Venue: Ashcombe Suite, County Hall, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2DN. View directions
Contact: James Stanton 020 8541 9068 Email:
Note: A recording of this meeting can be viewed at
No. | Item |
Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Ms Denise Le Gal. |
The minutes will be available in the meeting room half an hour before the start of the meeting. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 25 September 2012 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman. |
To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests from Members in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting.
Notes: · In line with the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012, declarations may relate to the interest of the member, or the member’s spouse or civil partner, or a person with whom the member is living as husband or wife, or a person with whom the member is living as if they were civil partners and the member is aware they have the interest. · Members need only disclose interests not currently listed on the Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests. · Members must notify the Monitoring Officer of any interests disclosed at the meeting so they may be added to the Register. · Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest. Minutes: There were no delcarations of interest |
Members' Questions
The deadline for Member’s questions is 12pm four working days before the meeting (17 October 2012).
Minutes: There were no Members’ questions. |
Public Questions
The deadline for public questions is seven days before the meeting (16 October 2012).
Minutes: There were no public questions. |
The deadline for petitions was 14 days before the meeting. No petitions have been received.
Decision: A petition containing 502 signatures was presented by Mrs Lynne Bates in opposition to the proposal for a visitors’ centre to support the National Magna Carta 800th Anniversary Celebrations. It was agreed that the points raised by the petition would be considered during the discussion of agenda item 10 (Support National Magna Carta 800th Anniversary Celebrations) and a written response would be sent to the lead petitioner. Minutes: A late request had been received to present a petition at the meeting. The Chairman agreed that the petition would be considered as it related to a matter which was on the agenda for the meeting. The petition, which contained 502 signatures, was presented by Mrs Lynne Bates in opposition to the proposal for a visitors’ centre to support the National Magna Carta 800th Anniversary Celebrations. Mrs Bates addressed the Cabinet on the objections contained within the petition, relating to the design and scale of the proposed visitors’ centre and its impact on the existing open space and surrounding infrastructure, and requested that the proposals be scaled back to a temporary or lower cost structure.
It was agreed that the points raised by the petition would be considered during the discussion of Minute Item 145/12 (Support National Magna Carta 800th Anniversary Celebrations) and a written response would be sent to the lead petitioner (attached as Appendix 1 to these Minutes). |
Part 2 Representations
No representations have been received requesting that items which had been identified as likely to be held in the private part of the meeting (Part 2) should be held in public. Minutes: No representations had been received in relation to items on the agenda which were due to be discussed in private. |
Operation of Civil Parking Enforcement in Surrey PDF 22 KB
The report and recommendations from the Environment and Transport Select Committee will be considered as part of agenda item 9. Additional documents: Decision: A response to the Environment and Transport Select Committee was agreed as attached as Appendix 1. Minutes: A response to the Environment and Transport Select Committee was agreed as attached as Appendix 2 to these Minutes. |
To acknowledge and discuss the success that Surrey County Council has achieved during the second quarter of 2012/13 (demonstrated by the latest available Council-wide results on customer feedback, finance, workforce and performance, the progress reports of the One County One Team People Strategy 2012/17 and the One County One Team Fairness and Respect Strategy 2012/17 and the September 2012 Leadership Risk Register).
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee] Additional documents: Decision: 1. That the Quarter Two Business Report covering Residents Survey feedback, people performance, financial stewardship and individual Directorate performance be noted. 2. That the progress made in implementing the One County One Team People Strategy 2012/17 be noted. 3. That the progress made in implementing the One County One Team Fairness and Respect Strategy 2012/17 be noted. 4. That the Leadership Risk Register as of 25 September 2012 be agreed.
Reason for Decisions
To ensure effective business management of the County Council to deliver improved outcomes and value for money for Surrey residents, ensure proper implementation of the Council’s One County One Team People Strategy 2012/17 and the One County One Team Fairness and Respect Strategy 2012/17 and proper consideration of Leadership Risk.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee] Minutes: The Cabinet acknowledged the success that Surrey County Council had achieved during the second quarter of 2012/13.
