Venue: Ashcombe Suite, County Hall, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2DN. View directions
Contact: James Stanton 020 8541 9938 Email:
No. | Item |
Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Mr Michael Gosling and from Cabinet Associates Mr Steve Cosser and Mrs Clare Curran. |
The minutes will be available in the meeting room half an hour before the start of the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 25 June 2013 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman. |
To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests from Members in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Additional documents: |
The deadline for Members’ questions was 12pm four working days before the meeting (17 July 2013). Additional documents: Decision: Three questions had been received from a Member. The questions and responses were tabled and are attached as Appendix 1. Minutes: Three questions had been received from a Member. The questions and responses were tabled and are attached as Appendix 1 to these Minutes.
Mr Jonathan Essex (Redhill East) asked a supplementary question relating to the evidence base on which council officers had based their professional judgement on this matter. It was agreed that the Assistant Director, Environment would provide a response in writing, noting that any commercially sensitive information would not be included. |
The deadline for public questions was seven days before the meeting (16 July 2013).
Additional documents: Decision: Six questions had been received for the meeting from members of the public. The questions and responses were tabled and are attached as Appendix 2. Minutes: Six questions had been received for the meeting from members of the public. The questions and responses were tabled and are attached as Appendix 2 to these Minutes.
The following supplementary questions were asked:
· Mr Malcolm Robertson stated concerns about air pollution and potential risk of fire and asked that the plans for an Eco Park be abandoned. The Chairman advised that the points raised would be covered in the discussion on the Waste Contract item in the main part of the meeting.
· Mr John Seaman asked a supplementary question in relation to whether the proposals before the Cabinet would address the amount of waste going to landfill over the next 25 years and about the use of bottom ash from the Eco Park, noting that the London Eco Park used bottom ash as aggregate replacement material rather than sending it to landfill. The Cabinet Member for Transport, Highways and Environment noted that he had received a number of questions prior to the meeting, including in relation to bottom ash, and that these would receive written responses. The Waste Strategy addressed the 160,000 tonnes currently going to landfill, of which gasification would account for 45,000 tonnes. The council would continue to invest time and effort into reducing waste and increasing recycling, this would include looking at potential uses of bottom ash.
· Mr Peter Crews asked a supplementary question as to the value for money provided by Option 1 in the report to Cabinet on the Waste Contract and whether the Cabinet was satisfied with the assessment provided. The Chairman advised that the points would be covered in the discussion on the Waste Contract item in the main part of the meeting.
· Mr Ian Robinson had submitted a supplementary question in relation to the council’s ability to evaluate best value and alternatives within the context of its current Waste Contract. The Chairman noted that a written response would be sent following the meeting. |
The deadline for petitions was 14 days before the meeting. No petitions were received.
Additional documents: Minutes: No petitions had been received. |
Representations received on reports to be considered in private
To consider any representations received in relation why part of the meeting relating to a report circulated in Part 2 of the agenda should be open to the public. Additional documents: Minutes: No representations had been received. |
Additional documents: |
Adult Social Care Select Committee - Social Capital PDF 17 KB
Additional documents: Decision: The recommendation of the Adult Social Care Select Committee was circulated with the agenda. The Cabinet response was tabled at the meeting (Appendix 3). Minutes: The recommendation of the Adult Social Care Select Committee had been circulated with the agenda. The response of the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care was tabled at the meeting and is attached as Appendix 3 to these Minutes. |
Communities Select Committee - Magna Carta Anniversary PDF 28 KB Additional documents: Decision: The recommendations of the Communities Select Committee were tabled at the meeting. The Cabinet considered the recommendations under agenda item 12 and agreed that a written response would be provided after the meeting. Minutes: The recommendations of the Communities Select Committee were tabled at the meeting. The Cabinet considered the recommendations under agenda item 12 and agreed that a written response would be provided after the meeting. |
To receive legal, risk, value for money and affordability assessments, and decide whether to reconfirm decision to amend the Waste Contract with SITA Surrey to deliver the Waste Strategy.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Environment and Transport Select Committee] Additional documents: Decision: 1. The Waste Contract be varied to reflect the changes necessary to deliver our Waste Strategy including the Eco Park, subject to relevant conditions being met (as described in paragraphs 23 and 24 of the report submitted).
2. The Council enter into a Direct Agreement with SITA Holdings Ltd for the purpose of the Waste Contract and provides a Local Government (Contracts) Act Certificate in relation to the Direct Agreement.
3. The Strategic Director (Environment and Infrastructure) be authorised to agree any subsequent changes to the proposed variation to the Waste Contract to deliver the Waste Strategy including the Eco Park, in consultation with the Leader and the Cabinet Member for Transport, Highways and the Environment, and advised by the Head of Legal and Democratic Services and the Chief Finance Officer.
Reason for decisions To provide proper authority to deliver the Waste Strategy, including the Eco Park which represents a corporate priority for the Council, enter into contractual commitments and provide assurance to contractual and funding partners to the Council.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Environment and Transport Select Committee] Minutes: The County Council, along with all Surrey waste authorities, had adopted a Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy. The Strategy sets out a plan for managing household waste in Surrey until 2026, with a series of ambitious targets for Surrey’s local authorities relating to reducing household waste, increasing recycling and diverting household waste from landfill. As part of the delivery of the strategy, and following extensive consultation, planning and waste site permissions had been granted for an Eco Park at Charlton Lane, Shepperton.
