Cabinet is asked to consider the final report and supporting information and confirm their decision(s) with regards to the recommendations that will be detailed in the report.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: For Determination
Notice of proposed decision first published: 28/04/2023
Decision due: 27 Jun 2023 by Cabinet
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Adults and Health
Lead director: Joint Executive Director Adult Social Care & Integrated Commissioning
Contact: Chris Weatherley-Hastings, Area Director - Service Delivery Email: Tel: 07816 078850.
People who live in Arundel House and on the Arundel House site
People living in the community, supported by staff from Arundel House
Families and advocates of people supported by Arundel House
Crispin Blunt, MP
Reigate and Banstead Borough Councillors for Banstead Village
Reigate and Banstead Borough Council
Action for Carers
Age UK
Alzheimer’s Society
Banstead MENCAP
Care Quality Commission
Catalyst Support
CEO Epsom and St Helier NHS Trust
Church of England Guildford
First Community Health
Learning Disability and Autism Partnership Board
Local GPs
Local Valuing People Group
NHS East Clinical Commissioning Group
NHS Surrey Heartlands (integrated care system executive meeting members, including acute hospital leads)
Residents of Surrey (Surrey Says)
Sight for Surrey
South East Coast Ambulance Service
Surrey Care Association
Surrey Choices
Surrey Coalition of Disabled People
Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Surrey Independent Living Charity
Surrey Minority Ethnic Forum
Unison and GMB