Key points highlighted by Cabinet Members included:
· The survey of residents had returned some of the highest scores so far, including 96% of those asked were satisfied with their neighbourhood as a place to live and high scores for value for money · The Superfast Broadband agreement with BT would see Surrey become the best connected county in the UK for fibre optic broadband by 2014 · Surrey’s hosting of Olympic and Tour of Britain cycling events had been a widely recognised success with an estimated one million people having lined the roads of Surrey to watch over the summer · 155 businesses had taken up the council’s offer of support to get young people into apprenticeships. The council would also be continuing its own internal apprenticeship scheme to help young people in the county · The council had developed an excellent relationship with the new clinical commissioning groups and would be continuing to support GPs in gaining NHS accreditation. Work was also continuing to integrate the wider public health role into the council’s ways of working · Surrey, working in partnership with its highways contractor May Guerney, had turned a previously poor position on road maintenance into a high performing area and done so with speed and alacrity. Key performance indicators had been met for the fifth month in a row and both council officers and May Guerney deserved to be complimented for their work · Recycling rates in the county were increasing and showed the benefits of close working with Boroughs and Districts · A tremendous job had been carried out across a range of council services to ensure that additional school places were delivered on time. The work of the Cabinet Member, Education, the individual schools, Finance, Property and others had demonstrated the shared commitment to, and benefits from, working as one team · GCSE results in Surrey had reflected the national picture with those assessed in January doing well and in some cases receiving better marks than those assessed in the summer. The council had been in contact with the Department for Education and would continue to work at the national level to ensure fairness for all Surrey students · Two community partnered libraries were now up and running and more were in progress · The Winter Service Delivery Plan had been well received and Surrey was seen to have prepared well for winter conditions.
The Chairman noted that the performance achieved by the council was the best that he had seen so far. Whilst noting that there would be no room for complacency, the Chairman paid tribute to the efforts of staff across the council and in particular the policy team.
1. That the Quarter Two Business Report covering Residents Survey feedback, people performance, financial stewardship and individual Directorate performance be noted. 2. That the progress made in implementing the One County One Team People Strategy 2012/17 be noted. 3. That the progress made in implementing ... view the full minutes text for item 141/12 |
New regulations require local authorities to re-design their schools’ funding formula on a more simplistic basis, the aim being greater national consistency. Surrey is a relatively low funded authority and in order to target funds effectively, has a relatively complex funding formula. This report recommends amendments to the council’s schools funding formula necessary to comply with the regulations and also to mitigate unavoidable turbulence at individual school level. The council is required to submit its proposed schools’ funding formula to the Education Funding Agency by 31 October 2012.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Education Select Committee] Additional documents: Decision: 1. That the proposed revisions to the schools’ formula funding factors and transitional arrangements be approved in order to comply with new legislation.
2. That the transfer of £27m of Dedicated School Grant funding from core to deprivation funding to mitigate adverse impacts on schools catering for disadvantaged groups, as supported by the Schools Forum, be approved.
3. That authority be delegated to the Assistant Director Schools & Learning, in consultation with the Leader and the Cabinet Member for Children and Learning, to update and amend the formula as appropriate following receipt of DfE autumn term pupil data in December 2012, to ensure that total allocations under the formula are affordable within current resources.
Reason for Decisions
To ensure that the council’s funding formula for schools complies with new regulations and that turbulence of funding at individual school level is minimised.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Education Select Committee] Minutes: New regulations require local authorities to re-design their schools’ funding formula on a more simplistic basis, with the aim being to ensure greater national consistency. Surrey is a relatively low funded authority and, in order to target funds effectively, has had a relatively complex funding formula. The Cabinet considered amendments to the council’s schools funding formula, to be submitted to the Education Funding Agency, necessary to comply with the regulations and also to mitigate unavoidable turbulence at individual school level.
It was noted that the reduction in funding factors that could be considered from 37 to 9 would affect Surrey’s ability to respond to local conditions. Smaller and rural schools would lose out under the new proposals and this could have a significant impact on some schools in Surrey. The Department for Education had stated that no school should lose more than 1.5% over the first two years and had indicated that it was likely that this might be extended. The Leader of the Council had written to the Secretary of State to highlight the impact that this policy could have on Surrey schools, pointing out that some schools could potentially lose 20% of their funding.