The Cabinet, having been updated on significant developments in the approach to waste and having previously been advised of the current status of the Eco Park and grant support from DEFRA to the waste contract, had agreed technology changes at its previous meeting on 25 June 2013. Council officers had also been instructed to continue to progress work to vary the Waste Contract between the Council and SITA Surrey to reflect the changes necessary to deliver the proposed waste solutions.
An assessment of the financial, legal, procurement and affordability aspects of the options supported an amendment to the Waste Contract with SITA Surrey to deliver the Waste Strategy including the Eco Park. Cabinet Members considered the value for money presented by the options, the points raised during public question time and heard representations from Mr Richard Walsh (Laleham and Shepperton) regarding value for money, pollution concerns and requesting that the matter be given further consideration. During the discussion on this item, the following points were made:
· The options before the Cabinet were felt to be full and fair. An enormous amount of work had been put into developing Waste Strategy proposals, including the employment of expert advice and consultation with thousands of households. · Cabinet Members confirmed that the evidence provided, including the detailed financial information contained in the confidential annex circulated with Part 2 of the agenda, supported Option 1 as affordable and the best value for money for Surrey and UK taxpayers. · The evidence showed Options 2, 3 and 4 to terminate the Waste Contract were less affordable, open to increased risk from changing market conditions or would not meet reductions in the amount to be sent to landfill leaving the Council risking an increasing landfill tax burden on Surrey residents. · Option 1, including the delivery of an Eco Park, would provide multiple benefits including enabling 45,000 tonnes to be diverted from landfill, reducing carbon emissions by 20,000 tonnes and would generate power for 8,000 homes in the process. · Surrey had taken enormous strides in reducing waste and had outperformed many authorities in this area. The Council took this duty seriously and officers would continue to examine ways of reducing both the amount of waste created and the amount sent to landfill. This would include examining markets for materials that might otherwise end up in landfill. · The technological aspects of the proposals had been considered at the previous meeting. The Council had performed the necessary due diligence in relation to the environmental and safety aspects of ... view the full minutes text for item 123/13 |
To consider and approve refreshed assumptions and strategic direction of the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) 2013-18, following review during the first quarter of 2013/14; and the Government’s Spending Round 2013, published on 26 June 2013.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee] Additional documents: Decision: 1. The potential implications of Spending Round 2013 (SR2013) on the county council’s budget position be noted.
2. The proposed MTFP 2013-18 budget assumption changes in light of new information available since February 2013 (paragraphs 13 to 22 of the report submitted) be noted
3. The MTFP 2013-18 be revised to: a). amend the capital programme to include an additional £95m in relation to school basic need and short stay schools for 2013-18 and £0.7m provisional expenditure in relation to the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta. b). reflect additional revenue budget spend from 2014-18 for: · revenue costs of additional capital programme items (£7.4m) · unachievable savings targets included in existing MTFP of £0.8m and · additional Surrey Fire & Rescue Service spending pressures (£2.0m) · the provisional contribution to celebrate the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta (£0.3m in 2014/15 only) c). add the level of additional savings that services have identified, which can realistically be delivered for 2014-18 (£56.0m in 2014-18, £19.5m in 2014/15) d). agree the predicted scale
of currently unallocated savings required in e). recognise that the
remaining currently unallocated savings (£52.6m in
4. That officers continue to work to identify realistic options for discussion with stakeholders and members during the next phase of the budget planning process for preparing a balanced and sustainable budget for 2014/15 onwards.
Reason for decision In setting the MTFP 2013-18, the Cabinet agreed to undertake a review in the first quarter of 2013/14 to take account of the need to revise any of the budget assumptions in the light of progress with efficiencies and spending reductions, any impact of the revised Corporate and Directorate Strategies and implications of SR2013.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee] Minutes: The Chairman introduced the review of the Council’s financial plan and accompanying reports on the agenda relating to the further development and implementation of the corporate strategy for the next five years. This followed on from the Chief Executive’s 6 month report and discussion of the Corporate Strategy at the County Council meeting on 16 July 2013. These documents demonstrated the significant progress that had already been achieved and set out plans to ensure that the future of Surrey was secure. The Council’s success had been based on three pillars – taking a long term approach to financial planning and service delivery, being innovative in facing difficult challenges and working as One Team with partners, businesses and residents. Taken together, the reports before Cabinet set out the financial conditions faced by the authority following the recent Government Spending Round and the way Surrey County Council proposed to build on its previous successes to address these challenges and deliver the Corporate Strategy.
The Council faced stark choices in the coming months with demand for its services rising continually. Surrey would receive £24m less in government grant this year, with a further £16m reduction predicted next year as a result of the Government Spending Round 2013. At the same time, the increasing birth rate and service demand meant that a further £93m was needed for school places and £113mfor adult social care over the next four years. Savings would only meet part of this gap. One potential alternative would be to spend less, however this would mean difficult decisions on services for older people, the provisions of classrooms and improvements to roads, all of which residents valued and supported the local economy.
It was too early to set out what would be done in response, however officers would be instructed to develop realistic options for the budget planning process. The figures provided by the Government showed an expectation that council tax would need to rise. The Cabinet noted that the government figures did not align with central government requests for local tax freezes and that, in the circumstances, such a freeze would represent a reduction in the funding of services provided for the residents of Surrey.
