Outside body

Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (SASH) Council of Governors


Governors have an important role to play and make a contribution to how we deliver services. They work with, and represent, the members of their constituency and oversee the activities of the Trust. Governors are volunteers and unpaid, and are expected to attend the majority of Council of Governors meetings. These are held four or five times a year in the evening. Governors are also expected to attend training, sub-committee meetings, community engagement events, as well as the annual members’ meeting held each September.

Other roles include:
–  Approve the appointment of the chief executive
–  Hold non-executive directors to account for the performance of the Trust Board of directors
–  Help the Trust recruit a representative membership
–  Represent the interests of the members

Website: https://www.surreyandsussex.nhs.uk/ft/governors/



Contact information

Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Canada Avenue

Phone: 01737 768511

Our representatives