Agenda, decisions and minutes

Cabinet - Tuesday, 16 December 2014 2.00 pm

Venue: Ashcombe Suite, County Hall, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2DN

Contact: Vicky Hibbert or Anne Gowing  020 8541 9938 Email:


No. Item



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    Additional documents:


    Apologies were received from Mrs Angell, Mrs Hammond, Ms Le Gal and Mr Martin.



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    The minutes will be available in the meeting room half an hour before the start of the meeting.

    Additional documents:


    The minutes of the meeting held on 25 November 2014 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman.




    To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests from Members in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting.



    ·        In line with the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012, declarations may relate to the interest of the member, or the member’s spouse or civil partner, or a person with whom the member is living as husband or wife, or a person with whom the member is living as if they were civil partners and the member is aware they have the interest.

    ·        Members need only disclose interests not currently listed on the Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.

    ·        Members must notify the Monitoring Officer of any interests disclosed at the meeting so they may be added to the Register.

    ·        Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest.

    Additional documents:


    No declarations were received.




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Members' Questions

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    The deadline for Members questions is 12pm four working days before the meeting (10 December 2014).


    Additional documents:


    No questions from Members were received.



Public Questions

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    The deadline for public questions is seven days before the meeting

    (9 December 2014).


    Additional documents:


    No questions from members of the public were received.




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    The deadline for petitions was 14 days before the meeting, and no petitions have been received.


    Additional documents:


    No petitions were received.



Representations received on reports to be considered in private

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    To consider any representations received in relation why part of the meeting relating to a report circulated in Part 2 of the agenda should be open to the public.

    Additional documents:


    No representations were received.



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    Reports received from Adult Social Care Select Committee and Children and Education Select Committee.

    Additional documents:


    Adult Social Care Select Committee – Health & Wellbeing Priorities: Older Adults and Prevention:


    The response from the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care is attached as Appendix 1.



    Children & Education Select Committee:

    ·        Surrey Safeguarding Children Board Annual Report 2013-14 and Surrey County Council Safeguarding Unit Report,

    ·        Schools and Safeguarding Update; and

    ·        School Governance Task Group – Interim Report


    The responses from the Cabinet Members for Schools and Learning and Children and Families are attached as Appendices 2-4.


    Adult Social Care Select Committee – Health & Wellbeing Priorities: Older Adults and Prevention:


    The response from the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care is attached as Appendix 1. There were no further comments on this report and response.



    Children & Education Select Committee:

    ·         Surrey Safeguarding Children Board Annual Report 2013-14 and Surrey County Council Safeguarding Unit Report,

    ·         Schools and Safeguarding Update; and

    ·         School Governance Task Group – Interim Report


    The responses from the Cabinet Members for Schools and Learning and Children and Families are attached as Appendices 2-4.


    The Chairman of the Children and Education Select Committee thanked the Cabinet Members for their responses. She made the following points:


    ·         On the Surrey Safeguarding Children Board Annual Report 2013-14 and Surrey County Council Safeguarding Unit Report - The report on Child Sexual Exploitation was timely and would like to focus on engagement with district and boroughs on all licensable activities, not just taxis.

    ·         On the Schools and Safeguarding Update –The Chairman of the Select Committe was happy with the response received.

    ·         On the School Governance Task Group – Interim Report – With regard to local Members, the Chairman of the Children and Education Select Committee felt that this would be no different to representing residents at any other meeting and that it would be an operational issue to look at member involvement at panel level.


    The Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning replied that the appointment of governors was within the constitution of governing bodies and that the process should follow best practice. She stated that she took on board the Select Committee’s points and would look at this again in order to streamline the process.


    The Leader of the Council invited the Chairman of the Children and Education Select Committee in her role as Chairman to remind Local Committees of their role in the appointment of governors.



Surrey Local Flood Risk Management Strategy pdf icon PDF 76 KB

    The Surrey Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (hereafter the Strategy) meets a legal requirement for the County Council  to set out how partners are working together to reduce flood risk. This document provides, for the first time, an overview of the ongoing flood risk management work underway across Surrey. The organisations in Surrey with responsibility for flood risk management have worked together to produce the Strategy. Partner organisations and the public were consulted to further develop the Strategy. The Surrey Flood Risk Partnership Board oversees the Strategy.


    Residents and businesses do not always distinguish between different types of flood risk; the impact is their key concern. The Strategy will therefore illustrate levels of risk within the county from all sources of flood risk.


    Extreme weather events appear to be on the rise, many of Surrey’s existing homes and businesses are built in the floodplain and funding is limited. However, through the Strategy there is an opportunity to coordinate services so that the risk of flooding is reduced through a prioritised investment programme. Theintention is that the impact of flood incidents is as minimal as possible.


    The Environment Agency has undertaken a review of the significant winter flood incidents in 2013/14 associated with the main rivers in Surrey and Surrey County Council is currently carrying out Section 19 reports into the flooding incidents associated with surface water, groundwater and watercourse flooding. This is required under Section 19 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010. The Surrey Flood Risk Partnership Board will review the Section 19 reports over the coming year. Surrey’s risk management authorities will need to address the concerns raised in the reports.


    [The decisions on this item can be called in by the Environment and Transport Select Committee]

    Additional documents:


    1.         That the Surrey Local Flood Risk Management Strategy and action plan be approved and adopted as set out in the appendices to the submitted report.


    2.         That active engagement be undertaken with all risk management authorities through the Surrey Flood Risk Partnership Board.