Sir Merrick Cockell had noted that local government was by far the most efficient section of the public sector, however the further 10% cut in grant meant that it had again been the hardest hit. Surrey had consistently shown that it had the skills and ability to deliver public services efficiently and in accordance with local wishes, however it had to be realistic in the choices it now faced. Savings and reserves could only be spent once and had to be used sensibly.
The Cabinet noted key recent successes achieved by the Council. These included national recognition by the Employers Network in the area of equality and inclusion. Surrey employee Mr Abid Dhar had won the Equality Champion of the Year Award, ahead of competition from 300 national employers such as BT, EDF, IBM and ... view the full minutes text for item 124/13 |
To consider a framework for investing in innovative solutions and opportunities that enable the council to maintain its financial resilience and increase income whilst providing effective services.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee] Additional documents: Decision: 1. The Investment Strategy including the proposed process that will determine which investment opportunities come forward for decision by Cabinet be approved.
2. The governance arrangements be approved and an Investment Advisory Board be established comprising four Cabinet Members supported by appropriate officers (including the Monitoring Officer and the Chief Finance Officer) who will consider individual investment opportunities and provide advice to Cabinet on investment decisions.
3. The commencement of the procurement process for the appointment of an Investment Advisor or Advisors to provide advice to the Council be approved, with contract award being approved in line with the standard process.
4. The development by the Strategic Director for Business Services of a full business case for the establishment of a Property Investment Company to be wholly owned by the County Council be approved for consideration at a future Cabinet meeting.
Reason for decisions The Investment Strategy will provide a framework for investing in innovative solutions and opportunities that enable the council to maintain its financial resilience and increase income whilst providing effective services.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee] Minutes: The Council is committed to the importance of innovation in the delivery of services in the interests of Surrey residents and businesses. The Investment Strategy would support the development of a portfolio of investments, covering investment in property and assets and in new models for service delivery. This would generate additional income to enhance financial resilience in the longer term and be used to support the council’s functions and the delivery of services. In addition these arrangements would also allow for investment in schemes that would support economic growth in Surrey in accordance with the Investment Strategy.
The Cabinet noted the steps already taken to enhance income and change ways of working. The use of shared premises with other authorities had already created savings of £3.5m and it was important to ensure that every asset was similarly fully utilised. An Investment Advisory Board would advise Cabinet on implementation of the Investment Strategy and, subject to consideration of a full business case, a Property Investment Company could be established following future consideration by the Cabinet.
1. The Investment Strategy including the proposed process that will determine which investment opportunities come forward for decision by Cabinet be approved.
2. The governance arrangements be approved and an Investment Advisory Board be established comprising four Cabinet Members supported by appropriate officers (including the Monitoring Officer and the Chief Finance Officer) who will consider individual investment opportunities and provide advice to Cabinet on investment decisions.
3. The commencement of the procurement process for the appointment of an Investment Advisor or Advisors to provide advice to the Council be approved, with contract award being approved in line with the standard process.
4. A full business case for the establishment of a Property Investment Company to be wholly owned by the County Council be developed by the Strategic Director for Business Services and be presented for consideration at a future Cabinet meeting.
Reason for decisions The Investment Strategy will provide a framework for investing in innovative solutions and opportunities that enable the council to maintain its financial resilience and increase income whilst providing effective services. |
On 27 November 2012 the Cabinet approved the development of a strategic framework to achieve a strong “One Team” approach to innovation (“ideas into action to improve lives in Surrey”). This recognises that over the coming years the Council will need to continue to strengthen its capacity and capability to innovate in order to continue improving outcomes and value for money for Surrey’s residents.
A subsequent update report to the Cabinet on 26 March 2013 set out progress on establishing the overall strategic innovation framework, encompassing the leadership, culture, skills and tools required to support innovation over the long term. This report focuses specifically on the impact of an “innovation hub” approach (called “Shift”), designed to accelerate and systematise innovation capacity and capability within the Council. The report sets out the key lessons from the first six months of this initiative and proposes the continued implementation and development of this approach over the medium term.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee] Additional documents: Decision: 1. The good progress made so far to strengthen the Council’s innovation capacity and capability, including the achievements and learning from the first six months of the Council’s approach - called “Shift” - to accelerate and systematise innovation be acknowledged.
2. It be agreed to continue developing and implementing the “Shift” approach to innovation over the medium term planning period.
3. Following the review by the Investment Panel on 24 June 2013, the use of up to £0.3m from the Invest to Save Fund in 2013/14 and up to a maximum of £0.6m per year until 2016/17 to fund the “Shift” programme be approved.
4. The Strategic Director for Business Services, in consultation with the Leader and Cabinet Member for Business Services, continue to develop and implement the “Shift” approach using Invest to Save Funding as required to support this, reviewing progress and plans six monthly.
Reason for decisions To further refine and strengthen the Council’s approach to innovation over the medium term so it can exploit new opportunities, navigate significant challenges and achieve improved outcomes and value for money for Surrey’s residents.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee] Minutes: On 27 November 2012 the Cabinet approved the development of a strategic framework to achieve a strong “One Team” approach to innovation (“ideas into action to improve lives in Surrey”). This recognised that over the coming years the Council would need to continue to strengthen its capacity and capability to innovate in order to continue improving outcomes and value for money for Surrey’s residents. A subsequent update on 26 March 2013 set out progress on establishing the overall strategic innovation framework, encompassing the leadership, culture, skills and tools required to support innovation over the long term.
