Issue details

Regional Framework for Children's Residential Provision (2018 - 2024)

Surrey has been utilising a regional framework which is due to expire in September 2018. Surrey has worked closely with 17 other local authorities to develop, and go out to tender for, the new ‘Local Authorities of the Southern Region (LASR) Flexible Framework for the provision of children’s residential care placements’. This framework is due to commence 1 August 2018. The procurement process has been led by Southampton City Council.

Approval is sought for the Council to enter into a Framework Partnership Agreement with Southampton City Council, and that delegated approval is given to the Assistant Director for Children’s Services to ‘call off’ this framework in order to place looked after children in external children’s homes, where this is deemed appropriate for the child.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 23/05/2018

Decision due: 17 Jul 2018 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Children, Tim Oliver OBE, Leader of the Council

Lead director: Executive Director Children, Families Lifelong Learning and Culture

Contact: Frank Offer, Head of Market Strategy, Tel: 020 8541 9507 Email: Tel: 020 8541 9507.

Consultation process

Providers, parents and young people consulted extensively. A live market engagement event was held in July 2017. Further market engagement took place via an interactive, online ‘Get Ready to Tender’ event in February 2018. Providers and young people will continue to be engaged and consulted as part of the annual review process.


Agenda items