The support of local schools and the Schools Forum, who had agreed with the increase in deprivation funding and the maintenance of support for special needs provision, had been crucial to the council’s efforts to limit the negative impacts of this national policy. Local primary and secondary schools had worked together, even where this might mean that secondary schools lose some money in order to support primaries. The Leader and Cabinet Members expressed their gratitude to the Schools Forum and local schools for the way in which they had worked together on this issue.
Surrey was noted to have good schools with very well run finances. The proportion of schools running deficits was very small compared to the picture nationally. The Cabinet expressed concerns on the impact that this policy could have in the long term on some of the county’s smaller, well loved and well maintained schools. Discussions with the Department for Education would continue on this matter.
1. That the proposed revisions to the schools’ formula funding factors and transitional arrangements be approved in order to comply with new legislation.
2. That the transfer of £27m of Dedicated School Grant funding from core to deprivation funding to mitigate adverse impacts on schools catering for disadvantaged groups, as supported by the Schools Forum, be approved.
3. That authority be delegated to the Assistant Director Schools & Learning, in consultation with the Leader and the Cabinet Member for Children and Learning, to update and amend the formula as appropriate following receipt of DfE autumn term pupil data in December 2012, to ensure that total allocations under the formula are affordable within current resources.
Reason for Decisions
To ensure that the council’s funding formula for schools complies with new regulations and that turbulence of funding at individual school level is minimised. |
To note the year-end revenue and capital budget monitoring projections as at the end of September 2012.
Please note that the Annex 1 to this report will be circulated separately prior to the Cabinet meeting.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee] Additional documents: Decision: 1. That the projected revenue budget and the Capital programme direction be noted (as set out in Annex 1, Sections A and B of the report submitted).
2. That the work to agree business rates pooling with Surrey districts and boroughs (as set out in Annex 1, Section A of the report submitted) be noted and endorsed.
3. That it be agreed that the government grant changes be reflected in directorate budgets (as set out in Annex 1, Section C of the report submitted).
4. That the further quarter 2 financial information on treasury, debts reserves and balances and the Chief Financial Officer’s delegated authority to write off £305,203 of debts this quarter (as set out in Annex 1, Section D of the report submitted) be noted.
Reason for Decisions
To comply with the agreed strategy of considering budget monitoring and any necessary actions on a monthly basis.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee] Minutes: The council had set a very tough 2012/13 budget and five year Medium Term Financial Plan. In doing so it had always recognised that these challenging savings would not be easy to achieve and the council now forecast an overspending on services totalling £0.9m, or 0.05% of the total budget. This forecast was due to emerging activity and volume pressures, particularly within Adult Social Care, Children’s Services and Highways. These pressures were not preventing the council from meeting its financial plan and services continued to apply stringent management action plans to meet their budget targets.
A risk contingency provision of £9m, which the council had established as part of its sound and robust budget planning, would be used in part to off-set the forecasted service overspending. Allowing for the use of the contingency earmarked as a precaution against the costs of increased demand for services, the net forecast underspending was £3.5m, or 0.2% of the total budget.
The council’s Medium Term Financial Plan had set a target of £71.1m of savings and efficiencies for the 2012/13 financial year. A review of all efficiencies had identified a recurrent shortfall of £5.1m. The impact of this shortfall on next year’s budget was being assessed and would be presented to the Cabinet in December. Adjustments would also be made to the capital budgets for future years to reflect the early delivery of some schemes.
Cabinet Members noted the benefits of the council’s multi-year savings programme. Sound financial planning had enabled the council to meet rising demand in areas which were most affected by the recession such as children’s services and adult social care, bring forward highways maintenance schemes and meet the demands of the schools programme.
1. That the projected revenue budget and the Capital programme direction be noted (as set out in Annex 1, Sections A and B of the report submitted).
2. That the work to agree business rates pooling with Surrey districts and boroughs (as set out in Annex 1, Section A of the report submitted) be noted and endorsed.
3. That it be agreed that the government grant changes be reflected in directorate budgets (as set out in Annex 1, Section C of the report submitted).
4. That the further quarter 2 financial information on treasury, debts reserves and balances and the Chief Financial Officer’s delegated authority to write off £305,203 of debts this quarter (as set out in Annex 1, Section D of the report submitted) be noted.