The Cabinet considered the impact of an “innovation hub” approach (called “Shift”), designed to accelerate and systematise innovation capacity and capability within the Council. Key lessons had been learnt from the first six months of the initiative and Cabinet Members expressed their support for the continued implementation and development of this approach over the medium term. The Chairman noted the success of the Shift room in supporting innovative thinking and advised that the investment had proved to be great value.
1. The good progress made so far to strengthen the Council’s innovation capacity and capability, including the achievements and learning from the first six months of the Council’s approach - called “Shift” - to accelerate and systematise innovation be acknowledged.
2. It be agreed to continue developing and implementing the “Shift” approach to innovation over the medium term planning period.
3. Following the review by the Investment Panel on 24 June 2013, the use of up to £0.3m from the Invest to Save Fund in 2013/14 and up to a maximum of £0.6m per year until 2016/17 to fund the “Shift” programme be approved.
4. The Strategic Director for Business Services, in consultation with the Leader and Cabinet Member for Business Services, continue to develop and implement the “Shift” approach using Invest to Save Funding as required to support this, reviewing progress and plans six monthly.
Reason for decisions To further refine and strengthen the Council’s approach to innovation over the medium term so it can exploit new opportunities, navigate significant challenges and achieve improved outcomes and value for money for Surrey’s residents. |
To receive an update on Surrey’s approach to public service transformation and agree next steps. Public service transformation will significantly improve services and outcomes for Surrey residents and generate financial savings.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee] Additional documents: Decision: 1. The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government’s endorsement and recognition of Surrey’s approach to public service transformation be welcomed and support for the forward programme of work be confirmed.
2. Officers develop outline business cases for consideration at the October 2013 Cabinet meeting.
Reason for decisions The Council is working closely with partners to develop its plans for public service transformation in Surrey. Public service transformation will significantly improve services and outcomes for Surrey residents and generate financial savings. By working as “one team” with partners, public service transformation will focus resources away from expensive, high cost responses towards prevention and earlier intervention.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee] Minutes: The Council is working closely with partners to develop its plans for public service transformation in Surrey. This includes a shared expressed ambition to develop a community budget approach in Surrey. At the LGA Conference on 3 July 2013 the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government announced that Surrey had been successful in being appointed as one of the areas to work intensively with the new Public Service Transformation Network on public service transformation. The Network will aim to disseminate the learning from the Government’s whole place community budget pilots and encourage application of the principles to a larger number of areas.
The six strands of focus for Surrey’s Public Service Transformation programme were: · Emergency Services Collaboration - transforming the way the emergency services in Surrey work together · The Surrey Family Support Programme - improving the effectiveness and efficiency of partnership working and early interventions with families, as Surrey’s response to the Government’s ‘Troubled Families’ initiative · Dementia Friendly Communities - improving outcomes for people with dementia and reducing reliance on acute care, by providing a greater level of support for individuals, both within and by their communities · Better Use of Public Sector Assets - giving additional impetus to existing work on rationalisation of the public estate in Surrey to reduce its overall size and cost, · Increasing Youth Participation - building on the success in reducing the number of young people who are not in education, employment or training (NEETs) in the county · Transforming Justice - focusing on more integrated working and case coordination to reduce offending and reoffending, reducing costs to the police and criminal justice system.
The Cabinet noted that the proposals were a way of both saving public money and making things work better for the benefit of all residents. Ministers and senior civil servants had been very impressed with what they had seen in Surrey and this had been represented in the success of the bid.
1. The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government’s endorsement and recognition of Surrey’s approach to public service transformation be welcomed and support for the forward programme of work be confirmed.
2. Officers develop outline business cases for consideration at the October 2013 Cabinet meeting.
Reason for decisions The Council is working closely with partners to develop its plans for public service transformation in Surrey. Public service transformation will significantly improve services and outcomes for Surrey residents and generate financial savings. By working as “one team” with partners, public service transformation will focus resources away from expensive, high cost responses towards prevention and earlier intervention. |
Surrey County Council has a statutory duty under the Accounts and Audit (England) Regulations 2011 to publish an Annual Governance Statement (AGS). The AGS provides a comprehensive assessment of governance arrangements and the internal control environment. Once signed by the Leader of the Council and the Chief Executive, the AGS is incorporated into the Statement of Accounts and the Annual Report.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee] Additional documents: Decision: 1. The 2012/13 Annual Governance Statement (attached as Annex 1 to the report submitted) be approved and signed by the Leader and the Chief Executive for inclusion in the Statement of Accounts and Annual Report; and
2. The Audit and Governance Committee continue to monitor the governance environment and report to Cabinet as appropriate.
Reason for decisions To comply with the statutory duty to annually review and report on governance and meet best practice through a responsive approach to addressing governance and internal control issues identified.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee] Minutes: Surrey County Council has a statutory duty under the Accounts and Audit (England) Regulations 2011 to publish an Annual Governance Statement (AGS). The AGS provides a comprehensive assessment of governance arrangements and the internal control environment. Once signed by the Leader of the Council and the Chief Executive, the AGS is incorporated into the Statement of Accounts and the Annual Report.
The Chairman advised that he and the Chief Executive had attended the Audit & Governance Committee to answer questions and that the Chairman and the Committee had been satisfied with the Annual Governance Statement. Council’s focus would always be on providing taxpayers with maximum value for money. Robust governance arrangements were important as the organisation looked to achieve further efficiencies through difficult decisions.
