Agenda, decisions and minutes

Tandridge Local Committee - Friday, 28 June 2013 10.15 am

Venue: Tandridge District Council Offices, Station Road East, Oxted, Surrey, RH8 0BT

Contact: Sarah Woodworth, Community Partnership and Committee Officer  Tandridge District Council Offices, Station Road East, Oxted, Surrey, RH8 0BT

No. Item



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    To receive any apologies.


    None received.



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    To approve the Minutes of the previous meeting as a correct record.


    The minutes from the previous meeting were agreed as a correct record.



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    To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests from Members in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting.



    ·        In line with the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012, declarations may relate to the interest of the member, or the member’s spouse or civil partner, or a person with whom the member is living as husband or wife, or a person with whom the member is living as if they were civil partners and the member is aware they have the interest.


    ·        Members need only disclose interests not currently listed on the Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.


    ·        Members must notify the Monitoring Officer of any interests disclosed at the meeting so they may be added to the Register.


    ·        Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest.



    None received.



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    To receive any petitions in accordance with Standing Order 68. Notice should be given in writing or by email to the Community Partnership and Committee Officer at least 14 days before the meeting. Alternatively, the petition can be submitted on-line through Surrey County Council’s e-petitions website as long as the minimum number of signatures (30) has been reached 14 days before the meeting.


    (None received at time of printing)


    None received.



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    To answer any questions from residents or businesses within the Tandridge District area in accordance with Standing Order 69. Notice should be given in writing or by email to the Community Partnership and Committee Officer by 12 noon four working days before the meeting.


    (Two received at time of printing.  One question from Cllr Simon Morrow regarding the field on Chelsham Road, Warlingham.  One question from Claire Blackwell regarding a crossing on the A25)

    Additional documents:


    Three formal public questions were received and one informal question taken at the meeting. Written responses are attached to the minutes.


    [District Councillor Simon Morrow received a written response to his question regarding the County’s intentions for the field in Chelsham Road, Warlingham. DC Morrow had no supplementary question, but noted he was delighted that the site would not become a waste site.]


    [Ms Blackwell had received a written response to her question regarding the need for a crossing on the A25 at Oxted.  Sandra Essex asked a supplementary question on behalf of the residents in attendance, regarding the dangers she encounters when crossing the road as the island is not wide enough. Members agreed that the Communications team at Surrey County Council would be contacted and a video would be made to show the difficulties residents faced when crossing the road. The Divisional Member thanked the residents for attending.]


    [Parish Council Paxton had received a written response to her question on Footpath 55 Limpsfield and had no supplementary question.]


    [The Chairman allowed one informal public question, from Mr Bristow regarding the pots holes on Amy Road, Oxted.  The Area Highways Manager advised that although the work would not be completed under Operation Horizon, work is due to be carried out on Amy Road to improve the pot holes.]




    The Local Committee (Tandridge)


    (i)         NOTED the responses to the public questions


    (ii)        AGREED that the Communications department would be asked to make a video to show the difficulties of crossing the A25 Oxted.




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    To receive any written questions from Members under Standing Order 47.  Notice should be given in writing to the Community Partnership and Committee Officer of formal questions by 12.00 noon four working days before the meeting.


    (None received at time of printing)


    One formal question had been received. A written response is attached to the minutes. Mrs Marks raised a supplementary question regarding the expectations of residents when they are asked to fill in a survey and then do not hear the outcome of the results.  Mrs Marks requested that the Parking team put together a short update for the residents in Farningham Road, Caterham.  The Area Highways Manager suggested that a meeting be arranged between himself, the Parking Manager and the Divisional Member.


    The Chairman requested the Committee’s support on a letter being sent to the Assistant Director for Economy, Transport and Planning and the Cabinet Member regarding no reference being made in the Surrey Rail Strategy about Tandridge.  In particular, the East Grinstead and Uckfield lines and the matter of commuter parking.




    The Local Committee (Tandridge)


        i).        NOTED the response of the question regarding parking on Farningham Road, Caterham.


       ii).        AGREED the Chairman would write on behalf of the Committee to the Assistant Director for Economy, Transport and Planning and the Cabinet Member regarding there being no reference to Tandridge in the Surrey Rail Strategy.