    3.        That the Council publicises the findings of the Flood and Water Management Section 19 investigations on the external website.


    Reasons for Decisions:


    The Strategy is a statutory requirement under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 and sets the framework for flood risk management in the county by the risk management authorities. The Strategy provides a framework for joint work with residents and businesses to reduce risk and prepare for the future.


    [The decisions on this item can be called in by the Environment and Transport Select Committee]




    The Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Flooding introduced the Surrey Local Flood Risk Management Strategy and explained that the County Council had a legal requirement to set out how partners would work together to reduce flood risk including who had responsibility and where this lay. He highlighted the Section 19 reports and informed Members that these are the responsibility of the Environment Agency but that the Council had a role to play in these.


    He said that the flooding events from earlier in 2014 had been extreme and the longevity of these had been unexpected. They had proved demanding on the Council and its partners but relationships had held up and demonstrated a high level of partnership working. He stated that the Council had consulted fully on the Strategy and responses were shown in annex 2 of the submitted report. He also drew Members attention to the Equalities Impact Assessment particularly in relation to older people, disabled people and those that were pregnant.


    The Cabinet Member for Public Health and Health & Wellbeing referred to paragraph 10 of the submitted report regarding insurance to which the Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Flooding replied that there was an ongoing battle and that central government should make this a matter of urgency.


    The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care queried timescales of the Section 19 reports which the Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Flooding responded to stating that these reports have been received and ground water investigations were being undertaken and further information would come back to a Cabinet meeting in 2015.


    The Cabinet Member for Community Services commended the knowledge of parish councils and praised partnership working during the flooding events last winter. She highlighted the need to extend the repair and renew grant application date and requested that information on this funding is better communicated.


    The Leader of the Council expressed concern regarding the 300 Surrey families who were still displaced following the flooding events and stated that the Cabinet would support getting these people back into their homes.




    1.         That the Surrey Local Flood Risk Management Strategy and action plan be approved and adopted as set out in the appendices to the submitted report.


    2.         That active engagement be undertaken with all risk management authorities through the Surrey Flood Risk Partnership Board.


    3.        That the Council publicises the findings of the Flood and Water Management Section 19 investigations on the external website.


    Reasons for Decisions:


    The Strategy is a statutory requirement under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 and sets the framework for flood risk management in the county by the risk management authorities. The Strategy provides a framework for joint work with residents and businesses to reduce risk and prepare for the future.



Revised Minerals and Waste Development Scheme (MWDS) pdf icon PDF 47 KB

    The Minerals and Waste Development Scheme (the Scheme) is the County Council’s public statement of its planning policy documents and its programme for revising these documents. A revision to the Scheme is required primarily because the Surrey Waste Plan will need to be reviewed in the foreseeable future and the Scheme therefore needs to set out a programme for the review of the Waste Plan.


    Additional documents:


    The Minerals and Waste Development Scheme is the County Council’s public statement of its planning policy documents and its programme for revising these documents. A revision to the Scheme was required primarily because the Surrey Waste Plan will need to be reviewed in the foreseeable future and the Scheme therefore needs to set out a programme for the review of the Waste Plan.


    The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care drew attention to waste recycling rates. The Cabinet Member for Environment and Planning responded stating that recycling rates have begun to level out after many years of improvement during the time of the Surrey Waste Partnership and that conversations are taking place with Leaders and Chief Executive’s of district and borough councils to discuss how recycling rates might be improved further.




    That the revised Minerals and Waste Development Scheme, as set out in annex 1 of the submitted report be endorsed and be recommended to the County Council for approval.


    Reasons for Decisions:


    It is a statutory requirement to produce the Scheme and to keep it up to date. The Surrey Waste Plan was adopted in 2008 and Government anticipates that such plans should have a life of around 10 years.


Supporting Economic Growth through Investment in Transport Infrastructure pdf icon PDF 126 KB

    On 23 September 2014, the Cabinet approved the arrangements for local financial contribution for the first tranche of three transport schemes of the 2015-16 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Local Growth Deal programme.


    Since that Cabinet meeting the financial requirement from the county council has been confirmed at £1.8m, significantly lower than the £2.7m potential commitment agreed.


    Approval is now sought for the arrangements for local contributions for the second tranche of seven schemes, for the 2015-16 programme. The business cases for these schemes need to be submitted by 30 January 2015 or earlier, with construction to commence during 2015/16.


    The Council has been in discussions with the relevant Borough councils to secure their share of the local contribution. It is a requirement that the county council confirms that the local contribution is available when it submits the business cases.


    [The decisions on this item can be called in by the Environment and Transport Select Committee]


    Additional documents:


    That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director for Environment and Infrastructure, in consultation with the Deputy Leader, Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Flooding and the Director of Finance to agree the Surrey County Council share of local contribution for each scheme in Table 2 of the submitted report, within the overall total contribution set out in that table.


    Reasons for decisions:


    The proposed schemes will deliver a range of benefits to Surrey’s residents, including reduced congestion, improved journey time reliability, enhanced safety, improved access for cyclists, pedestrians and buses, as well as enabling economic development and regeneration.


    Under the funding arrangements, local partners are required to provide a local contribution to the schemes to reflect the local benefits that will be provided. Therefore if these schemes wish to proceed to business case submission, The Council will need to confirm that this local contribution is available.