1. The 2012/13 Annual Governance Statement (attached as Annex 1 to the report submitted) be approved and signed by the Leader and the Chief Executive for inclusion in the Statement of Accounts and Annual Report.
2. The Audit and Governance Committee continue to monitor the governance environment and report to Cabinet as appropriate.
Reason for decisions To comply with the statutory duty to annually review and report on governance and meet best practice through a responsive approach to addressing governance and internal control issues identified. |
The Children, Schools and Families Directorate annual report summarises the key achievements and progress made in the directorate. The report demonstrates how the directorate is working towards the vision that “Every child and young person will be safe, healthy, creative, and have the personal confidence, skills and opportunities to contribute and achieve more than they thought possible”.
The report is themed under the four areas of priority for 2012/13, which are set out in the directorate strategy: prevention, protection, participation and potential. It is intended for Members, staff, government officials and the general public.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Children and Education Select Committee] Additional documents: Decision: 1. The progress made in the Children, Schools and Families Directorate and achievements over the last year be noted.
2. The publication of the Children, Schools and Families Directorate annual report on the Surrey County Council website and s-net be approved.
Reason for decisions The publication of the Children, Schools and Families Directorate annual report will demonstrate how the directorate is providing value for money for Surrey residents. It will show how the directorate has performed over the last year, and what has been achieved.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Children and Education Select Committee] Minutes: The Children, Schools and Families Directorate Annual Report summarised the key achievements and progress made over the past financial year. The report was themed under the four areas of priority, which are set out in the directorate’s children and young people’s strategy 2012-17: prevention, protection, participation and potential.
The Cabinet Members for Children and Families and Schools and Learning gave examples of how the directorate was working towards the vision that ‘Every child and young person will be safe, healthy, creative, and have the personal confidence, skills and opportunities to contribute and achieve more than they thought possible’. The Council provided services to each of the 272,800 children and young people aged under 19 in the county. The Children, Schools and Families Directorate did this in a child focus way, striving to give each the very best start in life. The additional investment in school improvement had created increased parental choice in school admissions, with 95% being placed in one of their preferred primary schools and with an overall satisfaction rate of 97%.
The Cabinet Associate for Fire and Police Services highlighted the significant achievements with regard to the restorative justice approach to youth justice. This had led to a 90% reduction in first time entrants to the youth justice system in the last 5 years (the lowest per capita in England), only 15 young people receiving custodial sentences and a 43% reduction in youth crime over the past three years. The Youth Support service and successful apprenticeship scheme meant that young people were well served in the county. This was an achievement for both the young people and those who worked with them.
The Cabinet acknowledged the hard work of all staff and the leadership within the directorate which had contributed to the significant successes over the past year.
1. The progress made in the Children, Schools and Families Directorate and achievements over the last year be noted.
2. The publication of the Children, Schools and Families Directorate annual report on the Surrey County Council website and s-net be approved.
Reason for decisions The publication of the Children, Schools and Families Directorate annual report will demonstrate how the directorate is providing value for money for Surrey residents. It will show how the directorate has performed over the last year, and what has been achieved. |
In June 2015, the world will celebrate the 800th Anniversary of the sealing of the Magna Carta at Runnymede. The aim of this report is to outline the plans for a Partnership Masterplan (comprising a legacy and programme of events), to describe the wider benefits that will accrue to the area, and to seek funding. This, together with funding from our partners will then comprise match funding for a major bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund. Surrey plans will co-ordinated with plans at a national level, that are being developed with the Magna Carta 800th Committee, the Houses of Parliament and other Charter Towns.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities Select Committee]
Additional documents: Decision: 1. The outline Partnership Masterplan be agreed as set out in paragraphs 10 to 19 of the report submitted.
2. Additional project funding support, comprising of £700,000 capital funding for the legacy programme and £300,000 revenue funding for the events programme, be factored into the refresh of the Medium Term Financial Plan.
3. A major bid be made to the Heritage Lottery Fund to contribute to the Magna Carta programme.
4. The financial oversight of the Partnership Masterplan be delegated to the Leader of the Council, with implementation by the Assistant Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the Cabinet Member for Community Services.
Reason for decisions To ensure that the significance of the 800th Anniversary is recognised and the benefits are maximised for the area in 2015 with lasting benefits beyond. To achieve these aims, partners are working collaboratively to pool resources and expertise. To fulfil all the ambitions of the report, the partnership will submit an exciting and innovative bid for match funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities Select Committee] Minutes: In June 2015, the world will celebrate the 800th Anniversary of the sealing of the Magna Carta at Runnymede. Through clear strategic leadership, Surrey had been working with the Magna Carta 800th Committee, the Houses of Parliament and all other Charter Towns to provide a co-ordinated plan of activities across the nation and to promote the area to national and international visitors.
The Cabinet considered an outline of the plans for a Partnership Masterplan, which comprised a legacy and programme of events, and the wider benefits that would accrue to the area. The proposals for the Magna Carta Anniversary in Surrey would look to create a lasting legacy in terms of tourism and resources for the Runnymede area. Historic Egham would be promoted as the gateway to “Magna Carta Country” giving it a clear cultural and tourism identity to attract visitors to the wider area. Significant work had taken place with local people, partners and organisations to develop both an exciting civic event in 2015 and a long term legacy in terms of investment for the area. This work would continue and would look to involve local people, particularly school children, in developing the celebrations.