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    Surrey County Council is a statutory partner on the Tandridge Community Safety Partnership (CSP).  The Local Committee has been delegated £3,226 to support the work of the CSP in 2013-14.  The Committee is asked to agree that the Community Partnership Manager manages and authorises expenditure from the budget delegated to the Local Committee in accordance with the Local Committee’s decision, according to the Community Safety Strategy priorities.


    (Report and Annex 1 attached)


    Additional documents:


    The Local Committee (Tandridge)



    (i)                NOTED the Tandridge CSP’s priorities for 2013-14.


    (ii)                   NOMINATED MR MICHAEL SYDNEY to represent the Local Committee on the CSP in 2013-14, and MR NICK SKELLETT as deputy.


    (iii)                  AGREED that the community safety budget of £3,226 that has been delegated to the Local Committee be transferred to the CSP.


    (iv)                 AGREED that the Community Partnerships Manager manages and authorises expenditure from the budget delegated to the Local Committee in accordance with (iii) above.



    Reason for Decision


    Surrey County Council is a Responsible Authority on the CSP and has a responsibility to be represented at its meetings. Contributing delegated funding will help to ensure that the CSP has a sufficient budget to fund projects aimed at reducing crime and anti-social behaviour.



    The Community Partnership and Committee Officer presented the report.




    The Local Committee (Tandridge)



    (i)                NOTED the Tandridge CSP’s priorities for 2013-14.


    (ii)                   NOMINATED MR MICHAEL SYDNEY to represent the Local Committee on the CSP in 2013-14, and MR NICK SKELLETT as deputy.


    (iii)                  AGREED that the community safety budget of £3,226 that has been delegated to the Local Committee be transferred to the CSP.


    (iv)                 AGREED that the Community Partnerships Manager manages and authorises expenditure from the budget delegated to the Local Committee in accordance with (iii) above.



    Reason for Decision


    Surrey County Council is a Responsible Authority on the CSP and has a responsibility to be represented at its meetings. Contributing delegated funding will help to ensure that the CSP has a sufficient budget to fund projects aimed at reducing crime and anti-social behaviour.




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    The Local Committee is asked to review and agree the terms of reference and membership of the Youth Task Group for 2013-14.


    (Report and Annex 1 attached)

    Additional documents:


    The Community Partnership and Committee Officer presented the report.


    The Chairman of the Youth Task Group thanked all the members of the Youth Task Group and hoped that they would continue to be a member.


    Mr Skellett proposed amendment (i), seconded by Mrs Marks. Mr Hodge proposed amendment (ii), seconded by Mr Orrick.




    The Local Committee AGREED to AMEND the recommendations to


    i)          AGREE the Terms of Reference set out in Annex 1, subject to the alteration that the Youth Task Group Membership will contain 4 members - 2 County Councillor Members and 2 non County Councillor Members.


    ii)         AGREE the appointment of the 2 County Councillor Members to the Youth Task Group for 2013-14, and delegate the appointment of the 2 non County Members to the Head of Commissioning and Development in consultation with the Chairman of the Local Committee and Chairman of the Youth Task Group.




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    The recommendation for the of award of funding is the culmination of several months’ work by the Youth Task Group that will result in services being commissioned by the local committee in response to local need. The focus of the work will be to reduce the risk factors that are predictors of young people becoming Not in Education Employment or Training (NEET) in Tandridge.


    The Local Committee is responsible for commissioning services to prevent young people becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training within their local area.  The Youth Task Group has recently met and received presentations from a range of potential suppliers.  This papers sets out their recommendation as to who the funding should be awarded to.


    (Report attached)



    The Local Committee (Tandridge):


    i)          APPROVED the Youth Task Group recommendation to award a funding agreement for a twenty four (24) month period from 1 September 2013 to the following provider:


    Youth Support Service for 100% of the contract value (£78,000pa) to prevent young people from becoming NEET in Tandridge.     


    Reason for Decision


    The Local Committee were happy to agree the recommendation of the Youth Task Group.



    The Contract Performance Officer (Youth Work) presented the report.


    Members stated they were very happy to support the work and the recommendation of the Youth Task Group.




    The Local Committee (Tandridge):


    i)          APPROVED the Youth Task Group recommendation to award a funding agreement for a twenty four (24) month period from 1 September 2013 to the following provider:


    Youth Support Service for 100% of the contract value (£78,000pa) to prevent young people from becoming NEET in Tandridge.   


