Agenda, decisions and minutes

Tandridge Local Committee - Friday, 27 September 2013 10.15 am

Venue: Centenary Hall, Wheelers Lane, Smallfield, RH6 9PT

Contact: Sarah Woodworth, Community Partnership and Committee Officer  Tandridge District Council Offices, Station Road East, Oxted, Surrey, RH8 0BT

No. Item



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    To receive any apologies.


    Apologies were from Mr John Orrick, Mr David Hodge left the meeting after the first item.


    At the request of a Member Item 12 was taken first as Item 1.



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    To approve the Minutes of the previous meeting as a correct record.

    Additional documents:


    The minutes were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting.



    The Committee received correspondence from Mrs Margaret Duignan, the objector to the diversion order application concerning the wording of the minutes to Item 12. The divisional Member felt it would be appropriate, out of courtesy, to acknowledge and note Mrs Duignan's objection to the minutes of the Tandridge Local Committee meeting on the 28 June 2013.  The Committee agreed to acknowledge Mrs Duignan's objections to Item 12 and attach the correspondence to the minutes of the meeting on 27 September 2013.    The Committee’s decision of Item 12 shall remain the same.





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    To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests from Members in respect of any item to be considered at the meeting.



    ·        In line with the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012, declarations may relate to the interest of the member, or the member’s spouse or civil partner, or a person with whom the member is living as husband or wife, or a person with whom the member is living as if they were civil partners and the member is aware they have the interest.


    ·        Members need only disclose interests not currently listed on the Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.


    ·        Members must notify the Monitoring Officer of any interests disclosed at the meeting so they may be added to the Register.


    ·        Members are reminded that they must not participate in any item where they have a disclosable pecuniary interest.



    None received.



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    To receive any petitions in accordance with Standing Order 68. Notice should be given in writing or by email to the Community Partnership and Committee Officer at least 14 days before the meeting. Alternatively, the petition can be submitted on-line through Surrey County Council’s e-petitions website as long as the minimum number of signatures (30) has been reached 14 days before the meeting.


    (One petition has been received at time of printing. Marden Lodge Primary School, Caterham have submitted a petition regarding the safety of the children outside the school on Croydon Road (B2208)).


    A petition with 115 signatures was presented by Judy Morrison a Parent Governor from Marden Lodge School, Caterham regarding the safety of the children on the main road at school dropping off and collection time.  The response to the petition is attached to the minutes.


    It was suggested that the school may wish to consider a walking bus under Wapses Lodge roundabout to the park car park on the other side where parents could wait and park safely. The divisional Member Sally Marks, thanked the Head boy and girl for attending the meeting and offered to speak to parents and support the school in this matter.


    The Local Committee (Tandridge)


        i).        AGREED that the Chairman would write to the Parking Manager to ask that enforcement is carried out during school dropping off and collection times.


       ii).        AGREED that the Chairman would write to the Police to request a presence at the school gates during school drop off and collection times.



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    To answer any questions from residents or businesses within the Tandridge District area in accordance with Standing Order 69. Notice should be given in writing or by email to the Community Partnership and Committee Officer by 12 noon four working days before the meeting.


    (One question received at time of printing from Burstow Parish Council regarding the road surface of part of Redehall Road, Smallfield.)


    Two formal public questions were received. Written responses are attached to the minutes.


    The question related to Farleigh Road was taken before item 12 due to the subject matter being the same.


    [Liz Cutter asked on behalf of Burstow Parish Council for an update on the road surfacing a section of Redehall Road, Smallfield.  Following the formal written response Mrs Cutter thanked the highways team and advised she was happy with the response.]



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    To receive any written questions from Members under Standing Order 47.  Notice should be given in writing to the Community Partnership and Committee Officer of formal questions by 12.00 noon four working days before the meeting.


    (One received at time of printing from Cllr Skellett requesting an update on the progress of Grants Lane Bridge in Oxted)


    One formal written question had been received from Mr Skellett regarding an update for Grants Lane Bridge, Oxted. A written response is attached to the minutes.  Mr Skellett advised he was not happy that there was a delay on works taking place by Network Rail and asked if Holland Bridge would be completed at the same time.  The Area Highways Manager advised that the latest information that we have been provided with by Network Rail indicate that it will be.