Reason for Decisions
To comply with the agreed strategy of considering budget monitoring and any necessary actions on a monthly basis. |
To consider how the County Council will manage the future enforcement and administration of civil parking enforcement within Surrey. The report recommends entering into long term on-street parking agency agreements with those Districts willing to undertake the function and to formalise an oversight and monitoring role for the Local Committees.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Environment and Transport Select Committee] Decision: 1. That the introduction of new agency agreements in line with the terms specified within sections 13-18 of the report submitted be approved and the Assistant Director for Highways, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment, be authorised to finalise details and implement the new agreements.
2. That Local Committees will have an oversight and monitoring role for on-street parking enforcement within their area.
3. That the Assistant Director for Highways, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment, be authorised to enter into suitable alternative short term arrangements to ensure continuation of on-street parking enforcement in the event that such arrangements become necessary.
Reason for Decisions
To ensure the County Council effectively and efficiently manages on-street parking in Surrey.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Environment and Transport Select Committee] Minutes: The Cabinet considered proposals for how the County Council would manage the future enforcement and administration of civil parking enforcement within Surrey. Following consultation with the Boroughs and Districts it had been proposed that the County Council enter into long term on-street parking enforcement agency agreements with those councils which were willing to undertake the function. The Local Committees would be given a formal oversight and monitoring role to oversee this area. The Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment reported that each of the eleven borough and district councils in Surrey had indicated their agreement in principle with the proposed arrangements.
Much improvement had been made in the operation, management and financial viability of civil parking enforcement since the County Council first took over this responsibility from Surrey Police. Deficits in enforcement budgets had been addressed and should not resurface. The clear financial arrangements put in place should ensure that operational deficits did not return and that savings were made for residents. It was proposed that any surpluses generated would be distributed between the local committee, the enforcement agent and the County Council on the basis of a 60/20/20 split, although it was noted that this was open to negotiation.
The Chairman of the Environment and Transport Select Committee, Mr Steve Renshaw, addressed the Cabinet on the distribution of surpluses. He welcomed that the distribution split was open to negotiation but questioned the reasoning behind the proposed ratio and stated his opposition to any cross subsidy between borough and district areas. The Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment welcomed the comments which had been received from the Select Committee but disagreed with the suggestion that all surpluses should be retained entirely within the borough or district area. It was important that there was some flexibility, provided by the 20% provision, to enable assistance with general road maintenance in the county.
1. That the introduction of new agency agreements in line with the terms specified within sections 13-18 of the report submitted be approved and the Assistant Director for Highways, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment, be authorised to finalise details and implement the new agreements.
2. That Local Committees will have an oversight and monitoring role for on-street parking enforcement within their area.
3. That the Assistant Director for Highways, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment, be authorised to enter into suitable alternative short term arrangements to ensure continuation of on-street parking enforcement in the event that such arrangements become necessary.
Reason for Decisions
To ensure the County Council effectively and efficiently manages on-street parking in Surrey. |
To adopt the resolution(s) being proposed by the national Magna Carta 800th Anniversary Organising Committee to all local authorities with a direct involvement/connection with the Magna Carta 800th anniversary in 2015, to support a range of national celebratory activities and to approve in principal a £5m contribution to the funding for a new visitor centre, with £3m of additional match funding being raised externally.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities Select Committee] Decision: 1. That all recommendations in the model resolutions 1-20, which includes the proposal for a National Holiday on 15th June 2015 to celebrate the 800th anniversary, be supported and endorsed.
2. That a total £5m contribution to the funding for a new visitor centre, with £3m of additional match funding to be raised externally, be approved in principle subject to appropriate project governance and management being put in place, the agreement of which be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Community Services and the 2012 Games in consultation with the Leader of Council and the Assistant Chief Executive.
Reason for Decisions
The sealing of the Magna Carta in Runnymede is a major part of Surrey's heritage and cultural identity and the 800th anniversary will be an occasion of national and international prominence and significance. There will be strategic leadership from the County Council, working with partner organisations and stakeholders from across the County, to ensure that the focus of this celebration is Runnymede. Through the opportunity of the 800th anniversary, this important historic event will be fully promoted and celebrated for the benefit of residents and visitors now and in the future.
