In anticipation of negotiations with government on a County Deal, this cabinet paper will provide an overview of what is being considered for the county’s draft Devolution proposal, how such devolved powers and freedoms would be used, what it is anticipated would be achieved and how those achievements would be assessed and measured, along with the ways in which key partners and local stakeholders are and will be engaged with to develop the proposals.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: For Determination
Notice of proposed decision first published: 28/03/2022
Decision due: 26 Apr 2022 by Cabinet
Lead member: Rebecca Paul
Lead director: Interim Executive Director for Customers and Communities
Contact: Sarah Richardson Email: Tel: 07971 091475.
District and Borough Councils, Health partners including NHS Surrey Heartlands ICP, Representatives of Town and Parish Councils, the Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector (VCFS), Surrey University, Surrey Police, Surrey Business leaders, Surrey MPs.