To seek approval from Cabinet to award contracts for the following Mental Health Services:
· One Surrey-wide First Steps contract which is an evidence based integrated emotional wellbeing, mental health promotion, prevention and anti-stigma service, for the Surrey population and also targeting areas of higher need and priority groups and
· Community Connections which are open access services to support people with mental health needs to recover and stay well in their communities. This service is in five geographical lots.
The contract(s) will be awarded for a 3 year period with the potential to extend for a further 2 years.
The intention is to award to the organisation(s) evaluated to be the most suitable while offering value for money to the Council through a competitive procurement process.
Type: Information Only
Notice of proposed decision first published: 15/09/2016
Anticipated restriction: Part exempt - View reasons
Considered on: 13 Dec 2016 by Cabinet
Lead member: Helyn Clack, Mr Mel Few
Lead director: Executive Director Health, Wellbeing and Adults
Contact: Nicola Sinnett Email: Tel: 020 8541 8746.
Key external stakeholders including Surrey CCGs, Surrey Coalition of Disabled People, service users, organisations that currently refer into and take referrals from the existing service and GPs were consulted prior to and during the procurement process