Agenda and minutes

Council - Tuesday, 23 May 2017 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2DN

Contact: Anne Gowing  020 8541 9938


No. Item



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    1.         To elect a Chairman for the Council Year 2017/18.


    2.         The Chairman to make the statutory declaration of acceptance of office.

    Additional documents:


    Prior to the start of the Council business, the outgoing Chairman asked that Members stood for a minute’s silence to remember those who had been affected by the terrible event in Manchester on the previous night.


    Under the motion of Mr Hodge, seconded by Mrs Watson, with Mr Harrison also adding a few words, it was unanimously:




    That Mr Peter James Martin be elected Chairman of the Council for the Council Year 2017/18.


    Declaration of Acceptance of Office


    Mr Martin made the statutory declaration of office and took the Chair.


    The newly elected Chairman expressed his thanks to the Members of the Council for electing him as Chairman.


    He also presented Mrs Marks with the past Chairman’s badge and her husband with the past Chairman’s consort badge.



MINUTES pdf icon PDF 184 KB

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    To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 21 March 2017.


    (Note: the Minutes, including the appendices, will be laid on the table half an hour before the start of the meeting).


    Additional documents:


    The minutes of the meeting of the County Council held on 21 March 2017 were submitted, confirmed and signed.


Election of County Councillors pdf icon PDF 251 KB

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    The Chief Executive, as County Returning Officer, formally to report the return of County Councillors at the Elections held on 4 May 2017 for each of the 81 County Electoral Divisions in the County.


    [Note: A list giving names of the County Councillors and the County Electoral Divisions for which they are elected is enclosed with this Agenda].


    Additional documents:


    The Deputy Chief Executive, formally reported the return of the County Councillors at the Elections held on 4 May 2017 for each of the 81 Divisions in the County.


    The Chairman welcomed new and returning Members to the meeting, mentioned that:

    ·         Mrs Hazel Watson was now the longest serving County Councillor having been first elected in 1993

    ·         Mr Cameron McIntosh was the youngest Member of the Council

    ·         Both Dr Andrew Povey and Mr Tim Oliver had been Members in previous Administrations and had now returned to serve again as County Councillors.




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    The Chairman to report apologies for absence.

    Additional documents:


    Apologies for absence were received from Mr T Evans, Mr Gardner, Miss Heath,

    Mr McIntosh, Mr Mallett and Mr Walsh.



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    The Chairman to report.

    Additional documents:


    The Chairman made the following announcements:


    ·         In order to participate fully in the meeting, Members were reminded to use their microphones should they wish to speak

    ·         A group photo would be taken in the Grand Hall prior to the lunch which would be served in the Ashcombe.



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    All Members present are required to declare, at this point in the meeting or as soon as possible thereafter


    (i)            Any disclosable pecuniary interests and / or

    (ii)           Other interests arising under the Code of Conduct in respect of any item(s) of business being considered at this meeting


    ·         Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest

    ·         As well as an interest of the Member, this includes any interest, of which the Member is aware, that relates to the Member’s spouse or civil partner (or any person with whom the Member is living as a spouse or civil partner)

    ·         Members with a significant personal interest may participate in the discussion and vote on that matter unless that interest could be reasonably regarded as prejudicial.

    Additional documents:


    There were none.



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    1.         To elect a Vice-Chairman for the Council Year 2017/18.


    2.         The Vice-Chairman to make the statutory declaration of acceptance of office.


    Additional documents:


    Upon the motion of Mrs Angell, seconded by Mr Townsend, it was:




    That Mr Anthony David Samuels be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Council for the Council Year 2017/18.




    Mr Samuels was invested by Mr Martin with the Vice-Chairman’s badge. He made the statutory declaration of office and expressed thanks to the Members of the Council for electing him as Vice-Chairman.



Motion of Thanks to Retiring Chairman

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    The newly elected Chairman to move a formal motion of thanks to Mrs Sally Marks, the retiring Chairman of the Council.


