Issue details

A Housing, Accommodation And Homes Strategy For Surrey

It is recommended that Cabinet

  • approve and adopt the Housing, Accommodation and Homes Strategy for Surrey
  • continue to work with partners on the delivery of the multi-agency strategic priorities for action
  • agree that the progress made with the Housing, Accommodation and Homes Strategy for Surrey Cabinet be overseen by the One Surrey Growth Board and, subject to further consideration, the Surrey Delivery Board, and reported in to Cabinet on an annual basis.


Decision type: Key

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 28/12/2022

Decision due: 28 Mar 2023 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Lifelong Learning

Lead director: Interim Executive Director for Customers and Communities

Contact: Michael Coughlin, Interim Head of Paid Service Email: Tel: 01932 795526.


The preparation of the Housing, Accommodation and Homes Strategy for Surrey has involved extensive work and consultation with a wide range of partner agencies, including District and Borough Councils (Leaders, Cabinet members for Housing and Planning, Chief Executives and officers), Registered Social Landlords, Housing developers, businesses, Homes England and DLUHC.