    Mr Skellett also asked three questions informally at the meeting, the written response to the questions are attached to the minutes.


    1) When will Jackass Lane repairs be completed? Originally it was on the Horizon programme then it was down graded to surface dressing and local repair work but only one section has received surface dressing. The rest is badly in need of being repaired before it becomes impassable.

    2) Could we install clear large signs in Ray Lane before the Ray Lane / Tandridge Lane junction that warns of a low bridge at the junction of Tandridge Lane and Crowhurst Lane End.

    3) Can we include all of Tandridge Lane in the Priority 1 gritting network as it is now heavily used as a south north route.






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    On the 1 March 2013 the Local Committee agreed to target the Local Prevention resources according to officer recommendations. Now that the services being delivered are half way through the financial year, it is possible to more accurately assess the level of funding required for personalised prevention. The amount agreed is over and above what is necessary and so the funds should be moved back into the funding for Neighbourhood Prevention.


    (Report attached)



    The Local Committee (Tandridge) :


        (i)        AGREED the funding for personal prevention is reduced by £5,000 from £10,000 to £5,000


       (ii)        AGREED the surplus £5,000 be moved back into the total amount of funding available for neighbourhood prevention that the Youth Support Service holds.



    Reason for decision


    The Local Committee were happy to change the amount funding for personal prevention as there is currently an under spend and increase the neighbour prevention budget to use resources more effectively to benefit young people in Tandridge.


    The Contract Performance Officer (Youth Work) presented the report.


    Members discussion – Key points


    ·         Mr Skellett stated as Chair of the Youth Task Group he supported the recommendation.

    ·         It was asked if other Districts and Boroughs have overestimated the budget for Personal Prevention funding. It was confirmed that it is happening in other areas, as this is a new initiative; officers want to ensure that money is spent effectively throughout the service and the money is not lost at the end of the financial year.






    The Local Committee (Tandridge):


        (i)        AGREED the funding for personal prevention is reduced by £5,000 from £10,000 to £5,000


       (ii)        AGREED the surplus £5,000 be moved back into the total amount of funding available for neighbourhood prevention that the Youth Support Service holds.



    Reason for decision


    The Local Committee were happy to change the amount funding for personal prevention as there is currently an under spend and increase the neighbour prevention budget to use resources more effectively to benefit young people in Tandridge.



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    The purpose of this report is to update the Local Committee on the work of Surrey Fire and Rescue Service in Tandridge.


    (Report and Annex 1 attached)

    Additional documents:


    The Area Manager for Surrey Fire and Rescue Services presented the report.


    Members Discussion – Key points


    ·         The Area Manager highlighted that Tandridge was one of the top performing areas compared with other Districts and Boroughs.  The past year has been successful in terms of a number of initiatives such as Safe Drive, Stay Alive and thanked the schools for taking part.

    ·         Mrs Marks recommended the Safe Drive, Stay Alive scheme but felt it was a concern that as there is not a school with a sixth form in Caterham, that the young people miss out on this scheme.  Could the service work with the year 11’s at the school to ensure that the message is given to all 16-17 year olds in Tandridge.

    ·         Members were also interesting in the YES (Youth Engagement Scheme) which diverts young people away from anti-social behaviour and youth crime. There are three schemes running across Surrey, which has a low drop out rate and provides a number of positive outcomes for the young people and the services that support the scheme.

    ·         Concerns were raised regarding the availability of staff at the two fire stations in Oxted and Lingfield.  The Area Manager advised that the Public Safety Plan has reviewed this and this will address the matter of availability and provide a better service.  There is currently a pilot taking place at Cranleigh Station and the results from the pilot will indicate as to if it will be implemented in other areas.  Members asked if they could be advised of the pilot and what the outcome will be.

    ·         It was asked why the target for fatalities is 7 in Tandridge and not a target of 0.  The Area Manager said that it should be Countywide not for Tandridge.  This information would be checked and confirmed.

    ·         Mrs Windsor wished to thank the Fire and Rescue staff at the Godstone station who made her very welcome on a recent visit.





    The Local Committee (Tandridge):


        (i)        RECOGNISED the achievements of the teams within the Tandridge District and support their commitment to improve initiatives to reduce risk and make the Tandridge District safer through the delivery of the district/station plan.


