Issue - meetings


Meeting: 02/11/2022 - Adults and Health Select Committee (Item 41)


Purpose of the report: This report provides the Adults and Health Select Committee with an overview of the progress made with the delivery of the Adult Social Care’s Accommodation with Care and Support Strategy.

Additional documents:



Liz Uliasz – Deputy Director for Adult Social Care

Adrian Watson – Programme Director, Adult Social Care (Land & Property)

Simon Montgomery – Senior Programme Manager for Accommodation with Care and Support Strategy

Kirsty Gannon-Holmes – Senior Commissioning Manager for Mental Health

Anna Waterman – Head of Commissioning for Disabilities

Maria Millwood, Board Director – Healthwatch Surrey

Dan Stoneman – Head of Commissioning Older People)


Key points raised during the discussion:

  1. The Senior Programme Manager presented slides which provided context to the item (Annex 1) and highlighted the importance of the Accommodation with Care and Support Strategy (AwCSS) in integrating residents into the community and having fulfilled lives.


  1. The Chairman asked whether the views received in the consultation about sharing with others were expected. The Senior Programme Manager explained that the views varied dependent on the client group. For those with learning disabilities, it was emphasised that they wanted the choice of living alone or living with others. The shared occupancy option would have facilities for social workers to be present for those with higher needs. In terms of those with mental health issues, single occupancy accommodation would be prioritised as per the views of the consultation.



  1. A Member queried whether the pandemic had an impact on the progress of the AwCSS and asked about any measures taken to overcome such challenges. The Programme Director explained that the pandemic had minimal effect on the early-stage planning of the programme, as they were still in the preparation stage and conducting due diligence. The greatest impact was on the Pond Meadow site, as procurement of the project was delayed. Acceleration and identification of pipeline sites had continued to take place and the programme was on track to achieve agreed targets. Additional resources to enable this had been secured. In terms of Adult Social Care (ASC) support, the pandemic limited the ability to fully support residents in their new accommodation.


  1. A Member enquired about the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on the programme. The Programme Director shared that the rising inflation and increased costs had impacted the cost of construction. Although, financial planning and pre-market testing had included appropriate provision for construction-related inflation. The impact on extra care housing was not known yet. The Senior Programme Manager added that supported independent living was for those with eligible care needs and extra care housing was trying to increase the availability of affordable housing in the sector.


  1. In response to a question on the AwCSS’s contribution to the delivery of Surrey Community Vision for 2030, the Senior Programme Manager explained that currently there was too much reliance on residential care which limited independence, especially for those with learning disabilities and autism (LD&A). Therefore, the Strategy linked to empowering communities and tackling health inequalities, as well ensuring no one was left behind. The Deputy Director added that for those with mental health needs, the Strategy involved helping them back into employment and independent living.


  1. A Member asked about the affordability of the accommodation. The Programme  ...  view the full minutes text for item 41