The Thames Basin Heaths, which covers parts of Surrey, Hampshire and Berkshire, is a rare example of lowland heathland. It is home to three important bird species, and protected by international law as a 'Special Protection Area' (SPA). The heaths, and the birds that nest and breed there, are easily disturbed by people and their pets.
The Local Authorities that surround the SPA, along with the Regional Assembly (now disbanded) and other partners, have established the Thames Basin Heaths Joint Strategic Partnership (JSP) to plan for the long term protection of the SPA in a consistent and co-ordinated way.
The Board is advised by a number of bodies including Natural England, Berkshire Joint Strategic Planning Unit, Defence Infrastructure Organisation, Forestry Commission, Federation of Master Builders, Open Spaces Society, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds and Wildlife Trusts in the South East.
The current work of the Partnership is based around the co-ordination of three areas of work:
· Agreeing a Delivery Framework for the long-term protection of the SPA
· Agreeing an approach to the Strategic Access Management and Monitoring
· On site management
Email: or Email:
Thames Basin Heaths Joint Strategic Partnership Bo
Surrey Heath Borough Council
Knoll Road
GU15 3HD