[The decisions on this item have been called in by the Communities Select Committee] Minutes: The sealing of the Magna Carta in Runnymede is a major part of Surrey's heritage and cultural identity. The 800th anniversary in 2015 will be an occasion of national and international prominence and significance and the County Council, working with partner organisations and stakeholders from across the county, will provide strategic leadership to ensure that the focus of this celebration is Runnymede. The opportunity of the 800th anniversary will be taken to ensure that this important historic event is fully promoted and celebrated for the benefit of residents and visitors both now and in the future.
The Cabinet considered a range of national celebratory activities proposed by the national Magna Carta 800th Anniversary Organising Committee and its support in principal for a £5m contribution to the funding of a new Magna Carta visitor centre proposed by Runnymede Borough Council. £3m of additional match funding would also need to be raised externally for the project. The visitor centre represented a real opportunity to provide a long lasting benefit to the county in terms of tourism, boosting the local economy and raising awareness of the worldwide historical significance of the area.
Cabinet Members noted the petition which had been presented earlier in the meeting and the concerns which had been raised about the potential impact of a new visitor centre. The County Council would support Runnymede Borough Council in looking to ensure that any potential negative impacts on residents and the location are minimised via the design and planning process.
1. That all recommendations in the model resolutions 1-20, which includes the proposal for a National Holiday on 15th June 2015 to celebrate the 800th anniversary, be supported and endorsed.
2. That a total £5m contribution to the funding for a new visitor centre, with £3m of additional match funding to be raised externally, be approved in principle subject to appropriate project governance and management being put in place, the agreement of which be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Community Services and the 2012 Games in consultation with the Leader of Council and the Assistant Chief Executive.
Reason for Decisions
The sealing of the Magna Carta in Runnymede is a major part of Surrey's heritage and cultural identity and the 800th anniversary will be an occasion of national and international prominence and significance. There will be strategic leadership from the County Council, working with partner organisations and stakeholders from across the County, to ensure that the focus of this celebration is Runnymede. Through the opportunity of the 800th anniversary, this important historic event will be fully promoted and celebrated for the benefit of residents and visitors now and in the future. |
To note any delegated decisions taken by the Leader, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Members since the last meeting of the Cabinet. Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet noted the delegated decisions taken by Cabinet Members since the last meeting of the Cabinet.
That the decisions taken by the Leader, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Members since the last meeting, as set out in Appendix 3 to these minutes, be noted.
Reason for Decisions
To note the decisions taken by Cabinet Members under delegated authority. |
To consider entering into an innovative contract for the provision of specialist emergency response capability and associated emergency response contingency crews. This will be funded as a one year pilot through internal reserves.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities Select Committee] Additional documents: Decision: 1. That the commencement of negotiations with the identified service provider in order to agree pilot contractual arrangements that limit, as far as reasonably practicable, the liability of the Council be approved.
2. That the allocation of funding from the Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Fund to enable the arrangement to run on a pilot basis for one year as detailed within the Part 2 annex be approved.
3. That a report be brought back to Cabinet within 6 months of the commencement of the pilot contract, assessing the costs and benefits of the arrangements, taking account of developing partnership opportunities and emerging national practice in this area.
Reason for Decisions
To enable the Surrey Fire Authority to meet the requirements laid out in legislation to enable SFRS to undertake its mission to save life, relieve suffering and protect property and the environment and have in place suitable business continuity arrangement to achieve these outcomes so far as is reasonably practicable in the event of industrial action by one or more of the relevant representative bodies, or another business continuity event.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities Select Committee] Minutes: The Fire Authority is required by law to provide a fire and rescue service and to put in place business continuity arrangements to ensure that this can continue to be provided in a range of circumstances. Surrey Fire and Rescue Service Business Continuity plans were presented to Cabinet in November 2011. Since that time the Service has been working to ensure that, as far as reasonably possible, there would be no gap in business continuity in the event of industrial action and that it could continue to undertake its mission to save life, relieve suffering and protect property.
This work had led to the development of proposals which would not only address the long standing capability gap in the event of industrial action but would also deliver additional support in terms of specialist services and equipment. The Cabinet, as the Fire Authority for Surrey, therefore considered entering into an innovative contract (the details of which were considered in private in Part 2 of the meeting) for the provision of specialist emergency response capability and the associated emergency response contingency crews. This would be funded as a one year pilot through internal reserves.