    Reason for Decision:


    The Local Committee were happy to agree the recommendation of the Youth Task Group.




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    The purpose of this report is to update the Local Committee on the progress we have made towards participation for all young people in Tandridge in post-16 education, training and employment during 2012-13.


    (Report and Annexes 1 and 2 attached)


    Additional documents:


    The Contract Performance Officer (Youth Work) presented the report.


    Members discussion – Key points


    ·         Members wished to thank the Youth Support Services team for their hard work in working with the Young People in Tandridge.  All agreed that a letter should be sent to the team on behalf of the Committee.

    ·         The Chair of the Youth Task Group also wished to thank the Officer for his work and supporting the Youth Task group.  He stressed that there needs to be joined up working amongst all of the provisions provided for Young People.





    The Local Committee (Tandridge)


    (i)    NOTED the progress Services for Young People has made during 2012/13 to increase participation for young people in Tandridge, as set out in the appendix to this report


    (ii)  AGREED the Chairman would send a letter of thanks to the Youth Support Service for the work on the Local Prevention Framework last year.




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    To receive a presentation on Dementia Friendly Surrey and the local impact in Tandridge from Adult Social Services. 


    The Senior Manager from Adult Social Care Commissioning introduced a presentation on Dementia Friendly in Tandridge.


    Members Discussion – Key Points

    ·         Members sought clarification on how the Local Committee could support the scheme.  The Officer advised that the local knowledge of Members would be helpful, advising on if there are enough groups which support the elderly such as lunch clubs in the area.  Funding would be available should there be a need for a group from the Innovation fund.

    ·         Members highlighted that the Douglas Brunton Centre and the new Well-Being centre is a wonderful resource however this can be difficult for people in the south of the District and the more rural areas to access.  The Officer advised that this was being considered and should there be a need, through working with other agencies and volunteers, satellites could be established.

    ·         Members asked if work could be carried out cross-border in order that residents could attend a centre near to their home rather than travelling to the one in the District.





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    To request approval that the Surrey County Council Footpath 140B (Godstone) Public Path Diversion Order 2012 be referred to the Secretary of State for determination and that the Council should support the order.


    (Report and Annexes 1, 2 and 3 attached)


    Additional documents:


    The Chairman introduced the item for the diversion order application for 140b (Godstone).  Four members of the public had registered to speak on the application, one objector, Mrs Margaret Duignan who raised concerns over the length of the proposed diversion from the current route and the proximity to her property. Three spoke in support of the recommendation, Mrs Marie Clowes, Mr Neil Leonard and the applicant Mr David Cronk.  The comments of support highlighted the concern of the safety of users should the path not be diverted and the privacy of the home owner.


    The Countryside Access Officer presented the report, asking the Committee to agree for Surrey County Council Footpath 140B (Godstone) Public Path Diversion Order 2012 be referred to the Secretary of State for determination.


     Members Discussion – Key Points

    ·         The Divisional Member, Mrs Windsor commented she supported the Officer recommendation and accepted the legal advice in the report.

    ·         Mr Hodge raised concern of who would pay for the cost of the diversion and the gates that would be installed.  The Officer confirmed that all costs would be met by the applicant. 

    ·         Mrs Marks asked why adjacent land owners were not included in the consultation. The Officer clarified that as their land is not directly affected, the County do not have to legally consult with them.

    ·         Mr Skellett asked if any ramblers groups had raised objections to the diversion.  The Officer advised that none had been received.




    The Local Committee (Tandridge) unanimously AGREED to the recommendation that:


        i).         The Surrey County Council Footpath 140B (Godstone) Public Path Diversion Order 2012 be referred to the Secretary of State for determination and that the Council should support the order.


    Reason for Decision:


    The Local Committee supported the Officer recommendations to refer the application to the Secretary of State for determination to satisfy the legal requirements. 



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    Operation Horizon is a new targeted investment programme for road maintenance, and has been achieved through two key actions:


    ·         Increased Funding – Cabinet has added £25m to the road maintenance budget over the next 5 years, resulting in a total £100m budget. 

