Katharine Newman, Intelligence Officer Healthwatch
Key points
made during the discussion:
- Healthwatch Surrey
provided a presentation on Discharge to Assess insights and
- The Chairman asked
where people could find the hospital guide for carers. The
Healthwatch Surrey Intelligence Officer explained that the
carers’ hospital guide could be found on the Action for
Carers Surrey Website, and it was practical guide on the support
carers were entitled to when the person they cared for were being
discharged from hospital.
- A Member raised that
there did not always seem to be a continuity in communication
between the hospitals and carers. The Healthwatch Surrey
Intelligence Officer explained that the discharge team should be
communicating with the carer and managing people’s
expectations on what would be available to them.
- The Executive
Director for Adults Health and Wellbeing Partnerships (AW&HP)
provided the committee with Surrey-related data. Based on a survey
in 2022/23, 69.5% of carers felt included in discussions on
discharge, against a national average of 64%. The re-launched
jointly produced Surrey Carers Strategy was prioritising carers
with significant co-production work to ensure that the position
would be improved.
- A Member asked if
Healthwatch Surrey had received any feedback from the cloud
telephony system in GP surgeries. The Healthwatch Surrey
Intelligence Officer explained that where it was working it was
working well but there were still some areas where people were
having difficulty.
- To ensure that
language used for automatic responses reflects a friendlier
[Item 7]
Mark Nuti, Cabinet
Member for Health, Wellbeing and Public Health
Helen Coombes,
Executive Director for Adults, Wellbeing and Health Partnerships
Paul Morgan, Head of
Continuing Care
Lorna Hart, ICS
Development Director- Surrey Heartlands Health and Care
Gareth Howells,
Director of Delivery (East Surrey Place)
Malin Farnsworth,
Consultant- Surrey Downs Health & Care Partnership
Christopher Sin Chan,
Frailty Consultant- Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS
Sue Tresman,
Independent Carers Lead
Key points
raised during the discussion:
- A Member asked how
Surrey Heartlands ICS had made improvements to streamlining access
to care and advice for frail and elderly residents, providing more
proactive and personalised care. The ICS Development Director
explained that each of Surrey Heartlands ICS places had a model of
care that encompassed discharge to assess, which included access to
information, communication, and engagement with communities. Surrey
County Council (SCC) had been forthright in bringing together
information for all carers. The carers partnership forum, chaired
by the Surrey Independent Carers Lead for Surrey Heartlands ICS,
was bringing together carers from across Surrey Heartlands ICS and
promoting their voice, and the voice of patients.
- The Director of
Delivery (East Surrey Place) explained that a lot of work had been
completed in the past year around Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS
Trust’s ‘let’s get you home’ campaign. This
campaign would start with providing consistent information to
patients and carers on what to expect during hospital stays and
after. There ...
view the full minutes text for item 7