The Cabinet at its meeting of 25 September 2012 agreed that the Strategic Director for Change and Efficiency (now Strategic Director for Business Services), having ensured formal agreement in writing with the Leader and Cabinet Member for Change and Efficiency (now Business Services), the Cabinet Member for Assets and Regeneration Programmes and the Cabinet Member for Children and Learning (now Schools and Learning) and the S151 officer, authorise the award of future schools capital construction contracts, above £500k in value, where a mini-competition procedure has been followed under a Framework Agreement previously approved by Cabinet. It was agreed that this authorisation would be formally minuted and the S151 Officer would retain the paperwork.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Deleted
Divisions affected: Caterham Hill;
Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/10/2013
Scrutiny Committee: Council Overview & Scrutiny Committee;