Agenda and minutes

Planning and Regulatory Committee - Wednesday, 9 November 2016 10.30 am

Venue: Ashcombe Suite, County Hall, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2DN. View directions

Contact: Angela Guest tel: 020 8541 9075  Email:


No. Item



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    To receive any apologies for absence and notices of substitutions under Standing Order 40.

    Additional documents:


    Apologies for absence were received from Richard Wilson.



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    To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on (28 September 2016).

    Additional documents:


    The Minutes were APPROVED as an accurate record of the previous meeting.



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    To receive any petitions from members of the public in accordance with Standing Order 65 (please see note 7 below).

    Additional documents:


    There were none.



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    To answer any questions received from local government electors within Surrey in accordance with Standing Order 66 (please see note 8 below).

    Additional documents:


    There were none.



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    To answer any questions received from Members of the Council in accordance with Standing Order 47.

    Additional documents:


    There were none.



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    All Members present are required to declare, at this point in the meeting or as soon as possible thereafter

    (i)            Any disclosable pecuniary interests and / or

    (ii)           Other interests arising under the Code of Conduct in respect of any item(s) of business being considered at this meeting


    ·         Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest

    ·         As well as an interest of the Member, this includes any interest, of which the Member is aware, that relates to the Member’s spouse or civil partner (or any person with whom the Member is living as a spouse or civil partner)

    ·         Members with a significant personal interest may participate in the discussion and vote on that matter unless that interest could be reasonably regarded as prejudicial.


    Additional documents:


    There were none.


MINERALS/WASTE MO/2016/0981 - Land at Bury Hill Wood, off Coldharbour Lane, Holmwood, Surrey RH5 6HN

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    This application has been deferred to the December meeting to allow all parties to reach agreement.


    Additional documents:


    The Chairman informed the Committee that the Application had been deferred to a future meeting so the item would not be considered.



    To note that this Application had been deferred by the Applicant and would return at a later date.



MINERALS/WASTE SP12/01132/SCD3 - Manor Farm, Ashford Road and land west of Queen Mary Reservoir, Laleham, Surrey pdf icon PDF 208 KB

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    This application provides details of Dust Action Plan and dust monitoring programme submitted pursuant to Condition 24(a) of planning permission reference SP2012/01132 dated 23 October 2015 for approval.


    Additional documents:



    Alan Stones, Planning Development Control Team Manager

    Nancy El-Shatoury, Principal Solicitor

    Caroline Smith, Transport Control Team Manager

    Susan Waters, Principal Planning Officer



    Denise Turner-Stewart, the Local Member, made the following points:


    1. The Local Member raised concerns over the location of dust monitoring both on and off site as receptors would need to be in the areas of most potential harm. The Local Member went on to request monitoring reports be issued every three months as a replacement for of every six months which was originally outlined in the report. Confirmation was sought on whether the data in the monitoring reports would be freely available on the Surrey County Council website.


    Key points raised during the discussion:


    1. The Principal Planning Officer introduced the item and an update sheet tabled at the meeting and attached as an appendix. It was explained that the Air Quality Consultant had recommended a Dust Monitoring Plan to monitor the dust created and set out what the risk and control measures would be. The Officer also confirmed that the potential impact of dust from the site was considered low risk and that the main issue would be nuisance dust. In response to the Local Members comments the Principal Planning Officer confirmed that three monthly monitoring would be possible and that the data would be made available on the Surrey County Council website.
    2. A Member asked for confirmation regarding changing the monitoring updates from six months to three months in which the Principal Planning Officer agreed that this would be changed. 
    3. The Committee sought clarification about the health impacts from the dust. The Planning Development Control Team Manager explained that health issues were caused by fine particulates and that dust onsite would be mainly silica dust in the air and levels are significantly diluted such that there are no health issues as far as the public or operatives are concerned.  Silica dust in the air is only a concern when working in confined spaces, so an issue for operatives. The dust from the site presented no significant risk to health.


    The resolution of the Committee was unanimous.




    1. That application MINERALS/WASTE SP12/01132/SCD3 - Manor Farm, Ashford Road and land west of Queen Mary Reservoir, Laleham, Surrey was permitted subject to conditions and reasons set out in the report.


    1. That condition 2 be amended so that quarterly monitoring reports are provided rather than six monthly.



    Actions/ further information to be provided:


    To provide monitoring reports every three months in replacement of the original six months outlined in the report and that this information be made available on the Council’s website



Application for Village Green Status - Land at The Green, Severn Drive and Rydens Road, Walton on Thames pdf icon PDF 83 KB

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    The committee is asked to consider whether or not to register the land the subject of this application as a Village Green.


    Application for Village Green status by Mick Flannigan (the Applicant) dated 31 September 2014 relating to land at The Green, Severn Drive and Rydens Road, Walton on Thames.


    Additional documents:



    Helen Gilbert, Commons Registration Officer

    Joanna Mortimer, Principal Registration Officer


    Key points raised during the discussion:


    1.    The Commons Registration Officer introduced the item and provided further clarification on legal aspects of the application. Counsel’s Opinion was sought from Mr William Webster, a Barrister who was a recognised expert in this field of law. Mr Webster found that the use of the land was ‘by right’ ie with specific permission from the landowner, rather than ‘as of right’. He found that Elmbridge Borough Council was exercising its statutory powers. Following receipt of Counsel’s opinion, the applicant submitted that the landowner was the Walton Charity (the objector) rather than EBC and as the Walton Charity is not a statutory body, this principle did not apply. The Council’s Principal Property Solicitor, Joanna Mortimer, has advised that, under the Law of Property, a leasehold interest, which Elmbridge Borough Council had, is ownership. The status of the charity was therefore irrelevant as it was not the direct landowner. Elmbridge Borough Council held the land for the specific use as a recreation ground. Thus the use of the land is ‘by right’ and not ‘as of right’.

    2.    Members discussed the application and sought clarification over the wording ‘as of right’ and ‘by right’ used in the report. A Member of the Committee expressed that they believed this was a very straight forward application and that they are happy to trust the Officers opinion provided.




    That Application for Village Green Status - Land at The Green, Severn Drive and Rydens Road, Walton on Thames be rejected.


    Actions/Further information to be provided:





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    The next meeting of the Planning & Regulatory Committee will be on 7 December 2016

    Additional documents:


    The date of the next meeting was noted.