      (ii)        NOTED the targets and initiatives set within the Tandridge plan for 2012/13 and support the Fire and Rescue Service in the delivery of this plan.




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    Surrey County Council Councillors receive funding to spend on local projects that help to promote social, economic or environmental well-being in the neighbourhoods and communities of Surrey. This funding is known as Members’ Allocation. For the financial year 2013/14 the County Council has allocated £12,876 revenue funding to each County Councillor and £35,000 capital funding to each Local Committee. This report provides an update on the projects that have been funded since May 2013 to date.


    (Report and Annexes 1 and 2 attached)

    Additional documents:


    During the discussion by the Committee the following point was raised:


    ·         Mr Skellett thanked all Members for contributing to the Farm Buddies project, he had spoken with the Youth Support Services Manager and it had recently started with 5 young people benefitting from the project.  Members requested a progress update from the Youth Support Services Manager which could be circulated to Members.





    The Local Committee (Tandridge)


    (i) NOTED the amounts that have been spent from the Members’ Allocation and Local Committee capital budgets, as set out in Annex 1 & Annex 2 of this report.





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    The purpose of this report is to update the Local Committee on the work of Surrey County Council Trading Standards in Tandridge.


    (Report attached)


    The Senior Trading Standards Officer presented the report.


    Members discussion – Key points


    ·         Members asked if petrol prices could be regulated so residents in rural areas did not encounter higher prices, or could pressure be applied to ensure that there is not such a variation between areas.  The Senior Trading Standards Officer advised that this would be controlled by the Office of Fair Trading.  Should the prices be advertised differently to the sale price or the product was different to that advertised then Trading Standards could take action.  


    The Local Committee (Tandridge)


    (i)    NOTED that Trading Standards reacts to any local issues specifically drawn to Surrey Trading Standards in respect of Tandridge consumer issues.        


    (ii)  NOTED that they respond to any Trading Standards and consumer issues highlighted by intelligence (INTEL) gathering and reporting; this routinely includes the Tandridge local area in any project and routine undertakings including test purchasing and sampling as appropriate.


    (iii) NOTED that Trading Standards responds to business enquiries and bespoke/chargeable requests from businesses based in the Tandridge DC focusing on Small/Medium Enterprises (SME) and national businesses. Surrey Trading Standards actively promotes membership to the Better Regulation Delivery Office Primary Authority advice scheme including Tandridge businesses. 


    (iv) NOTED the report content which is for information and not recommendation.





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    A speed limit assessment has recently been carried out in East Grinstead Road / Felcourt Road in Lingfield, following the process set out in Surrey’s Speed Management Policy.  The process identifies the preferred speed limit and compares it to the existing speed limit.  As a result of this assessment it is proposed that the existing 50mph speed limit between the 30mph terminal close to the junction with Drivers Mead and the 40mph terminal north of Blackberry Road is reduced to 30mph.  This report seeks approval for the changes to the speed limit in accordance with Surrey’s policy.


    (Report and Annexes 1 and 2 attached)


    Additional documents:


    The Local Committee (Tandridge):


    (i)    NOTED the result of the speed limit assessment undertaken.


    (ii)   AGREED that, based upon the evidence, the speed limit in East Grinstead Road / Felcourt Road, Lingfield be changed to meet the current policy.


    (iii)  AUTHORISED the advertisement of a notice in accordance with the Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which will be to implement the proposed speed limit change, revoke any existing traffic orders necessary to implement the change, and subject to no objections being upheld the order be made.


    (iv) AUTHORISED delegation of authority to the Area Team Manager in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Local Committee to resolve any objections received in connection with the proposals.



    Reason for Decision


    The Local Committee supported the request of the Divisional Member to reduce the speed limit to 40mph on East Grinstead Road/ Felcourt Road Lingfield.


    The Area Highways Manager presented the report.


    The Local Committee (Tandridge):


    (i)    NOTED the result of the speed limit assessment undertaken.


    (ii)   AGREED that, based upon the evidence, the speed limit in East Grinstead Road / Felcourt Road, Lingfield be changed to meet the current policy.


    (iii)  AUTHORISED the advertisement of a notice in accordance with the Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which will be to implement the proposed speed limit change, revoke any existing traffic orders necessary to implement the change, and subject to no objections being upheld the order be made.


