Issue details

Joining the Big Fostering Partnership

That Cabinet endorses Surrey County Council joining the Big Fostering Partnership from 1 April 2021, to work in collaboration with other Local Authorities to enable more children who are looked after to move from living in residential children’s homes to living with foster families and authorises spend of up to £4 million via this partnership for the period from 1 April 2022 through to September 2024.


Decision type: Key

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/01/2022

Decision due: 22 Feb 2022 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Lifelong Learning

Lead director: Executive Director Children, Families Lifelong Learning and Culture

Contact: Chris Tisdall Email: Tel: 020 8541 7567.


Engagement has taken place with the following external agencies to test the viability of the Big Fostering Partnership model for Surrey County Council, including: National Fostering Group; Big Issue Invest; Staffordshire County Council; and The National Lottery Community Fund (representing the Life Chances Fund run by the Department for Digital, Culture Media and Sport).