    Additional documents:


    Upon the motion of the newly elected Chairman, seconded by Mrs Watson, followed by speeches from the Leaders of the Conservative and Residents’ Association and Independent Groups, and Mrs Clack in support of the motion, it was unanimously:




    That the Chairman and Members of the Surrey County Council record our warm appreciation of the distinguished services given to the County and its inhabitants by Mrs Sally Marks during her tenure of office as Chairman of the Council from 19 May 2015 to 23 May 2017.


    The Chairman presented Mrs Marks with an inscribed copy of the motion.

    Mrs Marks made a farewell speech.




Election of Leader of the Council

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    To elect a Leader of the Council for a four year term, expiring on the day of the post election annual meeting which follows his / her election as Leader.


    Additional documents:


    Mr Furey, as proposer of the motion for the election of the Leader of the Council, said a few words in support of the nomination of Mr Hodge. This nomination was seconded by Mr Hall.


    Mr Harrison was also invited to speak and made reference to the Budget savings required in the forthcoming year and made a plea for the Leader to adopt a more transparent approach for any future savings proposals. He also voiced his concern over the funding for specific services such as Adult Social Care and Children’s Services.




    That Mr David Hodge be elected Leader of the Council for a four year term, expiring on the day of the post election annual meeting in 2021.




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    The Leader to make a statement, including reporting on the appointment of the Deputy Leader and Members of the Cabinet.


    There will be an opportunity for Members to ask questions.


    Additional documents:


    The Leader made a detailed statement. A copy of the statement is attached as Appendix A.


    Members raised the following topics:


    ·         There were tough times ahead and that it was the duty of the opposition Members to hold the Administration to account.

    ·         Stanwell and Stanwell Moor residents did not want the fire cover in their area reduced, or the street lights switched off.

    ·         That there was much to do to improve engagement with residents.

    ·         Specific issues relating to Farnham residents.

    ·         A reminder that all Members were Corporate Parents and had a responsibility for Children in Care.


Constitutional Amendments pdf icon PDF 159 KB

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    (a)        To agree amendments to the arrangements for Overview and Scrutiny in the County Council.


    (b)        To approve the revised version of the Financial Framework for Local Committees.

    Additional documents:


    (A) Changes to the County Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Function


    Prior to inviting any comments on the report, the Chairman drew attention to the three typos in the report on page 18, which were:


    ·           Towards the top of the page in (d), the number should be 6 not 5 select committees

    ·           Paragraph 5: the number of Members to be appointed to the Overview and Budget Scrutiny Committee should be 10 not 12

    ·           Also, paragraph 5: Children and Education Select Committee, the number of co-opted members should be 4 not 2


    After a short discussion, after which the Leader of the Council clarified the role of the Select Committee’s Chairmen’s Group and the membership of the Adults and Health Select Committee, which he believed had the right number of Councillors and co-opted Members, the recommendation was put to the vote, with one Member voting against it. There were eight abstentions.


    Therefore, it was:




    That the revised structure for overview and scrutiny in the County Council set out in paragraph four of the submitted report, and the specific committee remits as shown in the Annex, be approved.



    (B) Financial Framework for Local Committees Review


    When invited to comment on this report, ten Members spoke and made the following points:


    ·         Disappointment that there would be a reduction in the funding for Members’ Allocations.

    ·         Concern that applications for street lighting, grit bins or highway schemes including speed limit assessments could no longer be considered within this scheme. Also, that this point was listed last, at number 10.

    ·         The importance of continuing with Member Allocations, even if the funding had been reduced.

    ·         The amended financial framework for Members’ Allocations appeared to have been agreed without any consultation.

    ·         The Surrey Opposition Forum would not support the recommendation if point 10 was included.

    ·         Members had supported applications for grit bins in their divisions. These requests would never be a priority for Surrey Highways but were an important issue for local residents.

    ·         Members’ allocations were one of the few areas where County Councillors had some decisive influence.

    ·         A request for the section of ‘What cannot be considered’, especially point 10 to be reviewed.

    ·         The Audit and Governance Committee had asked that the Constitutional document relating to the Financial Framework for Local Committees be reviewed but this report only covered the financial framework for Members’ Allocations.

    ·         The £0.5m saving from reducing Members’ Allocation funding was a significant contribution towards the savings that the County Council needed to make.