The Communities Select Committee had considered this item at its meeting on 11 July 2013. The Select Committee’s recommendations had been circulated to Cabinet Members and were tabled at the meeting. The Cabinet Member for Community Services thanked the Communities Select Committee for their consideration of the progress which had been made and noted the comments and concerns which had been raised. The proposals before the Cabinet represented an outline masterplan about which greater detail would be developed as the project progressed. She advised that she had discussed the Select Committee’s concerns with the Select Committee Chairman and had agreed that a Members’ seminar would be held in the autumn to discuss how the masterplan would be developed and to obtain Members’ input on the proposals.
The Cabinet Member for Community Services noted that the decision before the Cabinet was to agree the outline of the partnership masterplan and funding from which further work would take place. It was important that this agreement be put in place to enable funding support to be sought, for example via a major matched funding bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund, and other funding and partnership opportunities explored. Cabinet Members expressed support for the proposals and the holding of Magna Carta celebratory events around Runnymede and Surrey.
It was noted that a bid for funding for work on the Runnymede roundabout was expected to be considered by the Department for Transport around the end of July 2013.
1. The outline Partnership Masterplan be agreed as set out in paragraphs 10 to 19 of the report submitted.
2. Additional project funding support, comprising of £700,000 capital funding for the legacy programme and £300,000 revenue funding for the events programme, be factored into the refresh of the Medium Term Financial Plan.
3. A major bid be made ... view the full minutes text for item 130/13 |
Surrey Hills Enterprises (SHE) was established with the support of the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Board (AONB Board) to promote the Trademark for the Surrey Hills to businesses in the area, promote those businesses and to support projects to deliver the Surrey Hills AONB Management Plan.
Surrey County Council has agreed that SHE may sub-licence the Surrey Hills Trademark to generate an income for reinvestment in the community. A condition of the exercise of this license is that the AONB Board will have a share in SHE and a directorship on its board. The AONB Board is a Joint Committee and as such is unable to hold the directorship or own a share in its own right. It is proposed that the County Council will hold these interests on its behalf.
[The decisions on this item may be called in the Environment and Transport Select Committee]
Additional documents: Decision: 1. It be agreed that the County Council hold a single share worth £1 in Surrey Hills Enterprises on behalf of the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Board.
2. A Member be appointed to sit as Director on the Surrey Hills Enterprises Board until May 2017 (length of the Council) and that this and future appointments be made by the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader.
Reason for decisions To promote the local businesses, the Surrey Hills brand and generate income for Surrey Hills Enterprises to be reinvested in its activities and the community. The aim is to distribute the profits as grants to projects that deliver the Surrey Hills Management Plan.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Environment and Transport Select Committee] Minutes: Surrey Hills Enterprises (SHE) was established with the support of the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Board (AONB Board) to promote the Trademark for the Surrey Hills to businesses in the area, promote those businesses and to support projects to deliver the Surrey Hills AONB Management Plan.
Surrey County Council had agreed that SHE may sub-licence the Surrey Hills Trademark to generate an income for reinvestment in the community. A condition of the exercise of this license is that the AONB Board would have a share in SHE and a directorship on its board. The AONB Board was a Joint Committee and as such was unable to hold the directorship or own a share in its own right. The County Council would therefore hold these interests on its behalf.
1. It be agreed that the County Council hold a single share worth £1 in Surrey Hills Enterprises on behalf of the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Board.
2. A Member be appointed to sit as Director on the Surrey Hills Enterprises Board until May 2017 (length of the Council) and that this and future appointments be made by the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader.
Reason for decisions To promote the local businesses, the Surrey Hills brand and generate income for Surrey Hills Enterprises to be reinvested in its activities and the community. The aim is to distribute the profits as grants to projects that deliver the Surrey Hills Management Plan. |
To consider revisions to Procurement Standing Orders to take account of recent changes in the law and ensure that they reflect best practice and Council priorities. The Procurement Standing Orders set out how the Council governs spending by Officers on goods, works and services.
[This item will be referred to the next Council meeting for agreement] Additional documents: Decision: The proposed changes to Procurement Standing Orders (PSOs) be noted and commended to full Council for final approval.
Reason for decision To progress the adoption of revised Procurement Standing Orders including amendments to reflect changes in legislation and ensuring that the Council maintains a fit for purpose set of guidance and rules to govern the procurement process. Minutes:
The Procurement Standing Orders (PSOs) set out how the Council governs spending by Officers on goods, works and services. The PSOs had been revised to take account of recent changes in the law and to ensure that they reflected best practice and Council priorities.
RESOLVED that the proposed changes to Procurement Standing Orders (PSOs) be noted and commended to full Council for final approval.
Reason for decision To progress the adoption of revised Procurement Standing Orders including amendments to reflect changes in legislation and ensuring that the Council maintains a fit for purpose set of guidance and rules to govern the procurement process. |
The current contracts for provision of a Substance Misuse and Housing Support Service and the Substance Misuse Service for Children and Young People expire on 30 September 2013 and 31 October 2013 respectively. It is therefore necessary to award new contracts, following a procurement exercise, to the recommended Providers on the basis described in the Part 2 Annex (agenda item 20) to deliver substance misuse services starting on 1 October and 1 November 2013 respectively.