1. That the commencement of negotiations with the identified service provider in order to agree pilot contractual arrangements that limit, as far as reasonably practicable, the liability of the Council be approved.
2. That the allocation of funding from the Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Fund to enable the arrangement to run on a pilot basis for one year as detailed within the Part 2 annex be approved.
3. That a report be brought back to Cabinet within 6 months of the commencement of the pilot contract, assessing the costs and benefits of the arrangements, taking account of developing partnership opportunities and emerging national practice in this area.
Reason for Decisions
To enable the Surrey Fire Authority to meet the requirements laid out in legislation to enable SFRS to undertake its mission to save life, relieve suffering and protect property and the environment and have in place suitable business continuity arrangement to achieve these outcomes so far as is reasonably practicable in the event of industrial action by one or more of the relevant representative bodies, or another business continuity event. |
That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information under the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act. Minutes: RESOLVED:
That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information under the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act. |
This is an Annex to agenda item 12. It has been circulated with Part 2 of this agenda as it sets out proposed contract details.
Exempt: Not for publication under paragraph 3
Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities Select Committee] Decision: 1. That the proposed pilot contractual arrangements be approved as detailed within the Part 2 annex.
2. That the redirection of funding from the Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Fund be approved to enable the arrangement to run on a pilot basis for one year commencing January 2013.
Reason for Decisions
The provision of contingency crewing has proved to be problematic for most Fire and Rescue Authorities, due to both the cost and the quality of service being offered. The delivery of this provision as an integral part of the provision of specialist rescue capability is an innovative approach which offers the potential to explore income generating possibilities in the future.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities Select Committee]
Minutes: Further to the item considered in Part 1 of the meeting (minute reference: 147/12), the Cabinet considered the contractual and financing arrangements for the provision of contingency crewing and specialist rescue capability pilot.
1. That the proposed pilot contractual arrangements be approved as detailed within the Part 2 annex.
2. That the redirection of funding from the Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Fund be approved to enable the arrangement to run on a pilot basis for one year commencing January 2013.
Reason for Decisions
The provision of contingency crewing has proved to be problematic for most Fire and Rescue Authorities, due to both the cost and the quality of service being offered. The delivery of this provision as an integral part of the provision of specialist rescue capability is an innovative approach which offers the potential to explore income generating possibilities in the future. |
Woking Priority Homes
The County Council owns land south of Woking known as the Westfield Smallholding Estate. The County Council has received a request from Woking Borough Council to enter into discussions to make available part of the Estate in order to implement a PFI Project, known as Woking Priority Homes, which will create a significant number of affordable homes. The Cabinet is asked to confirm its support for the Woking Priority Homes project and the process for the disposal of the land. Decision: That the commitment to working with Woking Borough Council to deliver the Woking Priority Homes Project by entering into legal agreements that will commit the County Council to sell land at Moor Lane, Woking at a sum that accords with its statutory requirement under S123 Local Government Act 1972, subject to final approval by the Strategic Director for Change and Efficiency in consultation with the Leader, be confirmed.
Reason for Decisions
To achieve a sale of land in support of the County Councils Medium Term Financial Plan and provide support to Woking Borough Council’s Woking Priority Homes Project.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee] Minutes: The County Council owns land south of Woking known as the Westfield Smallholding Estate. The County Council had received a request from Woking Borough Council to enter into discussions to make available part of the Estate in order to implement a PFI Project, known as Woking Priority Homes, which will create a significant number of affordable homes.
That the commitment to working with Woking Borough Council to deliver the Woking Priority Homes Project by entering into legal agreements that will commit the County Council to sell land at Moor Lane, Woking at a sum that accords with its statutory requirement under S123 Local Government Act 1972, subject to final approval by the Strategic Director for Change and Efficiency in consultation with the Leader, be confirmed.
Reason for Decisions
To achieve a sale of land in support of the County Councils Medium Term Financial Plan and provide support to Woking Borough Council’s Woking Priority Homes Project. |
To consider whether the item considered under Part 2 of the agenda should be made available to the Press and public. Minutes: RESOLVED:
That non-exempt information relating to the Surrey Fire and Rescue Service Specialist Rescue and Contingency Capability and Woking Priority Homes items considered in Part 2 of the meeting may be made available to the press and public as appropriate. |