    ·         The Sustainability Review Group had recommended the total withdrawal of Members’ Allocations because they considered that all Council funding should be spent strategically.

    ·         Members’ allocation funding gave Councillors the opportunity to help local groups who supported vulnerable members of society.

    ·         Members should have the freedom to spend their allocations as they wished.

    ·         That this money would only be available this funding year between 1 June – 1 December 2017 and Cabinet had agreed to reduce the Members’ Allocation funding rather than withdraw it completely.

    ·         Local committees were the right place  ...  view the full minutes text for item 37/17


Annual Review of Political Proportionality 2017/18 pdf icon PDF 148 KB

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    To agree the scheme of proportionality for 2017/18.


    [Note: to be tabled at the meeting]


    Additional documents:


    The annual review of the Scheme of Political Proportionality 2017/18 was emailed to Members and tabled at the meeting. It is attached as Appendix B to these minutes.


    RESOLVED (with no Member voting against):


    That the committee sizes and scheme of proportionality, as set out in Annex 1 of the submitted report, be adopted for 2017/18.



Appointments of Committees pdf icon PDF 229 KB

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    To appoint Members of the various Boards / Committees of the Council for the Council year 2017/18 subject to any changes of membership to be reported to the meeting by Group Leaders.


    (Note:  Proposals will be laid on the table at the meeting.)




    (1)        To appoint Members to serve on the Boards / Committees of the Council for the Council year 2017/18 in accordance with the wishes of political groups.


    (2)        To authorise the Chief Executive to make changes to the membership of any of the Council’s Boards / Committees as necessary during the Council year in accordance with the wishes of political groups.


    (3)        To appoint the County Councillors representing divisions in the Woking Borough area to serve on the Woking Joint Committee for the Council year 2017/18.


    (4)        To appoint the County Councillors representing divisions in the Spelthorne Borough area to serve on the Spelthorne Joint Committee for the Council year 2017/18.


    (5)        To appoint the remaining County Councillors for each district/borough area to serve on the appropriate Local Committee for the Council year 2017/18, and to authorise the Chief Executive to appoint an equal number of district/borough councillors to the Local Committees following nominations by the district and borough councils, which they should be requested to make politically proportional to their Membership.


    (6)        To appoint the County Council’s representative to the Surrey Police and Crime Panel for the Council year 2017/18.


    (7)        To appoint four Members (who must be Cabinet Members or County Councillors representing divisions which include the Basingstoke Canal in their area) to the Basingstoke Canal Joint Management Committee.





    Additional documents:


    The proposals for the appointment of Boards and Committees were emailed to Members and tabled at the meeting. They are attached to the minutes as Appendix C.


    The Chairman called the recommendations, on the circulated paper, individually and it was:




    1.       That the Members, as set out in Appendix C, be appointed to serve on the Boards and Committees of the Council for the Council Year 2017/18, in accordance with the wishes of political groups.


    2.       That the Chief Executive be authorised to make changes to the membership of any of the Council’s Boards / Committees as necessary during the Council Year, in accordance with the wishes of political groups, with the exception of changes to the membership of the Council Overview and Budget Scrutiny Committee, which would be referred to Council for agreement.


    3.       That the County Councillors representing divisions in the Woking borough area be appointed to serve on the Woking Joint Committee for the Council Year 2017/18.


    4.       That the County Councillors representing divisions in the Spelthorne borough area be appointed to serve on the Spelthorne Joint Committee for the Council Year 2017/18.


    5.       That the remaining County Councillors for each district/borough area be appointed to serve on the appropriate Local Committee for the Council Year 2017/18, and the Chief Executive be authorised to appoint an equal number of district/borough councillors to the Local Committees following nominations by the district and borough councils, which they should be requested to make politically proportional to their Membership.


    6.       That the Council’s representative be appointed to the Surrey Police and Crime Panel for the Council Year 2016/17.


    7.       To appoint up to two Members to the Buckinghamshire County Council and Surrey County Council Joint Trading Standards Service Committee, one of whom must be a Cabinet Member; the other in an advisory non-voting role.


