For Cabinet to approve a revised resolution to make a compulsory purchase order to purchase the necessary third-party land for the A320 HIF Scheme to include the making of a side roads order (and any necessary associated road orders) and make and submit such orders to the Secretary of State for confirmation.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: For Determination
Notice of proposed decision first published: 22/11/2021
Decision due: 21 Dec 2021 by Cabinet
Lead member: Matt Furniss, Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Economic Growth
Lead director: Executive Director Environment, Infrastructure and Growth
Contact: Michael Tye Tel: 07970 411115.
Consultation process
Ward Members for Chertsey St Anns, Cllr Mark Nuti, Cllr Willingale (Chair of Planning Committee) Ward Members Longcross, Lyne and Chertsey South, Cllr Donald Whyte, Cllr Sylvia Whyte Ward Members for Ottershaw Cllr Malcolm Cressey, Cllr John Olorenshaw, Cllr Nick Prescott, Cllr Marisa Heath, Cllr John Furey, West Addlestone Residents Association Chertsey South Residents Association, Brian Williams Chair of the Ottershaw Society