    This is the second tranche of schemes to be funded from the Local Growth Deal. The precise amount of contribution that the County Council will need to make will be finalised once discussions with relevant Borough Leaders/Chief Executives have been completed, in accordance with the approach presented to the Cabinet at the meeting of 23 September 2014 and repeated below.


    [The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Select Committee]







    On 23 September 2014, the Cabinet approved the arrangements for local financial contribution for the first tranche of three transport schemes of the 2015-16 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Local Growth Deal programme.


    Since that Cabinet meeting the financial requirement from the County Council has been confirmed at £1.8m, significantly lower than the £2.7m potential commitment agreed.


    The Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Flooding commended the report to Members stating that investment in infrastructure was essential to improve and remove congestion. He also drew the Cabinet’s attention to the revised recommendation that had been tabled at the meeting regarding the Surrey County Council share of the local contribution for each scheme.


    He clarified the information in paragraph 30, regarding Project Horizon and informed Members that this investment would not reduce this funding but would in fact enhance it.


    He went on to state that a full Equalities Impact Assessment was not required as the result of the investment will be of benefit to residents.


    The Cabinet Member for Community Services raised a query regarding the works due to be undertaken at the Runnymede roundabout and whether this would impact on the Magna Carta 800 years celebration to which the Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Flooding stated that this had been considered and work will not be undertaken prior to the June 2015 event as it would not be completed in time.




    That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director for Environment and Infrastructure, in consultation with the Deputy Leader, Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Flooding and the Director of Finance to agree the Surrey County Council share of local contribution for each scheme in Table 2 of the submitted report, within the overall total contribution set out in that table.


    Reasons for decisions:


    The proposed schemes will deliver a range of benefits to Surrey’s residents, including reduced congestion, improved journey time reliability, enhanced safety, improved access for cyclists, pedestrians and buses, as well as enabling economic development and regeneration.


    Under the funding arrangements, local partners are required to provide a local contribution to the schemes to reflect the local benefits that will be provided. Therefore if these schemes wish to proceed to business case submission, The Council will need to confirm that this local contribution is available.


    This is the second tranche of schemes to be funded from the Local Growth Deal. The precise amount of contribution that the County Council will need to make will be finalised once discussions with relevant Borough Leaders/Chief Executives have been completed, in accordance with the approach presented to the Cabinet at the meeting of 23 September 2014 and repeated below.






The Agreement with Surrey Wildlife Trust for the Management of the County Council's Countryside Estate pdf icon PDF 54 KB

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    Surrey County Council (SCC) signed a 50 year agreement (the Agreement) with Surrey Wildlife Trust (SWT) to manage the County Council’s Countryside Estate in 2002.  Running with the Agreement is a 50 year lease for the land and buildings comprising the Estate. A review has recently been undertaken to assess the effectiveness of the Agreement and to set out changes which will improve the outcomes. Key areas of focus have been the management of built property, management of the woodlands and the opportunity to improve visitor facilities and generate income from the Estate. Attention on these areas will, in turn, help to move the management of the Estate to a self funding position, providing improvements for visitors and reducing costs.


    [The decisions on this item can be called in by the Environment and Transport Select Committee]


    Additional documents:


    1.       That the proposed changes to the Agreement set out in the submitted report are noted.

    2.       That the details of the proposed changes to the Agreement are worked up by the Assistant Director of Environment and Infrastructure in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Planning.

    3.       That a further report recommending the draft final terms for the Amended Agreement be brought to Cabinet for approval in April 2015.    

    Reasons for Decisions:


    A draft set of high level terms have been agreed with Surrey Wildlife Trust which will ensure the County Council’s Countryside Estate is managed in a more sustainable way in the future. This will, in turn, provide better facilities for the public whilst increasing the income generated from the Estate. This will allow the Estate to become self financing. The governance has also been reviewed to ensure that the implementation of these actions happens and their effectiveness is monitored.


    [The decisions on this item can be called in by the Environment and Transport Select Committee]






    The Cabinet Member for Environment and Planning said that this was an important paper which highlighted a lot of work that had been undertaken over the last year. He explained that the proposal demonstrated that a big step forward had been made and that it offered the opportunity for Surrey Wildlife Trust to work more commercially.


    He stated that the County Council’s financial contribution would be reduced to zero by 2021 and that the Council would continue to work closely with Surrey Wildlife Trust to ensure that these savings were met.


    Key areas of focus had been the management of built property, management of the woodlands and the opportunity to improve visitor facilities and generate income from the Estate. Measurable key performance indicators and targets, a governance structure and a business plan all demonstrated working together to achieve outcomes.


    The Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning expressed her delight at the progress that had been made and that she was pleased to see more work with schools. The Cabinet Associate for Adult Social Care echoed this support.




    1.       That the proposed changes to the Agreement set out in the submitted report are noted.

    2.       That the details of the proposed changes to the Agreement are worked up by the Assistant Director of Environment and Infrastructure in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Planning.

    3.       That a further report recommending the draft final terms for the Amended Agreement be brought to Cabinet for approval in April 2015.    

    Reasons for Decisions:


    A draft set of high level terms have been agreed with Surrey Wildlife Trust which will ensure the County Council’s Countryside Estate is managed in a more sustainable way in the future. This will, in turn, provide better facilities for the public whilst increasing the income generated from the Estate. This will allow the Estate to become self financing. The governance has also been reviewed to ensure that the implementation of these actions happens and their effectiveness is monitored.





Finance and Budget Monitoring Report for November 2014 pdf icon PDF 36 KB

    The Council takes a multiyear approach to its budget planning and monitoring, recognising that the two are inextricably linked. This report presents the Council’s financial position at the end November 2014.