The services will be provided in accordance with guidance from Public Health England in order to improve the delivery of substance misuse services in order to develop and sustain recovery among services users. The Adults Service will also provide housing support across Surrey’s eleven Districts and Boroughs.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by Adults Social Care Select Committee, Children and Education Select Committee and the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee] Additional documents: Decision: That the contracts be awarded to the Providers on the basis described in the Part 2 Annex (submitted as agenda item 20) to deliver the Adult Substance Misuse and Housing Support Service and the Children and Young Peoples Service.
Reason for decision The contract awards deliver a saving of 21.5% per annum for the contract periods (3 years + 1 +1). The new services will deliver increased quality in service delivery through a strengthened and outcome focused service specification, ensure enhanced and clearly monitored contract delivery through an incentivised payment model and will provide apprenticeship opportunities to Surrey Young People with an element of the services being delivered through a local provider.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Adult Social Care Select Committee, Children and Education Select Committee and the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee] Minutes: The Cabinet considered the award of contracts for the provision of a Substance Misuse and Housing Support Service and the Substance Misuse Service for Children and Young People to continue from those due to expire on 30 September 2013 and 31 October 2013 respectively.
The services would be provided in accordance with guidance from Public Health England in order to improve the delivery of Substance Misuse Services to develop and sustain recovery among services users. The Adult Substance Misuse and Housing Support Service would provide housing support across Surrey’s eleven Districts and Boroughs.
RESOLVED that the contracts be awarded to the Providers on the basis described in the Part 2 Annex (submitted as agenda item 20) to deliver the Adult Substance Misuse and Housing Support Service and the Children and Young Peoples Service.
Reason for decision The contract awards deliver a saving of 21.5% per annum for the contract periods (3 years + 1 +1). The new services will deliver increased quality in service delivery through a strengthened and outcome focused service specification, ensure enhanced and clearly monitored contract delivery through an incentivised payment model and will provide apprenticeship opportunities to Surrey Young People with an element of the services being delivered through a local provider. |
To consider the council’s financial position at the end of the first quarter of the 2013/14 financial year, with particular focus on the year end revenue and capital budgets forecasts and the achievement of efficiency targets.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee] Additional documents: Decision: 1. The following be noted (as set out in the report submitted): · forecast revenue budget underspend for 2013/14 (Annex 1, paragraph 1); · forecast ongoing efficiencies & service reductions achieved by year end (Annex 1, paragraph 56); · forecast capital budget position for 2013/14 (Annex 1, paragraph 60) · management actions to mitigate overspends (throughout Annex 1); · quarter end balance sheet as at 30 June 2013 and movements in earmarked reserves and debt outstanding (Annex 1, page 18);
2. the following adjustments to the revenue budget be approved: · virement of £0.4m from Customer & Communities’ Legacy team to Chief Executive’s Office to realign budgets and service responsibilities (Annex 1, paragraph 6); · virement of £0.7m from Adult Social Care to Public Health to realign health and well-being budgets (Annex 1, paragraph 7); · virement of £0.14m from New Homes Bonus funding to Environment &Infrastructure to support planning applications associated with the schools building programme (Annex 1, paragraph 8); · virement of £5.0m from the Severe Weather Reserve to repair damage to roads caused during the last winter (Annex 1, paragraph 9);
3. the following adjustments to the capital budget be approved: · virement of -£0.4m grant reprofiling of Local Sustainable Travel Fund grant in Environment & Infrastructure (Annex 1, paragraph 60); · virement of -£0.5m reprofiling of external funding in Environment & Infrastructure (Annex 1, paragraph 60); · virement of £0.6m reprofiling of IT Replacement Reserve (Annex 1, paragraph 60); · virement of -£0.6m reprofiling of Adult Social Care Infrastructure grant (Annex 1, paragraph 60); · virement of the transfer of responsibility for Basingstoke Canal from Business Services (-£0.5m) to Environment & Infrastructure (£0.5m) (Annex 1, paragraph 60); and · virement of the addition of £1.8m for Redhill balanced network as a new scheme (Annex 1, paragraph 60).
Reason for decisions To progress the actions identified as part of the agreed strategy of monthly budget monitoring reporting.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee] Minutes: The Cabinet considered the budget monitoring report for the first quarter of the financial year 2013/14. The forecast end of year position for all services was for a small overspend of £1.7m. However, with the inclusion of the risk contingency, this represented a potential underspend of £11.3m.
A number of years ago the Leader had established the Severe Weather Reserve with £5m. This had been to ensure that the council had sufficient resources to respond to the impact of any very bad weather. The past winter had been especially severe and led to great damage to Surrey roads. This reserve would now be used in the interests of residents to meet the cost of repairing the roads.
The revenue budget required total efficiency savings of £68m in the current financial year. Demand for council services continued to grow and this created additional pressure on the achievement of efficiency targets. Despite these pressures, services were making good progress and had already achieved £11m of savings. Progress would continue to be monitored closely through the year.
The current forecast for the Council’s capital programme was for an underspend of £0.5m on service capital budgets. Nearly £17m had been invested in projects that would deliver savings and enhance income in the longer term. Income of £1.5m was anticipated in the current year from such projects. The capital financing costs would be met from the Revolving Infrastructure and Investment Fund established at the start of the year. The Council was also beating its 30 day target to collect non-care debt. Care debt had risen by 12%, in part due to new income billing and relatively high value retrospective bills. A Rapid Improvement Event would be held to revise systems to address this.