    (iv) AUTHORISED delegation of authority to the Area Team Manager in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Local Committee to resolve any objections received in connection with the proposals.



    Reason for Decision


    The Local Committee supported the request of the Divisional Member to reduce the speed limit to 40mph on East Grinstead Road/ Felcourt Road Lingfield.



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    Public consultation has been carried out on the proposed removal of the traffic calming in Farleigh Road (between Harrow Road and Sunnybank) and Harrow Road, Warlingham.  The consultation also sought views on the replacement of the two existing build-outs/priority give-ways in Farleigh Road with two raised tables and the provision of a mini-roundabout at the junction of Farleigh Road and Harrow Road.


    This report presents the results of the public consultation.  The Police have made detailed objections to the proposal to remove the existing traffic calming based on their concerns that traffic speeds and collisions will increase.  The Local Committee is asked to note the results of the consultation and in particular the objections of the Police and to make a decision on how they wish to proceed.


    (Report and Annexes 1,2 and 3 attached)

    Additional documents:


    The Local Committee (Tandridge):

    (i)    NOTED the results of the public consultation as set out in this report and in particular the objection lodged by the Police; and           


    (ii)   AGREED to proceed with the removal of the traffic calming in Farleigh Road (between Harrow Road and Sunnybank) and Harrow Road as part of the carriageway works to be carried under Operation Horizon.


    (iii)  AGREED to proceed with the replacement of the existing kerb build-outs/priority give-ways in Farleigh Road with two or more raised tables, at locations to be agreed


    (iv)AGREED Officers to undertake a technical assessment of Farleigh Road to ascertain the location where raised tables should be installed as part of Operation Horizon.


    (v)  AGREED to proceed with the provision of a mini-roundabout at the junction of Farleigh Road and Harrow Road, subject to the allocation of funding; and

    (vi)AGREED the proposals are added to the Tandridge Integrated Transport Schemes forward programme for future funding.



    Reason for decision


    The Committee supported the Divisional Member request to remove the existing traffic calming however proposed that officers carried out a technical assessment to ascertain where the tables should be on the road and the number to ensure that safety is paramount. 





    The Area Highways Manager presented the report.


    Public Participation

    District Councillor Simon Morrow asked a formal written question, the written response is attached to the minutes. He thanked the Committee for the response and was pleased to hear that there would be more than two tables in Farleigh Road. 


    Mr Huber a resident from Farleigh Road spoke informally regarding the item.  He felt that the removal of the kerb build outs would cause further issues.  He stressed how difficult it was to join the road due to the traffic and asked the Committee to consider having more than 2 tables.


    Members Discussion – Key Points

    ·         The divisional Member raised concerns that currently the speed calming measures in Farleigh Road and Harrow Road do not do what they are designed for, as many larger vehicles straddle the humps and travel at the same speeds, it is essential that alternatives are considered to ensure vehicles slow down.  The divisional Member felt it was important Officers carried out a technical assessment to ascertain which location tables should be installed. 

    ·         The divisional Member also highlighted the flooding issue outside number 248 and asked officers to rectify if possible under Operation Horizon to reduce the disruption to residents.



    The Local Committee (Tandridge):

    (i)    NOTED the results of the public consultation as set out in this report and in particular the objection lodged by the Police; and           


    (ii)   AGREED to proceed with the removal of the traffic calming in Farleigh Road (between Harrow Road and Sunnybank) and Harrow Road as part of the carriageway works to be carried under Operation Horizon.


    (iii)  AGREED to proceed with the replacement of the existing kerb build-outs/priority give-ways in Farleigh Road with two or more raised tables, at locations to be agreed


    (iv)AGREED Officers to undertake a technical assessment of Farleigh Road to ascertain the location where raised tables should be installed as part of Operation Horizon.


    (v)  AGREED to proceed with the provision of a mini-roundabout at the junction of Farleigh Road and Harrow Road, subject to the allocation of funding; and

    (vi)AGREED the proposals are added to the Tandridge Integrated Transport Schemes forward programme for future funding.



    Reason for decision


    The Committee supported the Divisional Member request to remove the existing traffic calming however proposed that officers carried out a technical assessment to ascertain where the tables should be on the road and the number to ensure that safety is paramount. 






