted towards town centre shop front and streetscape improvements.


Elmbridge Borough Council have expressed a wish to continue this programme for a further two years (2016-17 and 2017-18) with a funding request of £50,000 in each year (match funded). Based upon the evaluation of value for money against successful bids in 2016-17, further consideration will be given to the allocation of further funding in following years.


The bid has received the support of the Investment Panel, the Local Committee Chairman and the officer screening panel.


The projects are considered to meet the criteria of the fund and provide sufficient match funding as set out in the Fund Prospectus in Annex 2


b)    Spelthorne Borough Council:Supporting Spelthorne Secondary Shopping Areas

Approval of this bid will provide for much needed investment in local shopping areas where there has been a lack of investment in past years, some of which are in areas of deprivation and are failing to meet the needs of the local community. Maintaining the role of smaller centres and parades in serving their local neighbourhood is a priority within the Local Plan.


The bid has received the support of the Investment Panel, the Local Committee Chairman and divisional members and the officer screening panel


The projects are considered to meet the criteria of the fund and provide sufficient match funding as set out in the Fund Prospectus in Annex 2

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 23/05/2016

Decision due: 8 Jun 2016 by Deputy Leader and Cabinet Lead for Economic Prosperity Decisions

Lead member: Deputy Leader and Cabinet Lead for Economic Prosperity

Lead director: Executive Director Community Protection, Transport and Environment

Contact: Email: Tel: 020 8541 8091.

Consultation process

Engagement and consultation led by individual local authorities to include Chambers of Commerce, local Town Management Groups, local Members


Agenda items