Issue details

SEND Capital Programme: Guildford County School SEN Unit Project Budget

It is recommended that the Cabinet Member:


1.    Approval of the use of £3.33m of the total approved SEND Capital budget of £180.4m for 2023/24 to 2027/28 for Guildford County’s new mainstream SEN Unit for the final scheme.

2.    Give approval to enter into any associated legal documentation to facilitate the contract award and project delivery.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/01/2024

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  -

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Lifelong Learning

Lead director: Executive Director Children, Families Lifelong Learning and Culture

Contact: Steve Tanner, Interim Assistant Director Additional Needs and Disability Transformation.


In line with Statutory Consultation for Making significant changes to an open academy : Parents, Carers, School Staff, School Governors, local schools, Department for Education, Local Voluntary and Charitable Organisations for children with additional needs and disabilities, Parent Carer Forum, District, Borough & County Councillors, Divisional Members, Trusts, Unions and other Local Authorities.


In line with statutory Planning Consultation for Land and Property development (Guildford Borough Council Planning Authority): Reg 3, General Public, Neighbours, Key Consultees.