Declarations of interest for agenda item 'DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST'
- John O'Reilly - Non Pecuniary - Regarding item 5: 2022/23 Final Budget and Medium-Term Financial Strategy to 2026/27:
John O’Reilly declared a non-pecuniary interest noting that his father received social care support from the Council.
- Keith Witham - Non Pecuniary - Regarding item 5: 2022/23 Final Budget and Medium-Term Financial Strategy to 2026/27:
Keith Witham declared a non-pecuniary interest noting that his stepdaughter was an employee of the Council in the Finance department.
- Nick Darby - Non Pecuniary - Regarding item 5: 2022/23 Final Budget and Medium-Term Financial Strategy to 2026/27:
Nick Darby declared a non-pecuniary interest noting that his daughter was an employee of the Council.
- Rachael Lake BEM - Non Pecuniary - Regarding item 5: 2022/23 Final Budget and Medium-Term Financial Strategy to 2026/27:
Rachael Lake declared a non-pecuniary interest noting that her son was an employee of Surrey County Council (the Council); and that her daughter had in the past and may in the future work with an organisation that works with the Council.
- Tim Oliver OBE - Non Pecuniary - Tim Oliver declared a non-pecuniary interest regarding item 12: Appointment of Independent Member to the Audit and Governance Committee, noting that he was involved in Terry Price’s appointment to a similar position at Elmbridge Borough Council and noted that he was the Chair of trustees at Esher Sixth Form College and Terry Price was the Chair of the member board.