    [The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee]


    Additional documents:



    1.       That the Council forecasts an improved revenue position for 2014/15 of of -£2.7m underspend, up from -£0.5m at 31 October 2014. This position includes the need to fund planned commitments that will continue beyond 2014/15, bringing the underlying position down to -£1.2m underspend.  As set out in Annex1, paragraph 2 of the submitted report.

    2.       That services forecast achieving an improved position on efficiencies and service reductions by year end of £70.0m as set out in Annex1, paragraph 64 of the submitted report.

    3.       That the Council forecasts investing £203m through its capital programme in 2014/15 as set out in Annex1, paragraph 68 of the submitted.

    4.       That services management actions to mitigate overspends as set out throughout Annex1 of the submitted report.

    5.       That the Bellwin grant compensating the council for costs it incurred responding to the flooding in the winter of 2013/14 and which it funded from general balances to the Budget Equalisation Reserve to support future year’s budgets  is transferred as set out in Annex1, paragraph 54 of the submitted report.

    6.       That the new government grant for Universal Infant Free School Meals to schools in accordance with the grant’s conditions is allocated as set out in Annex1, paragraph 9 of the submitted report.


    Reasons for Decisions:


    This report is presented to comply with the agreed policy of providing a monthly budget monitoring report to Cabinet for approval and action as necessary.


    [The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee]



    The Leader of the Council introduced the budget monitoring report for month eight of 2014/15, the period up to 30 November and stated that the forecast revenue position was an under spend of -£2.7m at year end. He clarified that the need to fund planned commitments that would continue beyond 2014/15 resulted in the underlying position being -£1.2m under spent which was an improvement on October’s forecast outturn of -£0.5m under spent.  He noted that this followed improvements of nearly £3m over the previous two months.


    He highlighted the Council’s four key drivers as being; keeping additional call on the council tax payer to a minimum, continuously driving the efficiency agenda, developing a funding strategy to reduce the Council’s reliance on council tax and government grant income and continuing to maximise investment in Surrey.


    Other Cabinet Members were invited to highlight the key points and issues from their portfolios, as set out in the Annex to the report.


    1.     That the Council forecasts an improved revenue position for 2014/15 of of -£2.7m underspend, up from -£0.5m at 31 October 2014. This position includes the need to fund planned commitments that will continue beyond 2014/15, bringing the underlying position down to -£1.2m underspend.  As set out in Annex1, paragraph 2 of the submitted report.

    2.     That services’ forecast achieving an improved position on efficiencies and service reductions by year end of £70.0m as set out in Annex1, paragraph 64 of the submitted report.

    3.     That the Council forecasts investing £203m through its capital programme in 2014/15 as set out in Annex1, paragraph 68 of the submitted.

    4.     That services management actions to mitigate overspends as set out throughout Annex1 of the submitted report.

    5.     That the Bellwin grant compensating the council for costs it incurred responding to the flooding in the winter of 2013/14 and which it funded from general balances to the Budget Equalisation Reserve to support future year’s budgets  is transferred as set out in Annex1, paragraph 54 of the submitted report.

    6.     That the new government grant for Universal Infant Free School Meals to schools in accordance with the grant’s conditions is allocated as set out in Annex1, paragraph 9 of the submitted report.


    Reasons for Decisions:


    This report is presented to comply with the agreed policy of providing a monthly budget monitoring report to Cabinet for approval and action as necessary.


Health and Social Care Integration pdf icon PDF 113 KB

    Collaboration and joined up working has been at the heart of work between health and social care in Surrey since Surrey’s Health and Wellbeing Board was established in 2012.


    The County Council and health partners are working jointly to achieve better outcomes and high quality co-ordinated care for Surrey residents through greater integration and alignment of health and social care services.


    Having grown and developed over time, the move towards integrated services has become a fundamental part of the way the Council and its partners develop and deliver services. This report acknowledges the significant acceleration for the integration of health and social care. It asks the Cabinet to consider fully the implications of the strategic direction and to endorse it.


    [The decisions on this item can be called in by the Adult Social Care Select Committee]


    Additional documents:


    1.     That the strategic direction towards further integration for health and social care services be noted;

    2.     That the specific work on health and social care integration and implications in Surrey be noted; and

    3.     That where specific proposals for the integration of health and social care involve significant change (e.g. pooling budgets or changes to governance structures), these will be presented to the Cabinet for approval.

    Reasons for Decisions:


    There is a move towards integrated services becoming a fundamental part of the way the Council and its partners develop and deliver services. Given the significant acceleration towards the integration of health and social care, this report provides the Cabinet with the opportunity to ensure the Council’s stated policy reflects the current status and future direction for children’s and adults’ social care.


    Pursuing opportunities for further integration will help to ensure the County Council meets its statutory duties, set out in both the Care Act 2014 and the Health and Social Care Act 2012, for encouraging and promoting the integration of health and social care.


    [The decisions on this item can be called in the Adult Social Care Select Committee]





    The Cabinet Member for Public Health and Health & Wellbeing Board introduced the report on the collaboration and joined up working between health and social care in Surrey. He informed Members that a joined up approach would enable the Council to achieve better outcomes and high quality co-ordinated care for Surrey residents and the report was a clear statement of understanding that the County Council was committed to working together with the medical community to integrate and align health and social care services.





