Cabinet at its meeting of 25 September 2012 agreed that the Strategic Director for Change and Efficiency (now Strategic Director for Business Services), having ensured formal agreement in writing with the Leader and Cabinet Member for Change and Efficiency (now Business Services), the Cabinet Member for Children and Learning (now Schools and Learning) and the S151 officer, authorise the award of future schools capital construction contracts, above £500k in value, where a mini-competition procedure has been followed under a Framework Agreement previously approved by Cabinet. It was agreed that this authorisation would be formally minuted and the S151 Officer would retain the paperwork.
For both Hurst Park Primary School and Stamford Green Primary School, there is an approved funding allocation in the Medium Term Financial Plan 2014-2019, to fund the provision of additional places. Both projects are in the second Tranche of the Education Basic Needs Programme. This report recommends approval to award contracts for the implementation of the main construction works. The additional school places are needed by September 2015 to meet an increase in pupil numbers. The award of these contracts will enable the works to be completed on time.
This record formally confirms that a meeting was held under the above delegated Authorities on 26 August 2014, at which the award of the contracts for main construction works at Hurst Park Primary School and Stamford Green Primary School was approved as recommended in the submitted confidential contract award report.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Expenditure > £500,000;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 27/01/2014
Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt - View reasons
Contact: Email: Tel: 020 8541 9785.
The Leader of the Council, Cabinet Members for Business Services and Assets & Regeneration Programmes and Schools and Learning, S151 officer – all to be consulted and give written agreement prior to contract award