    ·         Contract Savings – project will deliver 16%-20% saving on existing contract rates, enabling £16m- £20m to be re-invested in Surrey’s roads

    Combined the actions above will enable a total investment programme of nearly £120m to replace the worst 500km (10%) of Surrey roads.


    For Tandridge in particular, the new programme will result in £12m being invested in the local road network and will enable 70km of road (14% of local network) to be re-surfaced over 150 separate road schemes. 


    A further £4m will be invested in the A22 & A25 to resurface 40km of network, with Surrey stretch of the A22 and the 5km stretch between Oxted and Godstone completely rebuilt.


    This report seeks Local Committee approval for the identified roads which will be resurfaced in Tandridge under Operation Horizon.


    (Report and Annex 1 attached)


    Additional documents:


    The Local Committee (Tandridge):


    (i)    NOTED the decision made by Cabinet on the 26 March 2013 to allocate capital monies to Operation Horizon as detailed in the Medium Term Financial Plan.


    (ii)  Formally APPROVED the Operation Horizon programme for Tandridge and that the 70km of road, across the defined scheme list detailed in Annex One, is resurfaced over the investment period.

    (iii)       AGREED that Surrey Highways produce an annual report in March 2014 confirming to Local Committee programme progress and success to date.



    Reason for Decision


    The Committee felt that Operation Horizon was a positive step towards improving the roads in Tandridge which are in great need of being brought up to a good standard in both the rural and residential areas.


    The Projects and Contracts Group Manager introduced the Project Horizon report which is designed to significantly increase the work on capital maintenance and replace 10% of the road network in Surrey over 5 years.  For Tandridge this will mean a £12m investment and enable 70km of road (14% of the local network) to be resurfaced over 150 separate road schemes.  A further £4m will be invested on the A22 and A25 to resurface 40km of network.


    Members Discussion- Key Points

    ·         Mr Skellett thanked the Leadership for taking this, and asked for reassurance that pothole repair would continue.  The Officer confirmed that potholes would continue to be repaired.  There are currently 19 dedicated gangs across Surrey who are repairing 150 pot holes a day. Operation Horizon would focus on the roads which needed complete rebuilding.

    ·         Members commented that the A25 was being overused with the road works on the M25.  Could the Highways Agency contribute financially to these works?  Members agreed that a letter from the Local Committee would be sent to the Leader of the County expressing their concerns and asking that he approaches the Highways Agency to ask for money for repairs on the A25.

    ·         Clarification was sought on concerns on that some roads which are in need have not been included.  The Officer advised he would continue to work with Members to ensure the list was correct.

    ·         Mr Hodge advised that work was ongoing to ensure that where possible additional savings could be made.




    The Local Committee (Tandridge):


    (i)    NOTED the decision made by Cabinet on the 26 March 2013 to allocate capital monies to Operation Horizon as detailed in the Medium Term Financial Plan.


    (ii)   Formally APPROVED the Operation Horizon programme for Tandridge and that the 70km of road, across the defined scheme list detailed in Annex One, is resurfaced over the investment period.

    (iii)AGREED that Surrey Highways produce an annual report in March 2014 confirming to Local Committee programme progress and success to date.


    Reason for Decision


    The Committee felt that Operation Horizon was a positive step towards improving the roads in Tandridge which are in great need of being brought up to a good standard in both the rural and residential areas.



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    Requests have been received for the removal of the existing traffic calming in the following roads:

        Farleigh Road between Harrow Road and Sunnybank, Warlingham

        Harrow Road, Warlingham

        Redehall Road between Broadbridge Lane and the 20mph zone, Smallfield. 


    Consideration is also given to the request to introduce a mini-roundabout at the junction of Farleigh Road and Harrow Road, Warlingham.


    (Report and Annexes 1 and 2 Attached)

    Additional documents:


    The Local Committee (Tandridge):


    The Chairman proposed and the Divisional Member seconded the decision to:

    AGREED to AMEND recommendations (i) and (ii) to:


    AGREE to progress with the consultation to remove the traffic calming measures in Farleigh Road and a report will be brought to a future committee with the results.