    1.     The strategic direction towards further integration for health and social care services be noted;

    2.     The specific work on health and social care integration and implications in Surrey be noted; and

    3.     That where specific proposals for the integration of health and social care involve significant change (e.g. pooling budgets or changes to governance structures), these will be presented to the Cabinet for approval.

    Reasons for Decisions:


    There is a move towards integrated services becoming a fundamental part of the way the Council and its partners develop and deliver services. Given the significant acceleration towards the integration of health and social care, this report provides the Cabinet with the opportunity to ensure the Council’s stated policy reflects the current status and future direction for children’s and adults’ social care.


    Pursuing opportunities for further integration will help to ensure the County Council meets its statutory duties, set out in both the Care Act 2014 and the Health and Social Care Act 2012, for encouraging and promoting the integration of health and social care.





    The Health and Social Care Act 2012 placed a statutory duty on local authorities to commission a local Healthwatch service and an independent NHS complaints advocacy service from 1 April 2013. This Cabinet report seeks approval to award a single contract following a competitive tender process for the provision of a Healthwatch and NHS Complaints Advocacy Service.

    The Council is committed to engaging and involving residents in the planning, design and delivery of services – a strong local Healthwatch and Independent NHS Complaints Advocacy service in Surrey will support the achievement of this.


    [The decisions on this item can be called in by the Health Scrutiny Committee]




    Additional documents:


    That a single contract be awarded to Healthwatch Surrey Community Interest Company (CIC) for the provision of Healthwatch and Independent NHS Complaints Advocacy Service as described in the Part 2 of the submitted report, for a period of three years commencing on 1 April 2015 with the option to extend for a maximum of a further two years.


    Reasons for Decisions:


    The existing contractual arrangements for the provision of Healthwatch and Independent NHS Complaints Advocacy Service will come to an end on 31 March 2015.

    The award of a new contract from 1 April 2015 will ensure that Surrey residents continue to have a strong voice to influence and challenge how health and social care services are provided in Surrey and that the Council complies with its statutory requirements to commission a local Healthwatch and Independent NHS Complaints Advocacy service.


    [The decisions on this item can be called in by either the Health Scrutiny Committee]



    The Cabinet Member for Public Health and Health & Wellbeing Board introduced the report by stating that the Health and Social Care Act 2012 had placed a statutory duty on local authorities to commission a local Healthwatch service and an independent NHS complaints advocacy service from 1 April 2013.


    He informed Members that the report was seeking approval to award a single contract following a competitive tender process for the provision of a Healthwatch and NHS Complaints Advocacy Service and that this service was a valuable and necessary service that he was proud to commission on behalf of the residents of Surrey.




    That a single contract be awarded to Healthwatch Surrey Community Interest Company (CIC) for the provision of Healthwatch and Independent NHS Complaints Advocacy Service as described in the Part 2 of the submitted report, for a period of three years commencing on 1 April 2015 with the option to extend for a maximum of a further two years.


    Reasons for Decisions:


    The existing contractual arrangements for the provision of Healthwatch and Independent NHS Complaints Advocacy Service will come to an end on 31 March 2015.

    The award of a new contract from 1 April 2015 will ensure that Surrey residents continue to have a strong voice to influence and challenge how health and social care services are provided in Surrey and that the Council complies with its statutory requirements to commission a local Healthwatch and Independent NHS Complaints Advocacy service.


Bisley Church of England Primary School, Woking pdf icon PDF 40 KB

    To approve the Business Case for the expansion of Bisley Church of England Primary School from a 1.5 Form of Entry primary (315 places) to a 2 Form of Entry Primary (420 places) creating 105 additional primary places in the Woking area from September 2016.


    [The decisions on this item can be called in by either the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee or the Children and Education Select Committee]


    Additional documents:


    That subject to the agreement of the detailed financial information for the expansion as set out in Part 2 of the submitted report, the business case for the provision of an additional 0.5 form of entry (105 places) primary places in Woking be approved.


    Reasons for Decisions:


    The proposal supports the Authority’s statutory obligation to provide sufficient school places to meet the needs of the population in the Woking area.


    [The decisions on this item can be called in by either the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee or the Children and Education Select Committee]



    The Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning introduced the report and said that there was an unprecedented demand for school places across Surrey and that an additional 13,000 school places would be required over the next five years. She informed Members that this placed a huge pressure on the County Council for additional funding in difficult times.


    She recommended that the Cabinet approved the Business Case for the expansion of Bisley Church of England Primary School from a 1.5 Form of Entry primary (315 places) to a 2 Form of Entry Primary (420 places) creating 105 additional primary places in the Woking area from September 2016. She informed Members that a consultation had taken place in 2012 and the Council now want to proceed with the expansion to accommodate additional need.


    The Leader of the Council indicated support for this report alongside the Cabinet Member for Public Health and Health & Wellbeing who commented on the millions of pounds the Cabinet has invested in schools places over the past year.




    That subject to the agreement of the detailed financial information for the expansion as set out in Part 2 of the submitted report, the business case for the provision of an additional 0.5 form of entry (105 places) primary places in Woking be approved.


    Reasons for Decisions:


    The proposal supports the Authority’s statutory obligation to provide sufficient school places to meet the needs of the population in the Woking area.


Worplesdon Primary School, Guildford pdf icon PDF 43 KB

    To approve the Business Case for the expansion of Worplesdon Primary School from a 2 form of entry primary (420 places) to a 2 form of entry at Reception and 3 form of entry at Year 3 Primary  (540 places) creating 120 additional Key Stage 2 places in Guildford to help meet the basic need requirements in the Guildford area from September 2016.


