Issue details

Community Recycling Centre (CRC) Policy Changes

For Cabinet to agree policy changes to Surrey CRC’s which include allowing permitted vans, pickups and trailers to be able to bring and pay for chargeable wastes at the CRC’s that currently accept chargeable wastes, agreeing that all Surrey CRC’s shall be for the use of Surrey residents only and that proof of residency will be required to gain entry to the CRCs and agreeing that the trial of the ‘Recycling Only’ CRC’s accepting residual wastes during the Coronavirus social distancing restrictions be adopted in normal operations going forward.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 27/09/2021

Decision due: 25 Jan 2022 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Environment

Lead director: Executive Director Environment, Infrastructure and Growth

Contact: Richard Parkinson Email: Tel: 020 8541 9391.