    (iii)       AGREED that design of a mini-roundabout at the junction of Farleigh Road and Harrow Road be considered for funding by Local Committee when developing its 2014/15 forward programme for Integrated Transport Schemes, unless an alternative funding source can be identified to enable design to commence this financial year;

    The Local Committee AGREED to AMEND recommendation (iv) to

    AGREED to progress with the consultation into the removal of the traffic calming in Redehall Road and the findings reported to a future meeting of the Local Committee; and

    (v)        NOTED that if speeds increase following the removal of existing traffic calming, consideration will have to be given to reinstating or providing alternative measures.




    Reason for Decision


    The Committee supported the request of the Divisional Members to consult with residents over the traffic calming measures in Farleigh Road, Warlingham and Redehall Road, Smallfield.



    The Area Highways Manager presented the report.


    Public Participation


    District Councillor Simon Morrow raised concerns regarding the removal of the traffic calming measures, expressing that the pinch points and tables complemented each other as a calming measure.  A number of local residents have expressed to him that they would not want to see them removed.


    Member Discussion – key points 


    ·         The Divisional Member took into consideration the public comments requested that the Committee agree to progress to consultation and a report with the results be brought back to the Committee in the Autumn. 

    ·         Clarification was sought as to how the removal of the tables would be financed.  The Area Highways Manager advised this would be met by the Operation Horizon budget not the Local Committee’s.  However, if alternative traffic calming measures were required these would need to be funded by the Local Committee and funded from next years’ budgets.




    The Local Committee (Tandridge):


    AGREED to AMEND the recommendation (i) and (ii) to

    AGREE to progress with the consultation to remove the traffic calming measures in Farleigh Road and a report will be brought to a future committee with the results.

    (iii)    AGREED that design of a mini-roundabout at the junction of Farleigh Road and Harrow Road be considered for funding by Local Committee when developing its 2014/15 forward programme for Integrated Transport Schemes, unless an alternative funding source can be identified to enable design to commence this financial year;

    The Local Committee AGREED to AMEND recommendation (iv) to

    AGREE to progress with the consultation into the removal of the traffic calming in Redehall Road and the findings reported to a future meeting of the Local Committee; and

    (v)        NOTED that if speeds increase following the removal of existing traffic calming, consideration will have to be given to reinstating or providing alternative measures.


    Reason for Decision:


    The Committee supported the request of the Divisional Members to consult with residents over the traffic calming measures in Farleigh Road, Warlingham and Redehall Road, Smallfield.



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    To allow the Area Highways Manager to vire money between the different capital schemes to improve delivery.


    (Report Attached)


    The Local Committee (Tandridge):


    (i)         AUTHORISED that the Area Team Manager, in consultation with the Local Committee Chairman, Vice-Chairman and the local divisional Member be able to vire the capital Integrated Transport Schemes budget between the headings (improvement schemes and maintenance schemes), as required.


    Reason for Decision


    Following the proposals in Operation Horizon and the capital maintenance schemes it was felt that the virement would allow the committee to be more reactive to the needs of the highways network in Tandridge should changes be required later in the municipal year.




    The Area Highways Manager presented the report advising the Committee that following the agreement to the recommendations at the March 2013 Local Committee that he was seeking authorisation from the Committee to the recommendation to vire money, as required to offer flexibility in responding to local need.




    The Local Committee (Tandridge):


    (i)         AUTHORISED that the Area Team Manager, in consultation with the Local Committee Chairman, Vice-Chairman and the local divisional Member be able to vire the capital Integrated Transport Schemes budget between the headings (improvement schemes and maintenance schemes), as required.


    Reason for Decision:


    Following the proposals in Operation Horizon and the capital maintenance schemes it was felt that the virement would allow the committee to be more reactive to the needs of the highways network in Tandridge should changes be required later in the municipal year.





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    At the 1 March 2013 Local Committee, Members agreed a programme of revenue and capital highway works in Tandridge.  Delegated Authority was given to enable the forward programme to be progressed without the need to bring further reports to the Local Committee for decision.  This report sets out recent progress.


    (Report and Annex 1and 2 attached)


    Additional documents:


    The Local Committee (Tandridge)


    (i)    NOTED the contents of the report;


    (ii)  AGREED that the proposal to introduce one-way working at the junction of Blackberry Lane/Blackberry Road, Lingfield is not progressed at the current time; and


    (iii)   AGREED the revised ITS improvement schemes forward programme as set out in Annex 2 to this report.