Issue details

2022/23 Budget And Medium-Term Financial Strategy To 2026/27

That Cabinet Consider and recommend to Council the Final Budget for 2022/23 and the Medium-Term Financial Strategy to 2026/27. The report will set out the integrated approach to setting the Budget and developing the Medium-Term Financial Strategy, developed across the organisation, including Directorates Leadership Teams, Strategy, Transformation and Finance.


Decision type: Key

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 27/09/2021

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  -

Decision due: 25 Jan 2022 by Cabinet

Lead member: Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources, Tim Oliver OBE, Leader of the Council

Lead director: Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Director for Resources

Contact: Mark Hak-Sanders, Strategic Finance Business Partner Email:


A consultation and engagement approach has been agreed with the Leader and Deputy Leader / Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources, The engagement is now under way.  An update will be provided as part of the Draft Budget report, with outcomes incorporated into the Final Budget report to January Cabinet.