Issue details

Contribution to Multi Agency Group on Homelessness during the COVID-19 pandemic

A Multi Agency Group (MAG) has been formed across Surrey County Council, District & Borough Councils, Surrey Police and other partner agency to review and address issues relating to homelessness during the COVID-19 pandemic.


This group is exploring ways to reduce homelessness and in doing so reduce the risk of spreading the virus in the community.


This includes securing suitable accommodation for both suitable social isolation for positive cases and cross sector coaching and care in the community for people with complex needs to help them settle into new accommodation and prevent a return to homelessness.


The initial costs of the work of the new MAG is estimated to be £200k for the period through until the end of March 2021.


It is proposed Surrey County Council makes a £100k contribution towards these costs.  This funding would be paid to local partner agencies and providers including housing, mental health and substance misuse via Public Health who are acting as the lead coordinator for the project.


Other funding for the work is expected to come from Office Police and Crime Commissioner and the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government via the local collaborative bids that are currently being developed.


A longer term plan and funding for this work will be reviewed based on the outcomes of the findings of this work and pilot schemes.


Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 27/07/2020

Decision due: 22 Jul 2020 by Executive Director Adult Social Care

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Adults Social Care, Public Health and Domestic Abuse

Lead director: Executive Director Adult Social Care