    [The decisions on this item can be called in by either the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee or the Children and Education Select Committee]


    Additional documents:



    That subject to the agreement of the detailed financial information for the expansion as set out in Part 2 of the submitted report, the business case for the provision of an additional 1 form of entry (120 places) Key Stage 2 places in Guildford be approved.


    Reasons for Decisions:


    The proposal supports the Authority’s statutory obligation to provide sufficient school places to meet the needs of the population in the Guildford area.


    [The decisions on this item can be called in by either the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee or the Children and Education Select Committee]



    The Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning commended the Business Case for the expansion of Worplesdon Primary School from a 2 Form of Entry Primary (420 places) to a 2 Form of Entry at Reception and 3 Form of Entry at Year 3 Primary  (540 places) creating 120 additional Key Stage 2 places in Guildford to help meet the basic need requirements in the Guildford area from September 2016. She stated that birth rates have risen steadily since 2005 and this expansion was necessary to meet demand.




    That subject to the agreement of the detailed financial information for the expansion as set out in Part 2 of the submitted report, the business case for the provision of an additional 1 form of entry (120 places) Key Stage 2 places in Guildford be approved.


    Reasons for Decisions:


    The proposal supports the Authority’s statutory obligation to provide sufficient school places to meet the needs of the population in the Guildford area.


Connaught Junior School, Bagshot pdf icon PDF 39 KB

    To approve the Business Case for the expansion of Connaught Junior School from a 3 form of entry Junior (360 places) to a 4 form of entry Junior (480 places) creating 120 additional Junior places in Bagshot to help meet the basic need requirements in the Surrey Heath area from September 2015.


    [The decisions on this item can be called in by either the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee or the Children and Education Select Committee]


    Additional documents:


    That subject to the agreement of the detailed financial information for the expansion as set out in Part 2 of the submitted report, the business case for the provision of an additional 1 form of entry (120 places) Junior places in Bagshot be approved.


    Reasons for Decisions:


    The proposal supports the Authority’s statutory obligation to provide sufficient school places to meet the needs of the population in the Surrey Heath area.


    [The decisions on this item can be called in by either the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee or the Children and Education Select Committee]


    The Business Case for the expansion of Connaught Junior School from a 3 form of entry Junior (360 places) to a 4 form of entry Junior (480 places) creating 120 additional Junior places in Bagshot to help meet the basic need requirements in the Surrey Heath area from September 2015 was introduced by the Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning. The Cabinet Member for Environment and Planning informed Members that the parish council also fully supported the business case.




    That subject to the agreement of the detailed financial information for the expansion as set out in Part 2 of the submitted report, the business case for the provision of an additional 1 form of entry (120 places) Junior places in Bagshot be approved.


    Reasons for Decisions:


    The proposal supports the Authority’s statutory obligation to provide sufficient school places to meet the needs of the population in the Surrey Heath area.


St Alban's Catholic Primary School, West Molesey pdf icon PDF 45 KB

    To approve the Business Case for the expansion of St Alban’s Catholic  Primary School from a 1 form of entry primary (210 places) to a 2 form of entry Primary  (420 places) creating 210 additional places in East Molesey to help meet the basic need requirements in the Elmbridge area from September 2015.


    [The decisions on this item can be called in by either the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee or the Children and Education Select Committee]


    Additional documents:


    That subject to the agreement of the detailed financial information for the expansion as set out in Part 2 of the submitted report, the business case for the provision of an additional 1 form of entry (210 places) places in East Molesey be approved.


    Reasons for Decisions:


    The proposal supports the Authority’s statutory obligation to provide sufficient school places to meet the needs of the population in the Elmbridge area.


    [The decisions on this item can be called in by either the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee or the Children and Education Select Committee]



    The Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning informed Members that the Business Case for the expansion of St Alban’s Catholic  Primary School from a 1 form of entry primary (210 places) to a 2 form of entry Primary  (420 places) to create 210 additional places in East Molesey will help meet the basic need requirements in the Elmbridge area from September 2015. She stated that this was a very popular school with a wide catchment area.


    The Leader of the Council endorsed the report and stated that the Cabinet had approved 775 additional school places at the meeting that afternoon.




    That subject to the agreement of the detailed financial nformation for the expansion as set out in Part 2 of the submitted report, the business case for the provision of an additional 1 form of entry (210 places) places in East Molesey be approved.


    Reasons for Decisions:


    The proposal supports the Authority’s statutory obligation to provide sufficient school places to meet the needs of the population in the Elmbridge area.



    • Share this item

    That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information under the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.

    Additional documents:


    RESOLVED that under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information under paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.








    This is a part 2 annex relating to item 12.


    Exempt:  Not for publication under Paragraph 3


    Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)


    [The decisions on this item can be called in by the Health Scrutiny Committee]





    That the contract for the provision of local Healthwatch and Independent NHS Complaints Advocacy Service be awarded to Healthwatch Surrey at the value in the submitted report and that the contract length is for 3 years with option to extend for up to 2 years.


    Reasons for Decisions:


    Following consultation and engagement with stakeholders, a review of the current performance of the contracts and learning from the different models that have been adopted in other parts of the country, clear synergies between the local Healthwatch and the Independent NHS Complaints Advocacy services have been established.