1. The following be noted (as set out in the report submitted): · forecast revenue budget underspend for 2013/14 (Annex 1, paragraph 1); · forecast ongoing efficiencies & service reductions achieved by year end (Annex 1, paragraph 56); · forecast capital budget position for 2013/14 (Annex 1, paragraph 60) · management actions to mitigate overspends (throughout Annex 1); · quarter end balance sheet as at 30 June 2013 and movements in earmarked reserves and debt outstanding (Annex 1, page 18);
2. the following adjustments to the revenue budget be approved: · virement of £0.4m from Customer & Communities’ Legacy team to Chief Executive’s Office to realign budgets and service responsibilities (Annex 1, paragraph 6); · virement of £0.7m from Adult Social Care to Public Health to realign health and well-being budgets (Annex 1, paragraph 7); · virement of £0.14m from New Homes Bonus funding to Environment &Infrastructure to support planning applications associated with the schools building programme (Annex 1, paragraph 8); · virement of £5.0m from the Severe Weather Reserve to repair damage to roads caused during the last winter (Annex 1, paragraph 9);
3. the following adjustments to the capital budget be approved: · virement of -£0.4m grant reprofiling of Local Sustainable Travel Fund grant in Environment & Infrastructure (Annex 1, paragraph 60); · virement of -£0.5m reprofiling of external funding in Environment ... view the full minutes text for item 134/13 |
To note any delegated decisions taken by the Leader, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Members since the last meeting of the Cabinet. Additional documents: Decision: It is recommended that the Cabinet note the decisions taken by the Leader, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Members since the last meeting as set out in Annex 1 of the report submitted.
Reason for decision To note the decisions taken by Cabinet Members under delegated authority. Minutes: The Cabinet noted the decisions taken by Cabinet Members under delegation since the last meeting.
RESOLVED that the decisions taken by the Leader, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Members since the last meeting be noted.
Reason for decision To note the decisions taken by Cabinet Members under delegated authority. |
That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information under the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information under paragraphs 3 and 5 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act. |
Exempt: Not for publication under paragraph 3
Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee] Minutes: The Cabinet considered a Part 2 Annex to the report received under minute item 133/13. The Annex had been circulated in Part 2 of the agenda as it contained information exempt from Access to Information requirements by virtue of paragraph 3 – information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including commercially sensitive information to the bidding companies).
RESOLVED that the contracts be awarded as agreed under minute item 133/13 on the basis described in the Part 2 Annex submitted to deliver the Adult Substance Misuse and Housing Support Service and the Children and Young Peoples Service.
Reason for decision The contracts will deliver improved service quality and reduce costs per annum. |
To consider the acquisition of an office property in Epsom.
Exempt: Not for publication under paragraph 3
Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee] Decision: 1. Surrey County Council acquire the freehold interest in the property on the basis set out in the Part 2 report submitted.
2. The actions identified in recommendation 2 of the Part 2 report submitted be agreed.
Reason for decisions The acquisition will provide the opportunity for the Council to consider the longer term needs of service delivery and office accommodation in the area.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee] Minutes: The Cabinet considered the acquisition of an office property in Epsom. The report on this item had been circulated in Part 2 of the agenda as it contained information exempt from Access to Information requirements by virtue of paragraph 3 – information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person.
1. Surrey County Council acquire the freehold interest in the property on the basis set out in the Part 2 report submitted.
2. The actions identified in recommendation 2 of the Part 2 report submitted be agreed.
Reason for decisions The acquisition will provide the opportunity for the Council to consider the longer term needs of service delivery and office accommodation in the area. |
This item has been added to the agenda, having secured the agreement of chairman of the Council Overview & Scrutiny Committee that the a decision on this matter could not reasonably be deferred, to enable a decision to be taken under special urgency procedures (Part 2 of the Council’s Constitution, Article 6.05 Access to Information Rules (f) Special urgency).
Exempt: Not for publication under paragraph 3
Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).
[This item is considered under special urgency procedures.]
Decision: 1. The Local Government Association and its legal representatives be authorised to represent the Council in negotiations on the basis set out in the Part 2 report submitted with all options and prices to be considered when this information is made available to the Council.
2. Authority be delegated to the Chief Finance Officer, in consultation with the Leader, the Cabinet Member for Business Services and the Monitoring Officer, to make a final decision with regard to the selection of the interested third party and the terms of the deal that is constructed with that party.
Reason for decision To enable the council to fully consider the available options and secure the best outcome.
[The decisions on this item were taken under the Special urgency procedure as they could not reasonably be deferred and come into immediate effect.] Minutes: The Cabinet considered a matter relating to treasury management. This item was considered under the Special urgency procedure, having obtained the agreement of the Chairman of the Council Overview & Scrutiny Committee, as a decision could not reasonably be deferred. The report on this item had been circulated in Part 2 of the agenda as it contained information exempt from Access to Information requirements by virtue of paragraph 3 – information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person.
1. The Local Government Association and its legal representatives be authorised to represent the Council in negotiations on the basis set out in the Part 2 report submitted with all options and prices to be considered when this information is made available to the Council.
2. Authority be delegated to the Chief Finance Officer, in consultation with the Leader, the Cabinet Member for Business Services and the Monitoring Officer, to make a final decision with regard to the selection of the interested third party and the terms of the deal that is constructed with that party.
Reason for decision To enable the council to fully consider the available options and secure the best outcome. |
To consider whether the item considered under Part 2 of the agenda should be made available to the Press and public. Additional documents: Minutes: No further information on the items heard in Part 2 of the meeting could be released at this time. |