    8.       That four Members (who must be Cabinet Members or County Councillors representing divisions which include the Basingstoke Canal in their area) be appointed to the Basingstoke Canal Joint Management Committee.





Election of Committee Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen pdf icon PDF 147 KB

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    To elect Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of Committees for the Council year 2017/18.


    (Note:  Proposals will be laid on the table at the meeting.)




    To elect Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of Committees of the Council for the Council year 2017/18.


    Additional documents:


    The proposals for the Board / Committee Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen were tabled at the meeting.


    Prior to calling the recommendations set out at the end of the paper, the Chairman informed Members that he had received a second nomination for the Vice- Chairman’s position for Epsom and Ewell Local Committee.


    Members of the Residents Association and Independent Group on Surrey County Council proposed Mrs Jan Mason. This nomination was proposed by Mr Kington and seconded by Mr Beckett.


    Members were requested to vote, with 54 Members voting for Mrs Tina Mountain and 18 Members voting for Mrs Jan Mason. Therefore, Mrs Tina Mountain was elected as the Vice-Chairman for Epsom and Ewell Local Committee.


    With this nomination agreed, the remaining nominations were put to the vote, and it was:




    1.       That the Members listed below be duly elected as Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen for the Committees, as shown for the Council Year 2017/18.


    2.       That the Chief Executive be authorised, in consultation with the Chairman of the Committee, to appoint the Borough’s nominated Member as Vice-Chairman of Guildford Local Committee once the co-opted Members are appointed.









    Council Overview and Budget

    Kay Hammond

    Nick Harrison

    Adults and Health

    Ken Gulati

    Sinead Mooney

    Children and Education

    Mark Brett-Warburton

    Marsha Moseley

    Environment and Infrastructure

    Bob Gardner

    Wyatt Ramsdale


    Rachael I Lake

    Saj Hussain

    Corporate Services

    Zully Grant-Duff

    Andrew Povey




    Tim Hall

    Keith Taylor




    David Harmer

    Keith Witham




    David Hodge

    John Furey




    Tim Evans

    Ben Carasco








    John O’Reilly

    Peter Szanto

    Epsom & Ewell

    John Beckett

    Tina Mountain


    Keith Taylor

    Borough to Appoint

    Mole Valley

    Tim Hall

    Chris Townsend

    Reigate & Banstead

    Jeff Harris

    Barbara Thomson


    Mary Angell

    Mark Nuti

    Surrey Heath

    Bill Chapman

    Charlotte Morley


    Lesley Steeds

    Rose Thorn


    Victoria Young

    Richard Hampson



    Spelthorne Joint Committee

    Borough to appoint

    Richard Walsh

    Woking Joint Committee

    Borough to appoint

    Liz Bowes






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    To receive the report of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 28 March and 27 April 2017and to agree one recommendation in respect of Surrey County Council’s Corporate Strategy 2017 – 2022.




    Additional documents:


    The Leader of the Council presented the report of the Cabinet meetings held on 28 March and 27 April 2017.


    Recommendations on Policy Framework Documents


    A         Surrey County Council, Corporate Strategy 2017 – 2022


    Dr Povey invited the Leader of the Council to comment on the 60 areas of new responsibilities that the Council had been given, without the proper funding to deliver.




    That the refreshed version of the Corporate Strategy 2017-2022 be approved.



    Reports for Information/ Discussion


    That the following reports were received and noted:


    ·           Surrey Heartlands Sustainability and Transformation Plan

    ·           Quarterly Report on Decisions taken under Special Urgency Arrangements  (January – March 2017)




    That the report of the meetings of the Cabinet held on 28 March and 27 April 2017 be adopted.






Minutes of the meetings of the Cabinet pdf icon PDF 4 KB

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    Any matters within the minutes of the Cabinet’s meetings, and not otherwise brought to the Council’s attention in the Cabinet’s report, may be the subject of questions and statements by Members upon notice being given to the Democratic Services Lead Manager by 12 noon on Monday 22 May 2017.


    Additional documents:


    No notification had been received from Members wishing to raise a question or make a statement on any of the matters in the minutes by the deadline.