    As a result of this work the contract has combined the services into a single contract and a longer contract is being recommended to ensure the benefits from the service can be fully realised and a range of more detailed improvements can be made, for the benefit of Surrey residents, over the lifetime of the contracts.


    [The decisions on this item can be called in by the Health Scrutiny Committee]


    This report was the confidential annex relating to item 12 on the agenda and set out the commercial and financial details of the competitive tendering process.




    That the contract for the provision of local Healthwatch and Independent NHS Complaints Advocacy Service be awarded to Healthwatch Surrey at the value in the submitted report and that the contract length is for 3 years with option to extend for up to 2 years.


    Reasons for Decisions:


    Following consultation and engagement with stakeholders, a review of the current performance of the contracts and learning from the different models that have been adopted in other parts of the country, clear synergies between the local Healthwatch and the Independent NHS Complaints Advocacy services have been established.


    As a result of this work the contract has combined the services into a single contract and a longer contract is being recommended to ensure the benefits from the service can be fully realised and a range of more detailed improvements can be made, for the benefit of Surrey residents, over the lifetime of the contracts.



Bisley Church of England Primary School, Woking

    This is a part 2 annex relating to item 13.


    Exempt:  Not for publication under Paragraph 3


    Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)


    [The decisions on this item can be called in by either the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee or the Children and Education Select Committee]



1.         That the business case for the project to expand Bisley Church of England Primary School by 105 places be approved.


2.        That the arrangements by which a variation of up to 10% of the total value be agreed by the Strategic Director for Business Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning, the Cabinet Member for Business Services and the Leader of the Council.


Reasons for Decisions:


The proposal delivers and supports the Authority’s statutory obligation to provide sufficient school places to meet the needs of the population in the Woking area.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by either the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee or the Children and Education Select Committee]




The Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning said that this Part 2 report contained the financial and value for money implications relating to item 13.




1.         That the business case for the project to expand Bisley Church of England Primary School by 105 places be approved.


2.        That the arrangements by which a variation of up to 10% of the total value be agreed by the Strategic Director for Business Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning, the Cabinet Member for Business Services and the Leader of the Council.


Reasons for Decisions:


The proposal delivers and supports the Authority’s statutory obligation to provide sufficient school places to meet the needs of the population in the Woking area.


Worplesdon Primary School, Guildford

    This is a part 2 annex relating to item 14.


    Exempt:  Not for publication under Paragraph 3


    Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)


    [The decisions on this item can be called in by either the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee or the Children and Education Select Committee]



1.         That the business case for the project to expand Worplesdon Primary School by 120 places be approved.


2.         That the arrangements by which a variation of up to 10% of the total value be agreed by the Strategic Director for Business Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning, the Cabinet Member for Business Services and the Leader of the Council.


Reasons for Decisions:


The proposal delivers and supports the Authority’s statutory obligation to provide sufficient school places to meet the needs of the population in the Guildford area.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by either the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee or the Children and Education Select Committee]




This report was the confidential annex for item 14 which contained the financial and value for money implications.




1.         That the business case for the project to expand Worplesdon Primary School by 120 places be approved.


2.         That the arrangements by which a variation of up to 10% of the total value be agreed by the Strategic Director for Business Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning, the Cabinet Member for Business Services and the Leader of the Council.


Reasons for Decisions:


The proposal delivers and supports the Authority’s statutory obligation to provide sufficient school places to meet the needs of the population in the Guildford area.




Connaught Junior School, Bagshot

    This is a part 2 annex relating to item 15.


    Exempt:  Not for publication under Paragraph 3


    Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)


    [The decisions on this item can be called in by either the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee or the Children and Education Select Committee]



1.         That the business case for the project to expand Connaught Junior School by 120 places be approved.


2.         That the arrangements by which a variation of up to 10% of the total value be agreed by the Strategic Director for Business Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning, the Cabinet Member for Business Services and the Leader of the Council.


Reasons for Decisions:


The proposal delivers and supports the Authority’s statutory obligation to provide sufficient school places to meet the needs of the population in the Surrey Heath area.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by either the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee or the Children and Education Select Committee]



This report was the confidential annex for item 15 of this agenda which contained the financial and value for money implications.




1.         That the business case for the project to expand Connaught Junior School by 120 places be approved.


2.         That the arrangements by which a variation of up to 10% of the total value be agreed by the Strategic Director for Business Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning, the Cabinet Member for Business Services and the Leader of the Council.


Reasons for Decisions:


The proposal delivers and supports the Authority’s statutory obligation to provide sufficient school places to meet the needs of the population in the Surrey Heath area.


St Alban's Catholic Primary School, West Molesey

    This is a part 2 annex relating to item 16.


    Exempt:  Not for publication under Paragraph 3


    Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)


    [The decisions on this item can be called in by either the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee or the Children and Education Select Committee]



1.         That the business case for the project to expand St Alban’s Catholic Primary School by 210 places be agreed.


2.         That the arrangements by which a variation of up to 10% of the total value be agreed by the Strategic Director for Business Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning, the Cabinet Member for Business Services and the Leader of the Council.


Reasons for Decisions:


The proposal delivers and supports the Authority’s statutory obligation to provide sufficient school places to meet the needs of the population in the Elmbridge area.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by either the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee or the Children and Education Select Committee]




This report was the confidential annex for item 16 of this agenda.





1.         That the business case for the project to expand St Alban’s Catholic Primary School by 210 places be agreed.


2.         That the arrangements by which a variation of up to 10% of the total value be agreed by the Strategic Director for Business Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning, the Cabinet Member for Business Services and the Leader of the Council.


