Outside body

Watts Gallery - Limnerslease Management Committee


To review the care, promotion and development of Limnerslease house and west wing to preserve the Watts legacy and offer public benefit and to meeting the terms of the loan from Surrey County Council.

The Limnerslease Management Committee is to review the progress on the development of Limnerslease as a public heritage site and review its delivery in terms of the agreed terms of the Surrey County Council loan:

-          providing education and promote art for the benefit of the public by the establishment and maintenance of the Watts Art Gallery;

-          advance the education of the public in the subject of art; and

-          preserve for the benefit of the public the Watts Art Gallery and its grounds as a building of historic, architectural or constructional interest.

Website: http://www.wattsgallery.org.uk/en-gb/


Contact information

Email: info@wattsgallery.org.uk

Watts Gallery
Down Lane

Our representatives