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    Public consultation has been carried out on the proposed removal of the traffic calming in Redehall Road, between Broadbridge Lane and the start of the Smallfield 20mph zone near Bridgeham Way.  The consultation also invited any other comments to be raised. 


    This report presents the results of the public consultation.  Surrey Police have made detailed objections to the proposal to remove the existing traffic calming based on their concerns that traffic speeds and collisions will increase.  The Local Committee is asked to note the results of the consultation and to make a decision on how they wish to proceed.


    Additional documents:


    The Local Committee (Tandridge):


    (i)            NOTED the results of the public consultation as set out in this report and in particular the objection lodged by the Police; and


    (ii)           AGREED to replace the existing traffic calming in Redehall Road (between Broadbridge Lane and the start of the Smallfield 20mph zone near Bridgeham Way)with alternative speed reducing measures;


    (iii)         AGREED the proposal is added to the Tandridge Integrated Transport Schemes forward programme for future funding, if possible alongside Operation Horizon.


    (iv)         AGREED to carry out further public consultation on the proposed alternative speed reducing measures and a report will be brought to a future committee with the results.


    Reason for decision


    The Committee discussed the options for Redehall Road and supported the divisional Member in replacing the existing traffic calming with alternative speed reducing measures.  The Committee amended the recommendation that the proposal would be added to the Integrated Transport Scheme forward programme and would be alongside Operation Horizon to ensure resources are used efficiently.  At the divisional Members’ request the Committee proposed and agreed that further public consultation on proposed speed reducing measures would be carried out and a report with the results of the consultation would be brought to a future committee meeting.


    The Area Highways Manager presented the report.


    Public Participation


    DC Alan Jones read out a statement regarding his concerns of the current measures in Redehall Road, highlighting that people are still speeding along the road even though speed cushions are present.


    Members Discussion – Key Points

    ·         The divisional Member thanked Councillor Jones for his comments and felt that there was no evidence for the police to object to the removal of the current traffic calming measures and an alternative measure to be considered.

    ·         The Members requested that further consultation would be required for alternative measures and a report would be discussed at a future Committee. 



    The Local Committee (Tandridge):


    (i)            NOTED the results of the public consultation as set out in this report and in particular the objection lodged by the Police; and


    (ii)           AGREED to replace the existing traffic calming in Redehall Road (between Broadbridge Lane and the start of the Smallfield 20mph zone near Bridgeham Way)with alternative speed reducing measures;


    (iii)         AGREED the proposal is added to the Tandridge Integrated Transport Schemes forward programme for future funding, if possible alongside Operation Horizon.


    (iv)         AGREED to carry out further public consultation on the proposed alternative speed reducing measures and a report will be brought to a future committee with the results.


    Reason for decision


    The Committee discussed the options for Redehall Road and supported the divisional Member in replacing the existing traffic calming with alternative speed reducing measures.  The Committee amended the recommendation that the proposal would be added to the Integrated Transport Scheme forward programme and would be alongside Operation Horizon to ensure resources are used efficiently.  At the divisional Members’ request the Committee proposed and agreed that further public consultation on proposed speed reducing measures would be carried out and a report with the results of the consultation would be brought to a future committee meeting.






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    At the 1 March 2013 Local Committee, Members agreed a programme of revenue and capital highway works in Tandridge.  Delegated Authority was given to enable the forward programme to be progressed without the need to bring further reports to the Local Committee for decision.  This report sets out recent progress.


    (Report and Annex 1 attached)

    Additional documents:


    The Area Highways Manager presented the report.


    Members Discussions – Key points

    ·         Mrs Marks asked for an update on the crossing on Harestone Valley Road.  The Area Highways Manager advised that the work is due to start in December. The school had provided funding and the legal aspect of the land gain is currently taking place.

    ·         Mr Skellett thanked the Highways Team for taking photos of a resident crossing the A25 in Oxted.

    ·         Mrs Windsor thanked the Area Highways Manager for the work on Bletchingley Road, and has been asking all residents to report pot holes through the website.

    ·         Mr Skellett commented that Operation Horizon seemed to be working well and taking less time than the estimated completion date on the signs.

    ·         The Chairman urged Members to encourage residents to report any accidents or near misses that may have happened to the police so the accident data can be more accurate and this will assist the Local Committee when allocating funding in future years.





    The Local Committee (Tandridge)


    (i)    NOTED the contents of this report;