Reasons for Decisions:


The proposal delivers and supports the Authority’s statutory obligation to provide sufficient school places to meet the needs of the population in the Elmbridge area.



Merstham Community Hub

    The proposed Merstham Community Hub (The Hub) will be a new multi functional Surrey County Council (SCC) owned building which will house a library, youth centre, community space, and public cafe on the Triangle site in Portland Drive, Merstham.  The Hub will adjoin four new Reigate and Banstead Borough Council (RBBC) owned retail units.  Together they will form an integral part of the wider Merstham regeneration project which will be procured and delivered by Reigate & Banstead Borough Council in partnership with SCC and Raven Housing Trust Ltd (Raven). 


    Exempt:  Not for publication under Paragraph 3


    Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)


    [The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee]



    1.           That the increase in the capital expenditure allocation as set out in the submitted report be approved.

    2.           That the acquisition by SCC of the freehold interest in the Merstham Triangle site from Raven Housing Trust Ltd, as proposed in the Memorandum of Understanding between SCC, Reigate and Banstead Borough Council, and Raven Housing Trust be approved.

    3.           That, following SCC’s acquisition of the Merstham Triangle site from Raven, SCC grants a back to back lease of the area required as set out in the submitted report.

    4.           That RBBC be provided with a ‘client construction risk’ indemnity against future unforeseen risks arising from the construction of the SCC owned Community Hub element of the scheme.

    Reasons for Decisions:

    The proposal will provide a new community hub that provides local residents with excellent facilities which will enhance their lives and help to regenerate this area of the Merstham estate. This scheme will provide a well designed, sustainable, low energy community building for a wide range of users within easy reach of their homes. The proposals would distinctly enhance the quality of the facilities in the local area.

    The proposal enables the Diocese of Southwark to contractually commit to transfer the Battlebridge Lane site (once confirmed that the existing Merstham Library site can be relocated into the new Community Hub).


    [The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee]




    The proposed Merstham Community Hub (The Hub) will be a new multi functional Surrey County Council (SCC) owned building which will house a library, youth centre, community space, and public cafe on the Triangle site in Portland Drive, Merstham. 

    In December 2013 Cabinet approved the inclusion of a replacement Services for Young People youth facility within the Hub and approved a total capital allocation of £2.3m in respect of SCC’s contribution towards delivering the Community Hub.


    The submitted report contained the financial and value for money implications relating to this project.



    1.           That the increase in the capital expenditure allocation as set out in the submitted report be approved.

    2.           That the acquisition by SCC of the freehold interest in the Merstham Triangle site from Raven Housing Trust Ltd, as proposed in the Memorandum of Understanding between SCC, Reigate and Banstead Borough Council, and Raven Housing Trust be approved.

    3.           That, following SCC’s acquisition of the Merstham Triangle site from Raven, SCC grants a back to back lease of the area required as set out in the submitted report.

    4.           That RBBC be provided with a ‘client construction risk’ indemnity against future unforeseen risks arising from the construction of the SCC owned Community Hub element of the scheme.

    Reasons for Decisions:

    The proposal will provide a new community hub that provides local residents with excellent facilities which will enhance their lives and help to regenerate this area of the Merstham estate. This scheme will provide a well designed, sustainable, low energy community building for a wide range of users within easy reach of their homes. The proposals would distinctly enhance the quality of the facilities in the local area.

    The proposal enables the Diocese of Southwark to contractually commit to transfer the Battlebridge Lane site (once confirmed that the existing Merstham Library site can be relocated into the new Community Hub).



Burpham Primary School, Guildford

    This Part 2 report contains information which is exempt from Access to Information requirements by virtue of paragraph 3 – Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including commercially sensitive information to the bidding companies).


    The information contained within may not be published or circulated beyond this report and will remain sensitive until contract award in January 2015.


    Exempt:  Not for publication under Paragraph 3


    Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)


    [The decisions on this item can be called in by the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee]




1.         That the business case for additional funding, as set out in the submitted report, to complete the project to expand Burpham Primary School by 220 places be approved.


2.         That the arrangements by which a variation of up to 10% of the total value be agreed by the Strategic Director for Business Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning, the Cabinet Member for Business Services and the Leader of the Council.


Reasons for Decisions:


The proposal delivers and supports the Authority’s statutory obligation to provide sufficient school places to meet the needs of the population in the Guildford area.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by either the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee or the Children and Education Select Committee]





The submitted Part 2 report contains information which is exempt from Access to Information requirements by virtue of paragraph 3 – Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including commercially sensitive information to the bidding companies).


The Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning confirmed her support for the expansion project at Burpham Primary School.




1.         That the business case for additional funding, as set out in the submitted report, to complete the project to expand Burpham Primary School by 220 places be approved.


2.         That the arrangements by which a variation of up to 10% of the total value be agreed by the Strategic Director for Business Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning, the Cabinet Member for Business Services and the Leader of the Council.


Reasons for Decisions:


The proposal delivers and supports the Authority’s statutory obligation to provide sufficient school places to meet the needs of the population in the Guildford area.




    • Share this item

    To consider whether the item considered under Part 2 of the agenda should be made available to the Press and public.

    Additional documents:


    That non-exempt information relating to items considered in Part 2 of the meeting may be made available to the press and public, if appropriate.


    It was agreed that the items regarding the school expansion projects and the Merstham Community Hub would be publicised.