Outside body

Ashtead Common Consultative Committee


The City of London protects and manages, by charitable trust, almost 11,000 acres of open spaces within and around the capital for the benefit of local communities and visitors. Ashtead Common, part of the seven ‘City Commons’, is a 500 acre ancient wooded common with over 2,300 ancient oak pollards located in north-east Surrey. The site has been part of the Epsom and Ashtead Commons Site of Special Scientific Interest since 1955 due to its rich community of breeding birds. It has also been a National Nature Reserve since 1995 due to the decaying wood of ancient trees and the rare invertebrates that live in it. The site includes two ancient Scheduled Monuments - a Roman villa and a triangular earthwork. The Ashtead Common Consultative Committee provides a forum for local residents and users to comment upon the management of the Common.


Website: http://democracy.cityoflondon.gov.uk/mgCommitteeDetails.aspx?ID=141



Contact information


City of London Corporation
PO Box 270

Website: https://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/things-to-do/green-spaces/ashtead-common

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